I’m Out as Killer for the Foreseeable Future

I’ve tried. I’ve made post after post about my issues as Killer. With SWF, most killers being garbage against decent survivors, etc etc. Now it’s gotten the point where the game is almost unplayable for me. I keep getting Coldwind or shrine maps. I just got Coldwibd five times in a row. On top of that for a very long time now anytime I go in for a hit lag happens, my character freezes up, and I miss the survivor. I’m tired of the million problems with Killer. Congrats dev, you fix DS and now there’s only 999,000 more problems to go. I’m taking a break a break from killer. Probably for a long long time. Have fun with losing another killer player devs. Peace. I’ll just stick to survivor. It’s hella easier and lot less stressful.
It’s hella easier
Playing survivor is playing DbD in easy mode as I like to say.
That's why I play killer first of all, but I completely understand you, I've taken a lot of +4 months breaks from this game because it's completely survivor-sided.
And it has been like that since I started playing back in 2018 more or less, or even before.
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You know what’s funny. For awhile Killer is fun. I actually had fun as Legion for a few matches. (Sorry buddy since your profile is Legion lol) but reality hit and it went bad quick. Same with Demogorgon. Every new killer I try I like at the start then their huge shortcomings reveal themselves and I just toss them aside cause they aren’t viable against semi-decent survivors.
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A fellow 2018 player, I see. Well, balance wasn't perfect back then, but it wasn't that bad either. DBD has seen worse.
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Strangely I’ve never found killer easier than recently. Bad games as Clown or Doc are a rarity for me.
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Taa taa!
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see You later alligator!
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Since DS has been nerfed I've found the game in arguably it's most balanced state in a long time.
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The only thing that’s changed is the DS to me. It helps but that doesn’t mean the games are any easier.
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Don't feel bad, clearly from the queue times we can see you're not the only one. I feel like if they don't change Badham soon or meat plant I'll be leaving too because the maps are really getting to me. I know everygame has its good maps and bad but when DBD maps are bad they are extremely bad, to the point that I don't even want to play anymore.
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Even before the DS.
For me most matches have been a breeze since Clown got the antidote. Chases are easy mode for me now.
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Then you must be going up against potatoes. All I ever encounter is SWF and constantly get cold wind. No joke tonight I got coldwind seven times in a row.
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I'm with you bud.
Last night was trying to mop up my last killer rift challenge (3 red malicious).
Oh the fun that was had 😑 I was really struggling to be honest. I managed one emblem, with a Spirit.
So I'm at nearly level 66 of the rift. I'm doing survivor until I get to the end. Then when I get to 70, I'm hardly going to play.
I've got one eyeball-rolling challenge left on the survivor side: Risky Repairs. Yeah, that's going to be fun.
I'm just playing it straight. I honestly feel sorry for a lot of killers when they're put together with these gangs on tormenting morons.
I can't wait to be rid of all this.
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Depends on how you play survivor
Solo is a complete gamble with teammates and since you rely on them it can be quite unfun
SWF is fairly easy so long as you aren’t memeing
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I prefer Badham to Coldwind or Shrine. I don’t do well with huge maps. Badham is small and easier to patrol. I won on that map tonight easily as Demo. I admit the gen placements are kinda bad but it’s the one of the few maps that lean towards Killer.
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I was talking about SWFs because I rarely see solos, minimum I see 2 man parties.
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How do you know for sure? With cross play you can’t tell
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Even with solo as long as two of the team are decent they can carry you really far.
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Oh yes...
The magical “potato” algorithm.
I select Clown and the matchmaking filters to limit I’m matched with only “boosted red rank survivors that pass the controls over to their grandmother specifically for this one match, specifically against Clown”.
Thanks for clearing that up. I never knew I’m totally clueless and skill-less.
Look, it sucks you’re having a tough time as killer. Sorry you’re dealing with that. I know it’s not fun. But please don’t be dismissive of another player.
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If they are on my same platform steam profiles say a lot, and multiple private profiles mean that usually, they have something to hide (yes, like being at a party).
With crossplay you can't really tell, but sometimes their names give away that they are SWF. Also if they spawn in your lobby at the same time etc, or just by the way they play during the game.
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Only so much though especially if the killer is forcing the worse survivors into bad situations through slugging.
One bad link is all a killer needs to get the ball rolling
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I know how you feel sometimes if you want to play certain killers and you get certain players the game can feel like a drag its not all the time but all it takes is one game to ruin your session. I had a game with pig yesterday where I faced a few survivors as pig on wreckers yard and the survivors you dropped every pallet early and sat on gens (I broke every pallet on the map by the end of the game) in the end they gave me a 3 gen but it turned into a standoff where if I chased them because they all sat just outside the 3 gen close enough to a pallet I would lose and I eventfully just got bored and did it then titled in the chat afterwards.
For me best thing to do when you just are fed up with the M1s is to just play something broken. I remember a post where someone was complaining about killers playing like dicks after games where they didn't enjoy themselves and saying a bunch of self-righteous bull but honestly its not your job to make the game a fun experience for other by limiting yourself to certain killers and addons if you yourself are not having fun. For other people they may find it that playing another game, switching sides or watching a episode of a show may chill them out its all down to what helps you.
