Spirit and Stridor - Annoyingly deadly

It doesn't make sense that Iron Will doesn't counter Stridor and if you're playing against a good or scummy Spirit, you can't beat her.
Oh and btw, Spirit players can go eat a [BAD WORD]. Let's be honest, all you guys do is tunnel and use cheap tactics to thin the heard. Requires no skill at all.
I play Spirit :(
I have $5 earbuds and a hearing issue due to someone setting off a firework near my ear.
Feels bad for me I suppose
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I don’t want to assume but I’m guessing you lost pretty badly to a Spirit.
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I hate spirit to a next level, but I'm just gonna assume that you versed a stridor spirit recently due to your wording.
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Yeah, I did. You don't have to assume. The [BAD WORD]-[BAD WORD] player tunneled me and I couldn't really do much about it. All they have to do is phase, listen for grunts of pain, and hit. Rinse and repeat. And I'll say it again, she was tunneling people off hook. Had the nerve to be a rank 2 killer at that.
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you have iron will to counter a massive mechanic for killers to track you and you have spine chill to tell every killers even strealth one they are coming before you can even hear the terror radius of non stealth killers, shut the ######### up about spirit and stridor
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Why should a survivor perk trump the effect a killer perk, killers have 4 perk slots the entire survivor team has 16, it would set a terrible precedent to have infinite use survivor perks that trump killer perks
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How about No. I stand by what I said. I guess you're one of the people I'm talking about.
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While I do agree Spirit doesn’t take much skill, is it necessary to call out Spirit players and make them feel bad?
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Lemme guess, she had pop, the school girl outfit, and a weeb right?
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You'll only feel bad if you take offense to it. I can give two craps about how these players feel.
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You're an exception, I suppose.
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and if you got an m1 killer what would you do? run around a pallet and drop? rinse and repeat until all gens are done? or how about run around a window loop 3 times until it's blocked
Survivor isn't exactly hard or complicated.
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Finally, I'm free of my guilt for daring to play a character in a video game.
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Really dude? I understand getting salty because we all get salty at times, but there's no need to call them out like that. I hate playing against Spirit just as much as you do, but it's really not necessary. It's just a video game lol.
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you are just entilted
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Image on internet.
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I'm a broke college student my guy
I gotta pay rent before i get some nice headphones
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She is second to hag on the boring scale.
Hag catches someone and doesn't leave the area while making eye contact with the hook every 5 seconds.
Spirit with good hearing in struggle on hook and move to the next game.
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She did have Pop.
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You're right, it's just a game. But don't act like you never been pissed at a game before.
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You're entitled, my dude. Move along.
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I did say that we all get salty at times, did I not?
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Did I say survivor was hard or complicated? This post is about how I feel about scummy players using Spirit and Stidor.
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@TheGannMan Yes, you did. I saw that.
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Yes to this!
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Spirits a hard one because on one hand as a solo survivor I hate going against spirit especially when she has strider. However as someone that plays killer as well I understand she's a necessary evil to deal with a decent SWF team.
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Too bad I was playing solo then.
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Yeah I only play solo and she's the only killer I really hate going against. I don't play her when I play killer either but I understand why she's needed to deal with the major difference in balance between solos and SWF.
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Do you play both sides? You could probably play as spirit and learn to play and learn her quirks/see how survivors would react going against her. Shes very fun to play as and sometimes stridor can screw a spirit even more (sounds sound closer). It is okay to get upset. Everyone has those moments. But a lot of spirit gamers bring stridor because of iron will. I like to being it because theres always like 3 or 4 iron wills and its hard for me to focus on more than one thing. Just watch some "how to counter spirit" vids that are like 3 minutes long or play as her. Best of luck my guy, feel better.
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@swearingtulip28 Thanks. I'm over it but it's not going to stop anytime soon.
I'm familiar with how she plays and maneuvers but that's not going to stop people abusing Stridor with her power. I hope you aren't a tunneler.
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Ok, we know you lost really badly but you don't have to take your anger out on spirit players.
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Spirit does require skill.
And for the record, Iron Will renders Spirit with a completely useless power. Hence why so many use Stridor because they’re tired of pointless games they can’t track anybody in.
Anyway if you are a confident survivor, run No Mither with Iron Will. This DOES completely counter a Spirit running Stridor.
I quite regularly run that with Calm Spirit and Fixated. It’s a great stealth build.
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Na, just like sweaty swf, its just the minority of spirit players, so it is not an issue.
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Just out of pure curiosity, do you happen to run rather strong, possibly second-chance perks whilst doing the gens as quickly as possible?
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stridor ######### me up I think they are closer than they are
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Iron Will doesn't render her power useless, but Iron Will in an area with little to no grass/foliage and a soft dirt floor does force her to play the 50/50 game.
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I only tunnel if the players walks into me on accident, if im forced to tunnel (unhook infront of me, no bt, 1-2 gens left with 4 people etc), or if someone unhooks someone else and then hides, leaving the unhook player very vulnerable. I know how much tunneling sucks so I try my best not to do it and id usually slug them and go for someone else unless they weren't picked up. Tunneling can throw the game if you don't do it at the right time or id the chase lasts too long so that another reason i don't do it as much. :)
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I'm not sure what you're trying to insinuate, but if you should know, I was running Iron Will, Spine Chill, Better Together, and Deliverance.
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This is not the issue, the issue is that it's already relatively easy on most killers to thin the herd, but on Spirit, her power seems to be designed to thin the herd more effectively.
If dying survivors gave surviving survivors a tiny buff in objective speed, giving players a reason to not rush the weakest player out of the match, would already make the game so much better. And I'm talking 10-15% increase per player per sacrificed survivor, which isnt too bad considering that only adds up to 30-45% of a player, meaning you still reduce the total power survivors have over the entire map while slightly increasing local power.
Sure, that would increase slugging, but being slugged when you're dead on hook isnt too bad in most cases. At least you end up having more time to earn a black pip before being rushed out.
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every time when I see Spirit in the game, I just give up and die on the hook. I don't even want to try to play against her, because this is no fun.
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