All of the complaints about DS nerf shows how OP and what a Crutch it was.

It is obvious that none of these people actually used it as anti tunnel and just used it as the free invincability for 60 seconds instead.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited April 2021

    Very much agree but healing yourself disabling it because you might be safe deactivating it i don't really know.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yeah but after the long run it had of being completely OP and always one of the best survivor perks its better to be safe than sorry cause we all know if there is any leniancy in the rules someone will find a way to exploit the hell out of it and make it just as broken as before.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I'll start of by saying I'm a killer main, mainly with Clown and Demo rn.

    Most of the complaints aren't that DS was nerfed too hard, it's that due to DS being used a lot less, tunneling is a lot more common. There are many games where I've seen no obsession which I'll admit isn't what I like seeing as, although I don't tunnel, alot of killers do when given the opportunity.

    I know you'll probably say "They should equip DS and all that" but there should be a better solution than that imo, a base obsession possibly? Or something similar to such?

    There are the people who did for some reason think DS was balanced. It wasn't at all, but something does need to be done about tunneling.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yeah I do think you have like no reason to complain about there not being an obsession if you aren't bringing one but I do think a base obsession would be good for the game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Well, I think the complaints about it not punishing tunneling particularly well are valid. It's still the best anti-tunnel perk there is, it's just not all it could be now that it's not very abusable.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    So people complaining about Trickster means they made an amazing killer? People complaining about Blight's new collision means it's perfect and people are just blind? I agree with the DS nerf but "people complain about it so it's good" mindset is just rude, the people who wants overpowered stuff to win games is the minority here. Many people complain about the DS nerf because now a lot more killers are tunneling and the perk is as weak as always at preventing it, and since now a lot less people are using it Solo Queue because rougher than ever.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Swf is a must with the current state of the game unless you want someone DC when they get caught or giving up on hook immediately, solo has been a nightmare for me I've started only playing survivor when I have friends on because other people frustrate me too much with their lack of intelligence

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    ? I dont know where you are getting that from the poiint of my post is just showing that so many people are complaining about it now when it does the same thing as previous except now you cant abuse it.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Exactly, now it's worse because the many Solo Queue killers who already had a hobby of camping and tunneling are now getting a PhD on them, and the Solo Queue survivors who already couldn't run them for more than two seconds now don't bring the only perk that doubled their lifetime to those tunnelers.

    Like I said, I am very happy about the DS nerf since it being abused was a big issue, but the perk was never good at preventing tunneling and now it's even worse at it so I get where people are coming from.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Personally I think it should be buffed to not go down in chase and work twice but people who want old DS when you could abuse the ######### out of it are the reason it deserved the nerf in the first place.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Maybe give it a range requirement like bt/my so they don't heal right under the hook and atleast TRY to go for safety/stealth instead of screaming "tunneling" when they stay right there.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I still see a problem with a passive ever present obsession while I would have no problem with this change since I never bother to check cause I never use any of the big three "unfun" tactics.

    Why should killer fear the obsession when noone uses the perk anymore that made them fear it. It will become a placebo without any "medication" with a real effect.

    Survivor will probably learn to get back to ds just like killer learned that ds was not completely useless but required other tactics.

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65

    Ds nerf is just fine, everyone should stop crying about it. Remember that 65% of players are survivor mains and 80% of players wanted ds to get nerfed so why do you complain now?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    Then I am very excited to see how the survivor react to a killer with the policy not to tunnel, camp or slug (at 5 gens).

    I normally give last survivor hatch but the best thing I ever got from survivor when they stomped me were tbags. Normally they should be delighted to get a normal game from me but I don't expect much new. For example I have never in my 5 years of casual play seen a survivor give me a mercy sacrifice even with less than 4 hooks and 5 minutes.