Killer is currently in the easiest state its ever had right now but every now and again on certain killers you have that kind of game and honestly its best to find your own solution that works for you. If you cant find anything then that's unfortunate but the issue you are having is honestly one of the biggest problems in DBD imo and I don't see it changing any time soon unless the Devs plan to raise all the weaker to a certain level, which i doubt just looking at tricksters release.
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Spawning at the same time isn’t actually a tell anymore it used to be though. As for cross play there is no way to tell besides maybe the same outfit or names
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If you load and they are already readied up that’s another tell tale sign of SWF
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I think statistically Badham is actually one of the safest maps.
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I’ve had many killers dodge my solo lobby with us all readied up. It means nothing really
Best thing to do is not worry who’s playing with who and just play the match out
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I think that is because on one hand the over the years improvement of balance (less infinite, should be non but hey; no perma Sabo anymore; no insta flashlights or self heals; and so on) and on the other thanks to the non existent skill level separation of survivors.
Red ranks are dilluted into nothingness in terms of skill partially thanks to swf boosting them past their level and the change to old ruin which managed to atleast semi filter less skilled survivor which where hit hard by being not able to constantly hit skillchecks.
Edit: And also the change to the rank reset system building stronger safety nets at certain ranks keeping the boosted player and so on above their capabilities.
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Nice blog post. See you in the game in 2 hours.
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Probably as Survivor sure.
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This is why I quit the killer mode for a while. I play survivor but it's stressful when I get lagged out or can't even vault without the mug who were behind me to start with having randomly lag infront of me and do me in 😂
I get sandbagged, camped, tunnelled and teabagged at a hook 9 times out of 10 games, in the end I just kill myself and move to the next match. Always end up saying "yep you've got yourselves a teabagger you're all screwed and good luck " have to admit I found being killer that my perks just seemed useless compared to what some rank survivors had and questioned myself half the time "am I trash or these lot ruthless AF?"
Most survivors run BT now as well, like you say only thing I've seen change is literally the DS
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SWF should receive some kind of penalty because it's frankly bullshit how busted it is with voice chat in play.
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I agree! and trixter is top tier. People just be hating.
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SWF matches are the most boing thing this game has to offer. Being camped on the hook is more entertaining.
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At least an SWF match you can play the game. Being camped literally doesn’t allow you to play
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Not really. they either rush the gens in 4 minutes if you are good or toy with you for bp and plan everything.
Boring stale and predictable with an expected outcome.
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I’ll add that there’s nothing wrong with taking a break for a while. It’s healthy. I’ve had breaks after burnout. I’d confidently guess most long term players have had breaks over the course of this games life.
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I enjoy the fact that I can at least practise my anti looping skills since the are usually pretty good
I can’t practise anything against a camper besides spamming the A button
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In a while, crocodile!
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I agree with a lot of killers here. Killer is at its easiest state ever, and I have handicapped myself with self imposed rules. And still have great success.
The longer you play, the easier it gets. I mean it is a pretty repetitious game.
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Same here kinda. Killer isn't fun anymore. Too many bad maps like Hawkins and The Game/Haddonfield that are just mentally draining to play. Last 4 killers (not including blight) have been complete trainwrecks and huge disappointments or just dull.
Chapters have nothing in store for you if you dislike the killer or survivor as we haven't had new maps in a while. And the reworks just take decent maps and make them worst with breakable walls and such.
Solo survivor is an exercise in patience and not particularly fun either.
I haven't bought the last 2 chapters and probably won't even bother with the next PTB, which is saying something as I bought every chapter day 1 since I first started. I mean, why bother? No feedback will be taken into account.
I think I might uninstall, still keep up with the forums/news incase things get better but I'm not holding my breath.
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Always do get a chuckle at killers quitting killer when it's at the easiest it's ever been.
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Guess we're opposites. 😋
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This forum is such a joke and just loves to blame everything when in reality they are just bad at the game 😂
OMG all the survivors have readied up, that’s a clear sign of SWF, no wonder I lost.... if you get carried to high ranks by caning and tunnelling, of course you will get destroyed by good players
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I read somewhere the devs never kept stats for SWF
I hear after MMR they will track SWF
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yeah ok
trickster says hi
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So the game has been the easiest it's ever been for killers but that suddenly stopped when they added Trickster?
What has trickster got to do with every other killer in the game exactly?
The point you're trying to make doesn't make any sense.
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Just had a game where i lost because of RNG even tho I had down all of them and kill one, all three got out because of someone kobe'd.
I hope they take away 4%/attempts escape because it just bad, it could hurt your team or hurt the killer considerably.
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I understand how you are feeling and it can be frustrating to go against a sweaty swf group. I'm not good at giving advice but I just try to play it out and do the best I can.
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This would make sense if you would be forced to play Trickster. You are not.
Yes, he is not a good Killer. But that does not mean that you have to play him, you can play one of the other Killers and do fine.
Killer is really the easiest it has ever been. And it will probably get even easier in the future.
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That was before the legendary ruin nerf.