Trickster is just a money grab

I honestly feel like the newest chapter is just a money grab going after anime and kpop fans. While there's nothing wrong with targeting and marketing to a certain audience, is this really the best they can do? There is sooo much creativity in the anime and kpop world and they somehow come up with this garbage? Trickster is extremely slow, his knives are garbage, main event is garbage and he's essentially the worst killer in the game. ######### is going on at BHVR? Do they live in some alternate dimension where everything is the opposite and when people say they don't like something it appears to them as "yeahhh we love it this is the best thing ever woooo"? Or do they just completely lack any sort of creativity and the ability to take feedback?

I would genuinely love to know what the process and discussion is like when they create new content or go over changes that are going to be implemented into the game. Playing as Trickster is boring, playing against Trickster is boring and watching Trickster gameplay is quite possibly the cure to insomnia. There are children who can come up with more imaginative and entertaining ideas. Maybe in 2024 Trickster will become viable if this game even lasts that much longer.


  • Airless
    Airless Member Posts: 156

    It's the same case with legion. Release a garbage killer but make them look "good" so that the whales buy cosmetics. And the cycle continues.

  • DominiqV
    DominiqV Member Posts: 54

    You're right. they're banking on dumbasses who don't care about losing and just want to get bullied for 20 minutes picking him up to play him, and idiots like me who want all of the killers p3

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Don't get me wrong Trickster is kinda cool looking and I really enjoyed the trailer and all the art but everything else about him is just a straight up injustice.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891


    The art team did a great job. I don't like anime or kpop and I love the look of the killer. The idea of his power is fine, he just needs some major buffs or to be a 115% killer to make up for how ######### he is in loops/jungle gyms instead of 110%.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    It's only a money grab if you give them the money.

  • loveontherocks
    loveontherocks Member Posts: 22

    If they were just trying to make money wouldn't they release a DLC with a strong killer with great perks so that players would actually be compelled to buy it?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    No, k-pop and anime fans don't give a #########. (Why is anime even brought up?)

    The money grab is in the cosmetics which cost much more than a single DLC.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I don't know. I gave a chance to this killer to see if they solved any of his issues. I love his concept, his skins, his lore. But he's unplayable. Now I'm sure not to buy anything else. So if they wanted money, they won't have a single cent anymore until proven they can make what I've already bought worth it. I think they're going the wrong way if it's just money

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Nah. He will definitely get buffed. He is universally considered to be pretty bad by even the most entitled survivors and most optimistic killers, so I don't doubt for a second that he'll get something more within a patch or two.

    His power is scary. I don't blame the devs for being nervous about making it too powerful. But he absolutely needs something more- he's literally better played as an M1 killer than ever using his powers or his Main Event- and that's just crazy considering he is only 110% movement speed instead of 115%.

    IMO, I think they desperately need to tweak Main Event (like... if they only change one single thing about him... make it THAT) and perhaps lower the amount of knives it takes to down or injure. I hesitate to say that he needs to have his movement speed upped, but that is also a reasonable option if they didn't choose to lower the amount of knives needed for a down.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Well that's kind of the problem I don't boot up the game go into killer, select Trickster and stare at him all day, I play the game. So the way he looks doesn't matter when you can't even play him because of all his gameplay issues. The art team did a good job and that's great and then the rest of him got completely destroyed by the way he plays. They had the PTB and barely listened to any of the feedback, they released him like this so now what? Wait for update after update till something finally clicks in their heads and they make him into what he should be? That's just not acceptable when there's literally thousands of people doing their job for them and telling them what he needs.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Well yes they kind of do so you're wrong on that one and why is anime even brought up? Well because I know a couple of people who are big into anime and wanted to buy trickster because they enjoyed the trailer so much. Idk if you've seen the trailer but if you haven't go give it a look and you'll be able to answer your own mind boggling question.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    What’s wrong with a money grab? To you, this is a game. To Devs, this is a business.

    How dare they try releasing content to cater to the extremely various desires of their client base.

    Not interested? No one’s forcing anyone to buy this mate.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well it is a business, so their whole point is to make money.

    The reason he was released the way he is is probably just because they ran out of time, with the three-month release schedule. They'll change him eventually, whenever they have more spare time on their hands.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I get that you're trying to play devil's advocate and I can respect that, but the problem is that they expect consumers to just put up with half-baked content like this

    BHVR's not an indie company anymore, they should be held to a slightly higher standard

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Dude, money grab is something people are willing to buy.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    People who buy into the trailer were going to buy him anyways. That trailer came out hours after he was released and weeks after PTB. People already knew what they were getting.

