I genuinely think Trickster is the new worst killer


I thought people were over reacting but I just went against a swf and this was my game. I got looped at a rock loop for 11 times because I tried using my power(this was also not even a hit they just dropped the pallet and went to the next loop) when I wasnt using my power I got a hit after 7 seconds. I broke chase cause I was moving so slowly I broke chase at a ######### rock loop. I got 2 injures with his power and 8 healthstates with my m1 as a 110 killer. Using his power actively feels like a hinderance at most loops. In the endgame chat they agreed at how awful this new killer was. I have had much easier time playing every other killer and even like trapper is a 115 and isnt so slow in his power that survivors can outrun you. Also his accuracy is awful. It is impossible to land knives from any form of a decent range since he throws them with such random horozontal recoil.


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,426

    It is impossible to land knives from any form of a decent range since he throws them with such random horozontal recoil.

    The knives have the spread of a shotgun. The problem is that a shotgun shot has multiple small projectiles, and this Killer throws one projectile at a time. If he threw multiple knives at a time then the spread of them wouldn't feel so bad.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,784

    I'd say he's the third worst from me playing only a day. He's definitely better than Trapper and Pig.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    A baby nurse with NOED can get more kills than a Trickster player from my experience and that's all I need to know.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,426
    edited March 2021

    He is slower than Pig (his 110% vs. Pig 115% speed). If you play Pig without using the crouch ever then you are at an advantage over a Trickster that is not using the knives due to the higher speed. Therefore for Trickster to be equally strong or stronger you must use the knives. But anytime you hit a Survivor with knives and don't get them to the state where they take damage, i.e. you abandon the chase to go after someone else or hit them with a regular attack after hitting them with less than the required amount of knives, you have lost time. Pig causes Survivors to lose time by putting a trap on them, which you could say is a positive time gain for Pig.

    Trickster loses time with his power. Pig gains time with her traps.

    For Trickster to be better than Pig he needs to be able to damage Survivors faster than Pig could with her regular attacks, and do it so quickly that the time he saves by injuring with the thrown knives is greater than the time it takes for the Survivors to remove the traps.

    But then you must consider that Pig has a secondary ability, the crouch, which can also be used to injure Survivors quicker than you could with regular attacks. For example sneaking up on someone working on a generator. That saves additional time over Trickster.

    I'd say it's fair to say that Trickster is definitely worse than Pig.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,784

    Trapper takes too long in general to get his traps and struggles gaining momentum with them, while Pig is an M1 killer against any relatively good survivor.

    On the other hand, Trickster can make any loop that he has small walls practically unloopable with him getting practically free hits on them.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Very few, if any, loops have small walls, those that do aren't going to have survivors flocking to them, and any half-decent survivor will just keep going to high-walled tiles where you basically don't have a power as a 4.4 killer.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand calling Pig and Trapper weak, but Trickster... He's on a whole different level.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,021

    Pig also tears through solo survivor teams that are disorganised, Trickster can't.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    So I played to games with him last night. First one they played Haddonfield key and it seemed I had to walk long distances to re-load. I don't remember having this issue with my huntress maybe I always ran out in lucky spots. Anyway first chase I kept bringing my knife up and not throwing (didn't know how lol) then threw single blades the rest of the game..... Got 1 kill and 1 on death hook. Rank 1 he level 18 with Green & yellow perks - Sloppy, No way out, tinkerer, Monitor which really screwed with them just like DS. Now the 2nd game I swapped NWO with Starstruck and it won me the game. It's like hitting a homerun after you hook someone. Now I did run Trick blades with yumi's murder reducing the survivors laceration meter. Also The first game when I didn't know I could just hold the button the single blades are accurate and I noticed no recoil. Sure you can hold the button and spray but if you aint hittin ######### ......... try tapping it and single that #########.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Pig at least can just play as an m1 killer and do better than trickster at most loops and trapper has a slow start but at least has some snowball potential

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yeah I went into several games where I would sit in front of a wall and try see if there was any form of a patter but nah it seems to be completely random.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,259
    edited March 2021

