Red rank: This is enough !
Okay, 1k hour played here, i have enough of this 3-4 red squads who just humiliate you for fun, and your fun as a killer is totaly dead, you always see the same perks again, and again and AGAIN ! Wort is, most of the time, it's not really the survivors who are good, but just the fact they are on vocal and get carried by their perks.
And you, as a killer who just want to have fun, be fair, you are here, tea bagged, click clicked, taking every DS even without actually tunneling, this survivors who dead hard right in your face, this is enough. I don't want to play a game who i am forced to anticipate every toxic things survivors do just to humiliate you.
i h.a.t.e s.q.u.a.d.s
Why ? Why do you force us, killers to play against them ? 90% of them are just toxic, ruining the mood and gamebreaking ! Even league of legends did something for this by cutting the rankeds queue for solo/duo and others. It force us to play our best killer, taking perks you don't really want, - even playing toxic without wanting it ! - but you take them because "this is going to be a nightmare if i don't take it" etc...oh, talking about perks, what's the point about having more and more in the game ?
There is 5 pages of perks ! But we are still blocked with 4 perks as a killer vs the cumulated 16 perks of the survivors, this is ALWAYS the same ones you see, the ones who ruin your games, the speed burst ones, dead hard, self care, borrow, unbreakable, hard will and finally, the infamous decisive strike.
BUUUUUUUUUT ! This is the perks of the killers who are nerfed, even the mori, while survs run nerf-free with this key and perks. Can we have a moment to talk about the HEX ? No because, this is clearly not a good risk-reward mechanic, this is just a risk-loss.
They are powerfull/fun BUT;
1- It take a very precious perk slot
2- Totems are, for a good amount, litteraly 2 meters from a gen W T F
3- Can be cleared without problem, easily, left clic and then done.
4- You lose your perks litteraly in game. Making a totem build ? cool ! - totems cleard - yay, i am nude, plus, it's just 30sec of the game.
5- Because it's certainly - too hard - to find them (lol) they are ignited AND make sound AND got luminosity.
At what moment, it's a good idea to take them ? The best is to not consider them as usual perks, put them in another category ! So, tou can take some of them without ruining your experience, the game is going to last a little longer, so you won't be tard gen rushed, and if you lose them "is okay". Just put an additional line of perks only for hex so it's going to add true added gameplay for both sides. It will force gen rushers to actually **play the game**, so, put them aside of usuals perks for god sake. This is a proposition, but do something about hex, this is - another - true problem of the game here. And the best way is to separate them from usual perks, there is no other good way to do it.
Also, i heard it is an horror game, this is true but the problem is...WHY IT IS THE KILLER WHO FEAR THE SURVIVORS ?! - at high ranks -
Because of high toxicity and squads, and you know whay squads are one of the biggest problem of balance ? THEY COMMUNICATE IN VOCAL, this is, basically the reason why at lowers ranks, you don't see many squads, but just usual solo players who actually fear the killer because the base game force the survivors to be isolated and make decisions knowing they are. Against a squad, they communicate, so there is no isolation, the basics advantages of the killer - the fear effects - are GONE, **the communication is the most powerful tools for survivors**
You HAVE to do something about this, and this is my proposition:
- Make 2 distinct trials who activate automatically, i'll explain;
- Survivors and killers launch the search game as usual, if there is no 3/4 players squads, nothing change for the both sides, it's ok.
- If there is a 3/4 squad survivors, the killer is alerted and, to rebalance the trial, obtain two more perks slots.
This is purely for balance AND fun, sure, this won't stop toxic behaviors, but, it rebalance the game by adding more fear factor for the killer who is disadvantaged against synchronized squads. For those who are going to cry "it's not fair blabla", do you even REALLY realize, as a killer, you absolutely can tell if you are against a squad or not ? The gameplay is absolutely different, more organized, more teamplay, the difficulty is too much with the little you have, plus, you are alone. The main reason why the squads can humiliate you is because of the unbalanced advantage who is the vocal communication. We can't counter this for obvious reasons, so, it is needed to balance the game and give killers more power to compensate - at least somewhat - this advantage.
Also, devs, it is obvious that the game is survivor sided, especially because you don't do anything to balance the trials against squads.
I will be also precising something, who should be obvious, but i know it's not for everybody, i am talking here about general behaviors seen at purple ranks and higher, the game is a way more balanced at lower ranks, green ranks are certainly the funnier for both sides by far, my best games with good mentality were green leveled because it's not try hard games. But what i said above is for all ranks anyway, because putting a system like this and only doing it for higher ranks will certainly incitate red ranks squads to derank. Also, the majority of the game is certainly not "top players based" so, useless to say l2p, the vast majority of players are not top players, logic, isn't it ? And anyway, i wan go R1 with my hag when i want, playing normaly and not toxic. So the question is not here.
