Have Fun With Killer While You Can

Because we all know killers queues will go up to 2 hours after the DS nerf. I will be in that queue to play with my beloved Bliit and his fixed spine but if you are actually sane I wouldn't make plans to play killer for a few days after the update.
I suppose that's a good thing in my case, haven't been able to play survivor in a while because I always play in solo queue and getting garbage teammates after a 6 minute wait in the queue is just horrible.
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Yea I've realized at night the que times get longer and the teammate quality goes down significantly. To the point I just say screw it, not worth chancing it again.
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They'll go up temporarily, only due to the new killer. It will even out as always. 90% of survivors don't want to deal with the thinking involved in playing killer.
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i actually think it would balance out. I usually play at night where there would be too many survivors and too little killers.
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It's still a anti tunnel perk, I don't really see the difference except survivors can't dance on your face with noed
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I don’t know about you guys but since the cursed hud/animations update I’ve never been able to find a single game as killer as soon as I touched rank 4. Now, with mmr, it’s slightly better but still it’s like 10 minutes. That’s why I’m consistently playing survivor for the first time. I can’t even imagine what will happen next to the queues.
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My god, this community is so filled with drama queens...
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My killer queues are ~10 seconds in average, don't need to worry ^^
Small note, I wish they weren't... I'd rather wait a minute and get a team around my rank instead of getting thrown under the bus to give those toxic red ranks that have been waiting forever a game
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I don't see why the ques will suddenly change. dS isn't the reason people mostly play survivor. It's a mix of playing the easier, less stressful role, playing with their friends, and not getting ganged up on.
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Yeah killer if you play pretty bad you make a fool out of yourself infront of 4 (or more if ones a streamer) people i don't try to think about it to much though.
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You think that because of the DS change a significant portion of Survivors will either stop playing or switch to Killer? That is an interesting theory, and given the fact that we tend to have a surplus of Survivors over proportion of Killers, that might be a good thing. It suffices to say that I don't agree with you. I don't think the change to DS is going to send any significant number of Survivors packing; I don't even think it will change the percentage of people who take the Perk in a meaningful way. I guess we will will know in very short order which of us is right.
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Yeah, like earlier today when a rank 19 Oni pulled the ultimate mindgame on me at shack and stood in the corner where I couldn't see him and I panic vaulted through the window and no-one saw but me and him.
Definitely less awkward than getting looped as Oni for my entire power at a short-wall jungle gym.
Edit: you know, I just realise I've had an Oni-only night as both sides and didn't even realise it.
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Killers (or even survivors) should stop care that much about their image, Belive me no one care even if you play the worst/best game ever unless you are famous yourself.
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Wanna bet that there won´t be any killer queues at all?
Only a varying number of survivor queues. From 5 minutes to 20 minutes.
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Survivor makes a mistake:i made a missplay/The killer mindgamed me. Killer makes a few:OH MY GOD EZ KILLER BOT BOT BOT.
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Well good then. Because game need more killer mains. There is already so much survivors.
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Perk changes haven't affected me much.
Supposedly, queue times were terrible for Killer when Borrowed Time got changed, but my queue times only jumped up to an additional minute or 2.
Still a bit bothersome due to me being used to having queue times below 1 minute, but i'll take my chances with the update.
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I hope so. I want to play more survivor but the queue times are not worth it.
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IMO people exaggerate greatly when they say survivor takes 10+ more mins. During the day Survivor Q time is instant and killer takes 5+ mins for me. Opposite at night.
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Funny how the que times didn't go up once MoM got nerfed, but the DS nerf will definitely cause them to go up.