    K-pop is just how people here are criticizing the chapter. The killers game play has nothing to do with the genre. Only the mentions of it in lore. It would be like BHVR is cartering to cowboys for creating Deathslinger. If the killer was top tier no one would give a ######### that he's a Korean singer. It's just an excuse to pile on more criticism towards the chapter.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    edited March 2021

    I guess we play for different reasons. I've been a red rank killer and it was boring, so I mostly play to stream to my friends. Most of my matches are just me running around yelling at survivors to come back and look at my cool outfit & my friends telling me whether or not I should let people live based on random things like what outfits they have or whether or not they appreciate whatever dumb thing I'm doing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Buffs would make him more fun for sure though.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Well here's the thing about business and making money which it's quite clear that you don't understand how it fully works obviously. People pay money for quality, well designed and tested products that work amongst many other things. People shouldn't have to pay for things that don't work or fall flat because well that's how a business goes out of business, crazy right? Paying for Trickster now in hopes that in the future he becomes more viable is what's called and investment but this isn't an investment this is a product. A product which is a killer who's not middle tier could be better could be worse but completely useless therefore making it a trash product. It's whatever though because I got my refund as well as a handful of other people I know, but unfortunately there's people on platforms or in regions that can't get a refund because of certain policies in place. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it? Okay? And then? Nobody said anything about that. The problem is businesses should be held accountable for bad products they put out but you have people like you who are convinced in their smooth brain they actually know what they're talking about and are making a valid point by saying well a businesses point is to make money 🤪

  • No doubt. Whoever designed him is probably off on their Easter break right now without a second thought. The CEO just sees the money and doesn't care about quality.

    The players that actually care about the game and spent their money are the ones left with massive disappointment and sadness.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited March 2021

    The character/lore is great. The design is ... OK, it's a little too "take Huntress & combine it with a splash of Plague for his main event" for my liking, but he's not the first killer who's a bit of a play on others and with each killer it becomes prohibitively harder to be 100% original.

    I think his only real shortcoming is his power is not nearly impactful enough to justify his slow speed. Bump up his speed and make him onpar with an M1 killer who has a few cute things he can do with knives (he'd be unique in that he's the only viable M1 killer who also has some ranged options)... or make his knives a significantly greater threat (my preferred way to fix him as I think his power has potential to be super fun, it just does not have enough impact atm).

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Yeah this is the perfect point he has a great story and a lot of potential but somewhere in the mix he got screwed up and made into a disappointment gameplay wise which sucks and there's so many people like you who have thrown their ideas out there left and right on how to make him better or at least playable but they just didn't listen.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606
    edited March 2021

    ”Don’t take this the wrong way” has a zero % success rate. With that being said, don’t take this the wrong way, but you strike me as a Karen type.

    Not sure what you’re getting at...but there’s holes EVERYWHERE in your logic.

    ”People pay for quality products that work”

    Everything is working just fine. I recommend if you find something not workin as intended, to post it in the Bug Report forum.

    He hasnt really changed since PTB, add-ons only. With that as a reference, or thousands of gameplay videos on the numerous media channels for people who dont have the option to play PTB, there’s no reason to know exactly what you were or were not paying for.

    I don’t go to the restaurant and buy a Vegan boiled egg, because I dont know ######### it is. And if I decided to try it, and didn’t like it...that’s on me, not the place providing the product.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    they should have just given the power to legion and given them a 90's anime bundle

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I would like to wait with that. I played several games vs that killer today, and while most of them had only one or two kills, i meet at least one who dominated the whole game, even though i thought it was a decent team.

    Sure, maybe the team screwed up anyways, but maybe he has a more unique playstyle than people think and they just have to learn the ropes.

    But thats basicly the same discussion that happens almost every chapter. I remember a lot of "op" killers that weren´t that op 2 weeks later when survivors had learned how to play against them.

    But if he really is too weak, he certainly deserves a buff.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    I don't understand where the initial quote came from but okay lmao. Are you reading multiple posts at once and forgetting what you're doing halfway through and mixing up your replies or something? Do you need a minute to gather your thoughts? Nothing has changed from the PTB, okay so they put him out there for feedback and essentially ignored the people who allow them to have jobs. On another note if you go to a restaurant and try something that you don't like and you say hey I tried this but I don't really like it they'll replace your meal with something you do like and not charge you for the item you didn't like lol. So with that being said it just further proves my point that you're someone who doesn't know what they're talking about but you're deluded enough to think that you're bringing up legitimate points. "You strike me as a Karen type" Okay? That's a really cool story can you tell it again? I'll happily be a Karen over someone like you who is so far gone that they're actually convinced by themselves that they're making legitimate points. I look forward to the comedy of your next smooth brain gotcha reply that I'm sure you'll struggle to come up with and after re reading it to yourself multiple times and pumping yourself up and thinking you're genius you'll think you've said something worth while. Maybe you'll just lower your self worth even further by calling me Karen again as if it's like sunlight to a vampire.

  • Loki_by_Daylight
    Loki_by_Daylight Member Posts: 6

    I wouldn't mind a cash grab if they made a well rounded character with great cosmetics who's a must have because they're just so damn fun to play as/against. Alas.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    THE PROCESSS is none of the devs seemingly play killer against real survivors. It's sad, they just want the surv mains to buy all the cosmetics and run around invincible