Another ######### logic: Why the hell the end timer is slowed when end doors are open and there is a downed survivor ?! This is not logical, and it's absolutely unfair, or you choose to open the door as surv and accept the fact it's timed, or it's opened by the killer to trigger the timer to put pressure on survs, if you slow the timer for any reason, it's game breaking, survivors at this moment of the game already have the advantage, so WHY THE HELL give them MORE advantage by slowing the timer ?! Plus, it's overly used to troll the killer more than anything. The main problem of the game is, most of the actions done in the trials are killers punishing (hex perks, end timer, gen rush, loops) you know, running after a survivor for 3min because there is tons of vaults/pallets, because breaking a pallet break the bloodlust, but a survivor sliding on the same pallet can be infinite...)all of this is just unfair, not fun, and frustrating. And i didn't even talked about squads fleeing with the key, you know, it's so FUN to try tu put an endgame strategy as a killer like using bloodwarden well timed, and then poof, 1 key to flee them all ! it's one sided, and it easily explain why some killers go toxic.
The game naturally punish killers who rank up, this is a total non-sense, so, or you put a system like i said above, or, other idea, killers can unlock aditional perks slots, one more at purple rank, and a second one at red rank. But HEX needs to be completely reworked anyway. At least, it motivate us to keep our rank and tolerate to play against your heavily toxic players.
Oh also, go put a MMR different with each killer, because i don't have the same level on my hag and any others you know ? But it seems you are making it, i wonder more why it's not already in the game tho, it's logic ffs.
In conclusion +bonus;
- Rework the HEX perks, do what you want but put them out of usual perks.
- Give killers more powers against squads OR offer them perks slots with higher ranks.
- Do a true and well done Ranking per killer.
- Delete the end game timer slow.
- Nerf the key, can be used to flee for himself, not multiple survivors.
Red ranks squads can go to hell, you are the worst part of this community, and i perfectly know you are proud of it. Oh, i forgot; i will not take the defense of true toxic killers. My post is in prior a frustration and anger about obvious game balance, and the devs seems to not want to do something about it, anyway.
For my part, and right now, i go derank and go green till nothing change. At least, i will have fun, less toxic games, can play killers i just can't play high rank because i get humiliated (loosing is something, getting volountary humiliated is an other) and certainly being less insulted, it's a win-win.
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Not trying to be facetious or sarcastic, it really seems like you may want to take a break and play something different for a few weeks.
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That was quite a rant, and I'm sure what you said is heartfelt. You didn't ask for advice, but I'm going to give it anyway. Think of breaking into the Red Ranks as starting to play this game for the first time all over again. You know nothing. You are going to lose a lot. It is going to seem very unfair. It is going to feel almost exactly like it did when you were in the Potato Ranks. That is what makes it the most frustrating, because you had THOUGHT you were past that. That was a wrong assumption. To bring a little Dark Tower philosophy in here let me give you a quote that frames it well:
“Ka is a wheel; its one purpose is to turn. The spin of ka always brings us back to the same place, to face and reface our mistakes and defeats until we can learn from them. When we learn from the past, the wheel continues to move forward, towards growth and evolution. When we don’t, the wheel spins backward, and we are given another chance. If once more we squander the opportunity, the wheel continues its rotation towards devolution, or destruction.”
If you set your expectations to be starting all over again, knowing you are going to lose a lot until you find your footing, you will get triggered less. Yes, you will run into far more Bully Squads or simply well-tuned SWF in the Red Ranks. These are Players who are CHOOSING to give themselves a competitive edge that others don't. I'm sure they congratulate themselves on every victory too. Somewhere, deep inside however, they know they are frauds that didn't truly earn it. I play with my friends from time to time, but I never value anything we accomplish as much as I do when I play Solo (or when me and my friends agree that our chat cannot include anything game related while we play).
I digress. Playing against these crazy odds and learning to be good all over again is kind of a blessing in disguise. If you let go of that angst and surprise when you find that you are now in an entirely different league (and out of depth) you will just put your head down and charge. You will learn faster playing against these, and treat every game (win, lose, or draw) as a valuable experience. In fact, you will learn far more from your losses than you do your wins. The game started throwing me against Red Ranks the second I hit Green. By the time I was Purple I barely fought anyone else. Oddly enough, now that I am a Red Rank Killer, who floats between Rank 1-3 on any given day, I see more variety in the Ranks I'm pulling. I refer to it as "Taste the Rainbow." I can only assume it is more MMR testing. However, when I'm not getting that kind of crazy, I'm fighting the kinds of matches that triggered you. I win (or draw) far more of them than I lose. If I had to break it down statistically, I win about two in four and draw one. I tend to earn a pip most of the time, and safety pip if not. Only rarely do I lose one. My point here is not to brag, but to give you solace that you CAN win against these odds. I'm not Otz or Monto or Stalky Boi or any of those Superstars. I simply abided the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and kept going. Now I make them regret pulling me. Your goal shouldn't be to implode, but rather to win your games so soundly that they come and rant on this Forum.
