I've had a crazy idea for a new original killer, with a power never seen before in the game

sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

I've just woken up and had this idea, out of the blue, and I ran to the forums before I forget it because it's such an interesting one.

What if we had a killer whose power was mind-controlling/possessing survivors?

Like, imagine pressing your power button, and start controlling 1 survivor, the one you chose.

To make it more interesting they can't know you are mind-controlling them until you decide to start acting.

Of course, you aren't going to "infest" their body just to press W and M1 on gens, you'll gain new abilities on the survivors you possess. You could control their movement and what they do for a limited amount of time, of course adding what I said before of gaining new abilities.

The body of the killer would have also its own M1 and ability but I prefer that the real strength of this killer comes from possessing survivors.

It would be kind of similar to the twins but instead of having a second body that is part of yours, your second body is a survivor with new abilities.

This concept would be similar to what Abathur does in Heroes of the Storm: https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/Abathur

Thoughts? I think this concept might be absolutely interesting for the game, adding a completely new mechanic to the game, mind control.

PS: This killer would be much more interesting than the previous ones we've had.
