Hotfix better fix some stuff

So many crashes, fps drops, hitches and stutterings, HORRENDOUSLY bad killer somehow equating to legion V1 by spamming abilities, was released with an undesirable nerf of an add on in which literally the whole world and Elon Musks Mars civilization said "make ricochet basekit" and no response from devs or anybody about this entire ordeal at all.
The only good thing about this update is the new survivor.
I was gonna say wraith and blight buffs but wraith got his super lunge either bugged/shadow nerfed, and apparently his uncloaking is abysmal.
Blight is subjectively bad as many are complaining about worse collision detections when Lethal Rushing.
This chapter is literally Binding of Kin AKA The Twins update all over again.
And for what, the devs to be like "tHe sTaTs SaY tHiS lMaO" bruh I literally do psychology A-Level and I'm going to fail the research methods/statistics topics. The game will probably be more balanced if it was handed to someone of my caliber
The upcoming hotfix better set some crap straight otherwise it may become the day I baptise my PC with the uninstallation of this dumpster fire of an ass-ymetrical game.