    Main three issues in my opinion

    1. 110% Killer with a power that requires a constant DOT from their power on the survivor when there are way too many LoS blockers - He has the same issue Leatherface had before rework where you needed to be directly on top of someone to utilize the power well. Thing is with Leatherface it's an instant down and with Trickster you might as well M1 someone. With the other 110% killers even without ranged attacks their power has immediate effects. With Trickster you need to keep a DOT on them (Damage over time) to do a single amount of damage with no debuffs.
    2. You must commit to a chase if you use the power because the debuff fades far too quickly
    3. Main event is honestly so underwhelming and unintuitive I don't understand why they made the changes they did. Usually they explain stuff (Well sometimes) like Hillbilly changes but I genuinely don't understand why Trickster needs to constantly just throw knives upon power activation - It would have been cooler if Main Event gave the ability to throw multiple knives out at once for the duration and it could be activated on command instead of it fading away. The power is at the mercy of the survivors making mistakes and not when it's convenient for the killer.

    Overall bad killer - I have no idea what BHVR is doing with this one. I'm sure they tried but it genuinely feels like all feedback was discarded on this one.

    Also again - Not asking for an S Tier Nurse killer - I'm asking for a killer that properly rewards skill because this is a trickshot killer who gets kited to all hell. The main ways I would adjust him is making each tick of knives fade after at least 40 seconds each and making Main Event actually good. Afterwards move from there if he needs more buffs.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    yeah from what Ive played single tapping is definetly the way to go but you go so slowly in knife form its rediculous

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Could he use a buff ? Yes we all know that. I don't know how we can say he is going to be the worst killer in the game when even if you lose he is fun as F**K. Those 2 games were the most fun I've had in this game for awhile. He laughs at them in chase, spins the bat after hits, and he can even keep survivors happy (maybe) by giving them more escapes 😂😂😂.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited March 2021

    The problem with Trickster is that you never want to use his Power. Survivors can recover Laceration while still in a chase even, so a couple of half decent loops and you've already lost progress, making using his power to cause a loss of a health state too much of a time investment.

    If you start throwing knives, but you catch up to the survivor and hit them, then all your laceration progress is lost and you would have caught up to them quicker if you'd just not bothered throwing knives in the first place.

    The only place they are a benefit is if you are out in a deadzone without obstacles or loops and the survivor is so far away that you can reliably hit them 8 times and injure them quicker than you could just catch up to them and hit them and even then they still get their speed burst putting even more distance between the two of you, or on a low wall loop where you can throw over the obstacles between you and the survivor.

    Also you never want to use Main Event. It's a detriment to you no matter when you use it because of the stuns that follow using it or cancelling it and the debuff preventing you from throwing knives right after it. It's really bad.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Ya he has add-ons for that but I feel I wouldn't have won that game without the laceration reducer. I mean it's hard to fully judge after just 2 games with low perks but against most of our levels of comp seems like certain add-on will be needed until devs LISTEN.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Fun doesnt make him strong and fun is kinda subjective. I didnt find him fun when I was aiming right at them and my knives were going off to Brazil. I like him design wise but he needs some major buffs. He also doesnt really seem fun to go against as survivor because even though he is bad he is kinda like old legion where there is no counterplay to him. Like wow oyu dodged some knives he has 50 more.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I only played 2 games with him because I was playing survivor last night. Played 5-6 games roughly and escaped in all but the first and that was just cause me and my partner were trying the breakout challenge at same time. The game, Autohaven, and Yamaoka were the maps breaking LOS behind high walls it best. Turning quickly around objects seems simple/obvious but claiming no counter play to a killer with probably going to have the highest escape rate don't sound right. Also if had issues with him to all think just about everyone does but that does not mean you can't have fun. If your not having fun with him don't use him or play. Hell I played him with practically no perks at rank 1 on haddonfield and didn't know how to use his power and still had fun. Winning aint the only way to have fun.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    Just look at the survivor achievement Close Shave to understand how bad this killer is. The achievement isn't there to reward playing well as survivor, it's to reward you for being in a match against a Trickster trying to get some use out of his power.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Another thing fun does make him strong. Fun increases pick rates. Pick rates increases devs attention to that character. Devs attention to that character = More cosmetics/buffs/nerfs. Just look at Plague for example you rarely see her, pick rate very low if not lowest devs have completely forgot she existed. Legion not the best but fun to use so higher pick rate gets changes and massive cosmetics same for others just using them for example.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited March 2021

    To me his only decent Add Ons are the one that causes Knives to ricochet, and I think at least one ricochet should be baseline. And the add on that reduces the number of Laceration stacks required by 1.

