Steve Harrington - Easy?

Im not really sure how survivor difficulty ratings are implemented...but considering every survivor is just a skin, I assumed it largely had to do with their perks.

So I imagined every survivor being forced to play adept style.

The only current “hard” survivor is Bill and Laurie. So Laurie has Object of Obsession. Makes sense that if you were new to DbD or still learning to effectively loop, this perk could be just as detrimental as informative. Ok.

She also has a sweet life saving tool but with a skill check built in for success. If your not great at landing a skill check, specially an important one, then it can be difficult.

Bill is all about surviving when the odds are against you. It makes sense. Crawling away from a situation, to recover, is hard, being last man standing and trying to live, is hard...and mostly he has a perk that only activates in a Killer radius where he will have to be temporarily immobilized (unhooking) and put in a lot of hard, yeah.

Now, let’s talk Steve. Steve is suppose to be the guardian type. The ‘babysitter’ and his perks reflect his stance on taking the heat and helping others.

Something that I would consider difficult.

Babysitter perk helps give the unhooked survivor a fighting chance to escape (no scratch marks or blood) and also highlights himself to the Killer. A move that will most likely get him targeted, which for inexperienced or new survivors, would be difficult to manage.

Camaraderie requires you to be in struggle phase, so your already on the verge of death, and doesn’t trigger unless a teammate is within 16m of you. Assuming they chose to not rush and unhook, it probably means the Killer is camping or soft-camping the hook. So two difficult simultaneous situations had to overlap to be triggered, just to gain an extra 34 seconds of hang time.

Lastly, Second Wind. It requires you to heal a different survivor for the equivalent of one health state. This means that he can not even use this perk unless he is putting himself out there, making rescues or seeking out and helping others around him. Which is far more difficult the pounding out gens. You also can’t trigger it unless your unhooked or unhook yourself and that means you had to both help out your team heal up and also gained enough aggro to be hunted down and hooked. Assuming you didn’t just make a fatal mistake and basically offered yourself to the killer.

Anyway, getting off the hook and having to endure the broken status effect for 20+ seconds could also be considered hard, especially in certain ranks.

My point is, IMO, Steve should have probably been rated Hard.


Feel free to suggest any other survivors you might feel could/should have made it to the legendary “hard” difficulty.

I just really wanted to get this opinion off my chest.


  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Steve's Perk are all automatically activated.

    Heal Automatically.

    Struggle Longer Automatically.

    Help Teammates After an Unhook Automatically.

    Yeah they're all pretty bad. But you don't have to do anything complex to make them work. Sort of like Trickster being labeled as Easy. He's horrible but playing him to his full potential isn't hard... since he fully potential is so low

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Difficulty ratings in general are worthless. A pointless addition no one asked for.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    That doesn't surprise me, considering that they were added together with the infamous Patch 1.9.2

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    One of the worst patches in Dead by Daylight's history, if not the worst one. I got lucky, and missed it by a few months. But if I had started playing just a few months earlier... well, it wouldn't have been a pleasant experience.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Honestly I'd put 0 thought into those ratings. Trickster is Easy while Freddy and Spirit are Hard. Also Legion is Intermediate, the same difficulty as Huntress.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’ve misunderstood the synergy between Babysitter & Second Wind. Babysitter also tells you if it’s perfectly safe to heal at the hook after a save. If it is, there’s your Second Wind activation.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    Not sure about the others, but I can answer for my main. Freddy is rated "Hard" because the difficulty ratings were introduced together with Patch 1.9.2 back in 2018, which was prior to his rework.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Even then most of his power was a passive. You had to click to put people to sleep. The end.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    These are the same difficulty ratings that rate Freddy as Hard and David king as intermediate. Just go with the opposite of what they say.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    So to further add to this my previous comment, Steve is considered “Easy” because Babysitter will almost always tell you whether it’s safe to heal at the hook (if the killer isn’t Undetectable) or take aggro away from the rescued survivor. Once a hook heal occurs Steve now has a free heal if caught, hooked, unhooked, saving both he and other teammates time because he can immediately continue to help with objectives again. Lastly Camaraderie offers the slight possibility of more time for a rescue. This, synergised with Second Wind could mean the killer suddenly went from confident to securing a kill, to now suddenly seeing that survivor rescued and back to full health after 20 seconds. From nearly dead to back to healthy state in 20 seconds is a pretty big deal.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,550

    His power was simple, yet one of the hardest ones to use effectively. And that is what the difficulty ratings are about. That is why Nurse, Oni and Myers are also rated hard. Their power are easy to understand, but it takes time to learn everything they can do.

  • marciamarciamarcia
    marciamarciamarcia Member Posts: 79

    Similarly, I would put David as 'Hard' instead of 'Intermediate' since No Mither is typically pretty difficult to use compared to Bill's perks at least.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I use Second Wind and I am a rank 4 survivor. I usually play with my friends that are rank 1-3 and we mostly faced with killers between rank 1-3. Second-Wind, Empathy, BT and DH are my perks and I gotta say that Second-Wind saved my life thousands of times. While it requires you to heal someone it is also a great perk after you are unhooked. 20 seconds is no big deal if you know what you are doing and I am really sad to see that many people underestimate that perk.

    Other than that his other 2 perks are meh for me. I dont find them that useful but Second-Wind is really life saver. Yes there are better perks but it is very situational and for that reason I love it.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Jake as an intermediate with Iron Will and Calm Spirit lol, plus he has clothes that match the environment making him well camouflaged. Quite an easy survivor to play as tbh.

  • I was under the assumption that survivor difficulty was based on how loud they are when injured. Guess I was wrong lol

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    That’s a good point. I’d reevaluate his as hard too.