Tried this awful perk...

I havnt used DS in sooo long. Imo DS is pointless and isn't worth a perk slot.
Got hooked and the doctor was kind of proxying so he came back. Hit the unhooker and I had some distance. Look behind me and the doctor really wants me... I loop him and get to an awful pallet loop (Its midwhich come on..). I notice my DS is almost up do I mess up purposely so I can move to another loop.
I JUST hit my DS. I run out the room and by then, the killer is already chasing me.... I've only got enough distance to get to another room but unfortunately it's one of the only rooms with no pallets and get downed.
Was on death hook at the time so I die...
My issues with DS:
- DS is apparently an 'anti-tunnel' perk, but acc all it does it encourages them to tunnel you even more.
= Because they get DS'd they get mad and chase you. And because 5 seconds is barely anything. The killer is already on your back chasing you... The value of the perk is just too little
- Unbreakable is almost required when using DS.
= If you get slugged when DS is active... They just gain even more pressure because now someone has to get off a gen to help the downed survivor. Therefore unbreakable is needed to prevent DS from being more harmful to the team than helping.
DS before the nerf and now is still just a pointless and useless perk.
5 second stun. Of those 5 seconds you can move about 4 seconds because it takes a moment before you can move.
4s × 4m/s= 16 meters of distance
The difference between a killer and survivor movement speed is 0.6m/s for standert killers so it would take 16/0.6= 26.66 seconds before the killer can catch you. About 25 seconds if you count the lunge.
That is more then enough time to find a tile to defend yourself. Ofcourse if you run into a corner and trap yourself you're doomed but that's on you having poor map awareness and not on DS being bad.
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So you want perk so strong that even when you literally fail at everything, you still get away for free.
Maybe your issue isn't a perk but the skill you lack and the teammates who allow you to be tunnled with not enough gens done to get away.
If you don't like new "super weak DS" try running perks like Visionary and than tell us how DS does nothing and isn't worth running.
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So when you thought that DS was a bad perk before the nerf, why do you start complaining now?
And what change for ds do you want?
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decisive strike can still have a massive impact. try getting in lockers when your ds is active so they cant just leave you on the ground. i do think that the stun duration should be 6 seconds long cuz the getting off the killers shoulder animation already eats up one second which isnt enough to get away unless you just so happened to have sprint burst up