Worst spawn points you have personally experienced

For me: It was the Sanctum of Wrath map. The Trickster spawned at the top of the Shrine facing me. Technically not within the minimum distance, but we were still well within view of each other. Fortunately the killer wasn’t very good and I managed to fake him out and escape, but I still couldn’t believe it happened.
I've had plenty of matches spawning in about 100 feet from the killer. Not the most fun to be downed and camped within the first 15 seconds of the game. I used to assume that the killers and survivors were deliberately set to the opposite sides of the map, which to me makes more sense.
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One end of a corridor on Midwich with Huntress on the other end. ._.
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Lol. That’s rough. Did she try to iri hatchet you from there, too?
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She charged up a hatchet but I ran and turned the corner while screaming :D
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Aww, I'd like to have experience that. Seems like he was on the stage ready to perform. He doesn't got his own map, so he had to make do.
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Corn map i spawn inside the basement with the dungeon and ruin next to the pallet. Bubba spawns just outside to my left and strolls in. I explain I had no intention of touching his chest, and prove it by carefully placing my purple medkit down. Not impressed, I now am one hooked and maybe get 300 bloodpoints.
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Spawned into a survivor game on saloon with Ash staring into my character's soul 6 inches from her face. It was super awkward.
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I remember this one time on Disturbed Ward.
During the camera-pan thing, i could see a Laurie had spawned in one of those 4 I walls sections.
Also, WAY back in DbD's early life, i spawned as Hillbilly in the Killer Shack with a Survivor.
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Mine was on an old Mcmillan map when Plague was first released. I was playing Plague and spawned outside the refinery along the wall. Game started and I took three steps and turned to the left to move around the map and found a Survivor immediately. We stared at each other for three seconds before they disconnected. (I don't necessarily blame them, but I remember legitimately thinking to myself "to early, let them go")
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I literally spawned with the killer. Can't get much worse than that.
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Never had bad spawns as survivor luckily, but once i spawned as a Killer and while the camera was still spinning i already saw 2 survivors.
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Early 2019, I spawned right next to a Doctor on Groaning Storehouse. I thought he was going to have mercy, since it was extremely unfair for me. He quickly switched to Treatment Mode and proved me wrong.
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Multiple times have started facing killer or can hear the killers heartbeat/music as the camera is spinning during loading. It's awesome when it's a facecamping killer.