Godzilla Chapter Concept.
So hello again guys and this time I am back with another killer concept, with that killer being Godzilla.
And please note that this is only just for fun, but with that out of the way lets begin.
So lets go over some of his stats.
Godzilla will have a 32 meter terror radius.
Godzilla Will move at a 4.6/115% movement speed.
Godzilla would be a Tall killer, but only being around 6-8 feet on this equation, sounds weird to have him this small but this would have to do.
Godzilla's in-game name would be The God Of Destruction.
Ok so now lets go on to power now, with the powers name being...
Tokyo's Demise.
Every 120 seconds, you can decide whether or not you want to go into Tokyo's Demise yet.
If you choose to do so, you will be given the ability to use your Atomic Breath.
When using Atomic Breath, You will be given the ability to burn vaults and survivors.
If you burn a fault, it would respawn after 30 seconds.
When Burning a survivor however, the survivors will be inflicted with the new Burning status effect.
While in the burning status effect, the survivors will need to find the nearest totem.
If they do find a totem, they will lose the Burning Status effect.
If there are no totems on the map, some totems will respawn, while also having a chance to respawn hex totems.
Also while in Chase, the Burning effect meter does not go up.
But out of chase however, you would have to find a totem in 30 seconds.
If the survivor fails to do so, they will go into the dying state.
Tokyo's Demise last for 120 seconds, and once its last for 120 seconds then it would have a cooldown of 120 seconds.
As for a secondary ability since Godzilla lacks in mobility a bit he will be given the ability to roar.
While Roaring, Every survivor out of your terror radius will be revealed for you.
Also while Roaring, any survivors that are in your terror radius suffer from the exposed status effect for 20 seconds.
You Move at a 105% movement speed while roaring.
Roaring has a cool down of 15 seconds.
So as for weapon it would be his hands, and the animation when he hits a survivor would be him Gnarling furiously at the survivor as his hand shakes a bit.
As for his faulting animation he would fault fast, but then get stuck in the fault, so the entity would have to teleport him to the other side of the fault for him.
As for cosmetics there a plenty of options you could choose from.
As for his Mori it would have Godzilla using his tail to launch s survivor into the air, then he would use his atomic breath while the survivor is mid air to completely decimate survivors into small little bits, and after that Godzilla will Roar straight into the sky.
Oh and I forgot to mention that the Godzilla that they will be using is the Godzilla from the Heisai series.
Now as for survivor I think it should be Doctor Serizowa from the very first Godzilla film because I couldn't really find anyone else to fit the role for a survivor.
As for A map it would be Mount Fuji, because it would be cool to have a volcano map.
So ya I guess that that's all I have to Say about this concept, and I know Godzilla will never be in the game but remember this concept is just for fun, but ya that's all I have to say.
everyone ######### dies
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Nobody wants to see some baby baby godzilla, cause he's just too tall. The only way is to put dwight into a costume.
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Take my money!