Franklin's Demise + Hex: Huntress Lullaby on Legion is a decent combo

First of all, I don't mean this is meta or anything, but I've seen it fits my play style nicely... So maybe it fits yours also.

Basically, the whole point of running these 2 perks on Legion specifically, is to use them as psychological weapons.

They are not strong nor meta, but if survivors fall for them they are doomed.

My play style is being as annoying as possible and slowly but surely making them lose their minds.

I'm going to list the points that I think make this build work for me on Legion:

  • Legion by himself is a pretty annoying killer to play against because it's a mending simulator.
  • Franklin's Demise usually makes them tilt, and I combo that with hooking them in weird positions so it will be hard for them to remember where their items dropped.
  • Huntress lullaby is a pretty weak perk by itself, but combo it with Legion who has constant pressure on you, and sum it up with all the annoying stuff you are doing and sometimes It's noticeable.
  • I slug occasionally if I'm able to, to make them lose time even more and make them even more annoyed.
  • I prioritize chasing survivors with items for obvious reasons.

If you notice, my whole playstyle with legion is basically make them nervous, tilt, lose their time. This strategy of course has counter play but not everybody does it: stay calm and act using your brain.

If they stay calm I cannot capitalize on their mistakes so that's how I usually lose.

BUT, if you get to make them tilt little by little it's a snowball hard to stop.

Idk if this strategy works with other killers, but I've seen it works decently with Legion.

I hope you learned something new with this post.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I don’t think that’s scary at all. The only “scary” perks I find in DBD is probably like infectious fright, Devour Hope at 3 stacks, and maybe an Iron Maiden jumpscare.

    Annoying perks? Just the meta slowdown ones. Getting my gen popped 2-3 times in a row because my teammates can’t loop is more tilting than any minor status effects like Lullaby or having someone steal my brown toolbox with Franklins.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Use knockout third seal just to make the solo Q players want to uninstall

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    I miss the old times when hit perks like Franklin's and Sloppy used to work with Feral Frenzy. Ah, these were good times. Nowadays I don't even think of running them on Legion.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Maybe you could slap Undying on there as well? To make survivors want to break their #########.

    Oh and Surge to compliment Franklin's maybe.