Any weird trends you've noticed in your games lately?

All of the Oni players I've come across this past week have also been on Xbox, and only Oni players. All other Killers have been on other platforms. Weird, but at least I can give them words of encouragement when the match ends :D


  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    Yeah, I've noticed a weird trend of releasing underpowered and buggy killers lately.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Just started my long road of maining Trickster, and I've already noticed a lot of female characters throwing themselves at me. I kill them and toss them on a hook, but they never struggle, never try to do gens, just follow me around until I kill them. This has already happened several times.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649

    I've noticed people who play a certain killer that should've been buffed are consistently losing.