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You know, my point here is the multiple unfairness of the game, as i said, losing is a part of every game, being humiliated too much is another.
as i said:
In conclusion +bonus;
- Rework the HEX perks, do what you want but put them out of usual perks.
- Give killers more powers against squads OR offer them perks slots with higher ranks.
- Do a true and well done Ranking per killer.
- Delete the end game timer slow.
- Nerf the key, can be used to flee for himself, not multiple survivors.
This is real issues here, globaly, devs don't take any risk modifying the game for balance/fun purpose because they love their little survivors more than their killers. If survivors are not afraid of the killer, what's the point ? it's not a question of being overpowered and destroying survivors, none of my saying goes this way.
When i say the true problem IS the fact squads communicate and it is actually game breaking because killers are too powerless against this players, it create an unfair level gap. And no, tryharding like a ######### isn't a valid answer, for the simple fact that winning rank is too easy.
My arguments are solid and valid for most of the players, i don't care about top players, their number is too small. My anger is directed on the unfairness created by the devs. The changes who can be done are easy. The game is asymetric, so, balance the game in an asymetric way.
You can't tell me the problems i pointed are not true problems. And no, red rank is just a nightmare if you don't want to always try hard or if you just want to change and play another killer.
Working on the rank system to give a rank to each killer is good, but not enough because it don't change the problem of the squads. Nor either the others problems i pointed. I am not here to talk about my gameplay, as i said, my main killer is mostly fine, it's not fine when it's toxic people, but the killer itself is strong enough to punish some of them. But the hag isn't really perk dependant because his gameplay is totaly different, having a good strategy and anticipation is the key, and this is why she have the best comeback of all killers, even if she is barely played. But that don't change the fact squads are a problem, and something need to be done to compensate the level gap it create by breaking the game.
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I find it hilarious that people like to think that all or most SWF groups are "toxic". When nearly all the groups I face at purple/red ranks have to literally tell me in post game chat that they were together.
Do sweat squads exist? Yes. Of course they do. They exist in any game. But they're few and far between.
The majority of players in DBD are casual. People who just wanna hop on and play a game, maybe with friends, sometimes.
But, you wanna know what ALL SWF squads really are? Overtly altruistic... to a fault. They never know when to leave a man behind and will often throw the whole match to save one guy. It seems to me like I'm one of the only people who takes advantage of this. More people need to.
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Run Bubba with lightborn and facecamp the very first downed survivor ( no way you can stop them from rushing gens unless u r using nurse or spirit so there is no need to leave the hook) and enjoy the salt
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There is no way to say this nicely, so I'm just going to be direct. Your points are irrelevant. Nobody ever claimed this game is fair or balanced. It is as balanced as a game like this can be at this moment and will always be adjusted SLOWLY to avoid even more unintended consequences. In short, your rant is a waste of time. The energy would be better spent focusing on yourself, i.e. what YOU can do to mitigate those things which vex you. We all play the same game and run into the same issues. Some of us abide and some do not.
You have to decide if the game is fun enough for you to continue, while making the SAFE assumption that the changes you want aren't going to happen. You are either having enough fun or you are not. If you are not, you know where the door is located. I'm not saying that to be snide. This is a reality check. Things are not going to get any more fair. They might even get worse. You can rise to that challenge and in time you will overcome all the obstacles you enumerated. I know because I did it, and I don't think I have any more natural talent than anyone else. I just have a bulldog sensibility and a naturally competitive nature. The will to do something is often far more important than the ability to do something. Does that make sense?
You have no power over the game. You have no power over the other Players. You only have power over your OWN actions. My advice is to focus your energy there.
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This game reminds me of smash brothers. The smash devs wanted to make a fun party game. Unfortunately, it attracted a ton of sweaty people that got super serious about a baby game.
Unlike DBD, smash adapted by including a lot of fun modes and unlockables. Same reason why mortal kombat has been around for so long. That series has always been a joke balance wise, but they provide other things to do other than get crushed online with a broken matchmaking system.
I don't think DBD will ever be balanced. The game is a mess. But I wonder why they haven't bothered with other modes of play?
And if we have to fight swf no matter what, why not provide at least bloodpoints bonuses to make it worth it? Maybe like a reverse bbq and chili. Get 25% per member in the group.
