We Haven't Gotten A Fun To Play Killer For 6 Months

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

And even then lots of people say they don't like Blight. I personally love blight, but with Twins just being better at face camping than Hag, and Trickster being a sad boi right now. The game has basically stayed exactly the same aside from a few perks for the past 6 months.

And people wonder why DbD is starting to feel stale.


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Call me twisted but I liked Twins. It's too much work for me to use Victor as a slugbot, but the concept of marking one survivor for destruction is pretty cool. Plus, he's a nice little radar.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    The last two chapters have basically been filler chapters, until the actual Main Event happens which is the Fifth Year Anniversary where will get the next licensed killer. And if it happens to be Resident Evil, then their will be a lot of high expectations for the next killer to be good.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Twins were amazing imo. I had so much fun with them unlike blight which was terribly boring to me.

    Fun is pretty subjective, wouldn't you say.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    It's such a shame that they brought out one of the best chapters, proceeded to release a well thought-out killer with an interesting power concept but failed to execute their gameplay well. I really hope they fix Twins and Trickster, they fixed Blight, I really want to believe in them.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I have hope for Jason or Chucky. Resident Evil would be also fun but first i wanna see 2 icon killers who never added... Twins really gave me hope for Chucky.

  • It's becoming obvious that the designers are so far out of touch with the game that it's beyond redemption at this point.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Twins and Trickster are both fun to play for me. Blight is lame. PH is hit or miss. Deathslinger is pretty fun if my aim doesn't suck for the match.