See you guys in a couple months again

This is my next long break I guess.

I'm again not having fun playing the game, and this last chapter has simply been the last straw.

It's weird because it seems like break after break, I have less and less fun playing the game. Also, when I return to the game, every time it's shorter.

I like the game, I really do, but it's not heading in the right direction.

I had this thought from past year that DbD is kinda heading to the same destiny as Evolve 2. I was an Evolve 2 player before, so that's why I liked DbD when the previous game got its servers shutdown forever.

I honestly don't play to play a game where they couldn't care less about its community, and they only make an effort when it comes to licensed chapters, and the original ones are plain garbage.

Sorry but this is a goodbye for a couple of months.