Anyway, don't stress too much about this dumb game. Maybe play some troll builds for a while.
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Nuh uh, sorry my lord but as i said, but you don't give a ding, i am not talking about my gameplay, but ONLY the balance of the game, talking about my gameplay IS the irrelevant point here.
The most important reason devs don't give a ding about balancing the game, and, as i said, it can be very easily done, is because there is no serious concurence on the market.
The balance of a game is one of the key to his succes, for every game. If they really care about fun, they have to do something. As my previous fellow one said; adding game modes, but bro, we are talking about DbD devs, it's way too much to ask, even if i am totaly for a double trouble match (2killers, 8survs, 10gens, a thing like this could be really fun).
My propositions are basics, simple, even if they are never going to come into the game.
Oh something also going on my mind, again against survivors, but what can i say ? They have too much rights ! Can you tell me in what world, you can have 2-4 same survs in a game ? Especially in same outfit ? Do you get it's a gameplay problem ? Like, knowing who is the obsession ?
This game is full of unfairness everywhere, and it's alwayyyyyys survivor sided, but they have the last world, because they are more numerous.
Also, a little anoying nerf who was done to pyramid head is the little aditional time/slow when canceling right click. The worst is, the hooks perks don't work when he cage, rendering basically useless some who will be so much good/fun with him.
Can we also take a moment talking about the twins, they smoothed the transition between the little creep and the killer, this IS great, but, the distance put to impeach hook camp is too big, because, you know, not everybody is an adept of hook camp and just want/need to switch faster without walking 1 kilometer.
Oh i forgot, can we also took a moment to talk about the traps of the hag who basically DON'T work ? It happen since the last big patch, sometimes, there is traps who just don't activate, you litteraly see the guy running on him, but meh, it's DbD you ding . Also, there is very annoying restrictions on traps, especially when you don't want to put them in the middle of a passage, but more close to a wall/obstacle to hide them.
But i will give a point to the reworked maps EXCEPT the game, give us back the old game map you monsters ! Crotus penn is more little (finally...) adding breakable doors is great, it give more strategy, globaly, the reworked maps are a way more balanced (less abused loops).
I wanted to ask, am i the only one who somtimes just give up a chase when it came to the killer shack ? The most horrible part is there is ALWAYS a pallet here, without an adapted killer or the clown perk, just, no, f**k the shack. It's just going to make you loose way too much time. But, to be honest, the main problem of the killer shack is the fact there is holes everywhere in the walls.
Tell me what you think about the shack, but for me, it's too strong for survs because of the wall holes. It's great only with ghost face or maybe myers, pig also, but that's all.
Ah, talking about stealth killers ! Man, i love the mechanics of ghost face and the pig !...yea, obviously there is a problem, a very obvious one. You are in fk** first person, and survs are in the 3rd person. I think i don't need to tell why it's a huge problem, especially in open maps, can you just delete coldwin from the game ? it's for the good sake of myers, ghost face and pig. /joke for the delete...but not that much.
So, jumping of my previous fellow poster, a game mode specialized for 1st person survs could be great, but i am not mad, i know it will never exist. But like playing freddy change the maps, it could be interresting, when you play ghost face and the pig, to force put the camera of the survivors more close to them.
And when i said that, i am always comming into the thing immersion is a problem.
Also, there is an annoying thing i got in mind lately, litrally, there is a good amount of perks who are cleary done for certains killers, released with them, obviously, at a point they are totally useless for a good amount of others, or necessary to be taken because it's a part of the gameplay of the killer. Take a look at the plague, the less played killer of the game, and there is obvious reasons for that, she is totaly underpowered, it's not like the hag, who is very good, but not played because his gameplay is very minded.
But the point is: playing the plague without corrupt intervention ? Bruh ! Impossible - at least very hard - ! It's so needed that it should be integrated, she is so perk dependant, and his power so bad (because pools are consumed when full, if not, should be a way better, pool healing should be a hard decision) and by saying it, i think the only fact of carefully choosing to heal or not because pools are not consummed when full is the answer to rebalance the plague, it will put an adequate pressure and give a power up well needed for the plague. I remembre some month ago when i started playing her, she was so fun, i was like "being infectious is funnier than using corrupt" and then, boom, i saw pools were all consumed because no one left, all the work of infecting people and objetcs go to the nether...
it's always like this in DbD;
1- a killer mechanic is fun !
2- *survivors noises*
3- Killer get nerfed.
For god sake, give some love to killers !
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You be you! Rage against the dying of the light. :) I never expected you to actually listen to my advice, but I felt obligated to try and help you. You have the tools and information you need now to deal with YOUR problem. Whether or not you do it is up to you. My responsibility in so far as my own ethical standard to help you is satisfied. Good luck!