    There's no reason to use any of the others if you have these two to use instead. Maybe the Piercing Add On, but only if combined with the ricochet Add On it creates a situation where a Knife can pass through a survivor, hit the wall, ricochet, and hit the survivor again adding more Laceration.

    I love everything about the Trickster but playing him. I love his design, I love his perks, I love the "idea" of his power, I love all of his voice lines, everything.

    But if I had to sum up his main problem in as few words as possible it would be that he's Too Slow. Everything about him is too slow, and a character like this with the backstory he has just screams speed to me. Perhaps adding stacks of Laceration to someone he's in a chase with should increase his movement speed until the chase is over or he hits them. This would fit him thematically in my opinion as it would represent his increased excitement and bloodlust from the wounds he's inflicting on his victim.

    I also think instead of having Main Event, which is terrible. He should be able to spend like 20 Knives at once and "throw" them at the ground creating a trap that adds 3 Laceration when someone runs over it. The trap would persist until someone ran over it or until the Trickster reloaded at a locker.

    Also Laceration shouldn't decay, at least while still in a chase with him.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,426

    Also Laceration shouldn't decay, at least while still in a chase with him.

    Make it not decay but remove it completely when he reloads at a locker, or when healed. That way you can't cheese with him by getting lots of stacks on every Survivor and then mowing them down when they are grouped together. You could do that, but you would need really good aim to get high stacks on everyone and they would have to be injured.

    Myers and Ghost Face can do something similar by charging their power to 99%, running up to someone and then tapping it to get an instant down. A Trickster that gets you to a point where the next knife injures you when at full health can't just run up to you for an easy instant down like Myers and Ghost Face can, it will only take you to injured. And if you are injured and at high stacks then you can be healed to prevent the Killer from running up to you minutes later and sniping you for a down.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited March 2021

    No if they change Laceration to remove its decay it should absolutely stay on a Survivor if the Trickster reloads at a locker. The only thing that should remove Laceration stacks is a loss of a health state from the Trickster either from getting hit with that final knife or a melee swing.

    One of his biggest problems is that you can catch people you're throwing knives at and hit them before you get that full Laceration meter and down them with knives, making throwing knives pointless, but you feel the obligation to commit to doing that because if you stop, then the meter decays and there was no point to even starting to throw knives at them.

    If you throw some knives at someone, but the chase starts going too long you should be able to leave them to chase someone else or scare people off generators and still have that Laceration stacked.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,426

    If you throw some knives at someone, but the chase starts going too long you should be able to leave them to chase someone else or scare people off generators and still have that Laceration stacked.

    I think it's dangerous to remove the stacks only when healed.

    You could for example run Sloppy Butcher and Coulrophobia with A Nurse's Calling, slap everyone with your weapon, then stack knives on them and then mow everyone down once all Survivors are at high stacks. Even if you miss a lot with your knives it doesn't matter, you can just reload. That setup gives you a lot of time to prepare this strategy. The Survivors can't really do anything against that.

    If they dodge your knives though or you miss because your aim is bad that strategy falls apart if the stacks are removed when you reload at a locker.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Shoudlnt trapper of gotten a huge buff then since he is by far the most picked across all ranks

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    By far? PH, Wraith, Huntress, and Doc all have higher pick rates than than trapper. Hmmm wraith just got a buff, Huntress is about to get looked at, so did trapper, My exact wording was cosmetic, buffs or nerfs based on pick rates drawing there attention more. Freddy is coming based on kill rates proving they look at that too which is not a good stat. He does need nerfed tho.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Yup, he is the new worst.

    I see some people say he's still better than Clown, pig, or trapper.

    Clown ends chases much faster than trickster, or atleast forces pallets down faster.

    Pig atleast has built in slowdown.

    Trapper has huge snowball potential and can shut down every loop.

    All three killers are faster than him. Trickster is the only 110% killer than forces you into m1 chases which is one of the many problems with him.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 647

    Trickster's knives are more of a hindrance than an advantage to him. Enough said.