My thoughts on Trickster..

I need more alcohol in order for me to even attempt playing trickster..
I'm like 15 or 20 attempts in on tryna get adept...
Pure m1 only and it's a living hell,
There is no sane way to even get it, Pure Insanity,
At least he isn’t buggy as ######### like twins were I guess?
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He do be kinda (really) bad, but I think we get it now.
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I got the Adept myself and I can't give you any advice.
You literally just need to rely on Survivors being bad and being able to tunnel people (not camp, since that'll hurt your Chaser and Devout) so they can't just rush gens because you have zero slowdown perks.
I will say, not EVERY hit has to be an M1. Just a LOT of them. One or two Knife hits when you're in a place where you can benefit from using them is okay.
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Good luck with the adept. You only need 3 unexperienced survivors and preferably a good map on top of that. It would help a lot if you are not in red ranks. Not only because the survivors might be better, but also because it's easier to double pip at lower ranks since you don't need full iridecent emblems there. I got my achievement on game number 27. The best matches are those where you do very well and the last survivor decides to dc or finds a key. Just try not to lose your mind, the rest will come by itself... at some point.
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the issue is. i can't even depip with trickster. im barely safety pipping which is quite odd...
i'm moving up on Gold chaser.. but my god.
The amount of Alcohol i need for trickster is just...Yeh,
I got twins on my 5th attempt.. lol
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Twins are better and have decent perks but at launch they were almost unplayably buggy
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Twins have decent perks?
Oppression is alright, but it has issues where the long cd plus the fact it can go on CD with no value means it often is wasted.
Coup De Grace and Hoarder are both pretty bad. If you are getting Coup De Grace value, you are losing gens. Hoarder is just bad on it's own and is only somewhat usable with Franklin's due to the notification when survivors pick up items.
Trickster's perks are far better in general, but Trickster himself has a hard time using his own perks effectively.
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Hoarder is actually decent with Franklin’s since you get constant info about where people are
Oppression is great with pop or surveillance
Coup de grace is pretty bad tho can’t say anything here
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But if we're talking adepts. Twins has one of the worse adept perks to use. Honestly Trickster's adept wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't so bad.
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Yeah her adept isn’t too easy but at least you have a decent killer to work with
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I Still have no idea what went through Bhvr's head..
To nerf twins perks despite it being mediocre... 100%
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Yeah that and Gearhead getting nerfed genuinely confused me. Nobody was going to use them anyway
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PTB Gearhead was actually a bit usable. It was still mediocre, but the longer duration and any skillcheck requirement meant you could get some good value from the perk.
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Imagine nerfing perks on already Mediocre killers,
Couldn't be me..
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But then somehow it got nerfed in live if i believe...
Which. is still bonkers to believe,