Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What New Items Should Be Added?

yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

The current selection is kinda stale. People love firecrackers, and a lot of that is probably because they’re newer - and rare since they can only be bought during events.

Anyway, if the devs were to freshen up the selection, what items would you like to see?

Be creative (baseball bat as a weapon - bland. Flashlight as a weapon - intriguing!)

Consider balance (survivors shouldn’t be able to actually injure killers or insta-win chases)

Think outside the box! (Maybe items for killers to use? Hmmmmmm)

So, your thoughts?


  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Something to teleport survivors across the map or to any other location. I don't know much about Identity V, but that game has something similar.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,860
    edited April 2021

    Have some item concepts in Share your Work section of the forum

     Sling ShotSpray Paint CansSalt PouchSmudge SticksSmoke BombVoodoo Doll

    (Click on them to see the post)

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    With the current state of Hex, might as well not use them if that item was in the game.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Like some tool to break or rebuild walls.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I feel a seal could be good. The survivors would put a seal on generators and maybe pallets to prevent the killer from kicking them for a short time. Maybe like 15 seconds. And addons could be made to increase the time but very slightly.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    It'd be cool if survivors got a sledgehammer that could break breakable walls. a green rarity sledgehammer breaks one wall, a purple rarity sledgehammer can break two

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Or this item can be a catalyst to buffing totem placements and hex strength. Since survivors have a secondary, limited time option to counter a hex.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555


    Since I ever found that video I wish dev would change hex to this.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Sure, i'll try this thing i came up with just now...

    New item: candles

    And yes, the Survivor will be holding just 3 white, thin candles in their right hand.

    what it does...

    When facing a Dull Totem with the Item in hand, you can perform a new interaction with it, which takes about as long as cleansing a Totem. (14 seconds at base. (No, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt won't affect this interaction.))

    Once the animation is completed, the Item is disabled. (It has 1 charge (at base, but idk if i'd do more, probably not), and completing the interaction takes 1 charge.)

    if the killer doesn't have a hex perk on when finishing the interaction...

    or if the killer doesn't have a hex perk active WHEN FINISHING THE INTERACTION...

    • That Dull Totem is now a Hex Totem with no power on it.
    • While this Hex Totem doesn't have anything on it, it is still a genuine Hex Totem in every way, meaning: Hex: Retribution will reveal all Survivor Auras if this Hex Totem is cleansed, Hex: Undying will transfer this powerless Hex Totem and then disable itself, cleansing it will grant 1k BP, it'll make the thunder noise when cleansed, it'll trigger Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, and other stuff i may have forgotten.

    if the killer has 1 or more hex perk(s) on and 1 or more of them are active WHEN FINISHING THE INTERACTION...

    • 1 randomly chosen Hex Perk that the Killer has on and active transfers from their current Hex Totem to this Dull Totem, making it a Hex Totem and their previous one a Dull Totem.
    • The Killer WILL be notified of this, showing a Loud Noise Notification at the new location.

    some add-on ideas

    • Matches, Common rarity: Speeds up the interaction by 50%.
    • Matchbox, Uncommon rarity: Speeds up the interaction by 100%.
    • Lighter, Very Rare rarity: Skips the interaction. (Or rather: Speeds up the interaction to 0.1 seconds.)
    • Glass Case, Ultra Rare rarity: Prevents the Loud Noise Notification.
  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Vigo's walkie talkie:

    When ever a survivor use the item it will show the aura in a 12 metre radius to all survivors for 6 seconds. Can be activate once.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    adding? I want something thing remove like some offerings.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    Axe/Hammer - Lets a survivor break X amount of breakable walls. I thought about survivors being able to use it to stun the killer but I'm not sure how good that would be balance wise so for now they'd only be able to break walls

    Pile of wood - Lets a survivor build one breakable wall. Takes X amount of seconds.

    Cloak - When the survivor clicks the action button they'll wrap themselves in a cloak that will blend in with the environment. Has X seconds of usage. Also comes in different colors so it doesn't completely make you invisible and you have to hide in certain spots of the map to blend in better.

    Blight Serum - Requires X amount of health states in order to get charged. When the Blight Serum is charged survivors will temporarily get powered up and can throw pallets and vault windows X% faster. Will be consumed upon using it and it has a 3 second start up time. Once charged it can also be saved up, so it doesn't get used up immediately. Also lasts X amount of seconds.

  • HuskyTwitter
    HuskyTwitter Member Posts: 71

    This sounds really interesting, I found myself really intrigued reading your item idea. Although I think hex perks aren't strong enough for an item like this, I really hope the devs take this into consideration.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Why are we giving survivors map pressure.. you want the few killers left to completely leave?

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Because why not?

    It's not like it can be used many times. Like a one time use kind of thing and it'll be an ultra rare item.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    maybe a sledgehammer that you can use to break walls. could come in really handy on maps like the game

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I think some kind of snare item would be cool. Can place them on windows or doorways, when the killer walks through them, it triggers and you see their aura for a few seconds. Or an item that temporarily stops blood or scratch marks for a couple of seconds.

  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    There are perks for that already. I think the game already has more than enough junk. In fact they should remove a few items instead of adding new ones.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I mean what can be added?

    There’s already a range of items addressing each and every survivor gameplay mechanic.

    Probably the only thing that hasn’t been explored is a trap for the killer. But it would need to be an iridescent 1 use only item for balance purposes.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Gas can - additional objective of gasoline for the gens.

    Target - increases the amount of bloodpoints that are earned while carrying it.

    Bullet proofed vest - Gain 1 additional health state. Reduces running speed by 15%

    "Metal" detector - helps finding chests, totems, glyphs, traps

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Backpack - load other items found during the match into the backpack. These items can’t be used or exchanged after being packed, but you get to keep them (and their add-ons) if you survive!

    • Imagine pairing this with Ace in the Hole and Appraisal!
    • Or scavenging a kitted out “purple beemer” from the hook of a fallen teammate!
    • Vacuum up the map if the killer uses Franklin’s (but hide this valuable treasure trove somewhere safe before you take a hit yourself!)

    I imagine this being available in yellow, green and purple rarity, holding 2, 3, and 4 items, respectively.

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    Killer Items(offerings)

    Weighted Weapon - allows basic and lunge attacks to break pallets and breakable walls. Rarity determines charges,

    Brown - 1, Yellow - 3, Green - 5, Purple - 7, Iri - 9

    Faulty Engines - Effected Generators can only be progressed by skill checks. Rarity determines % of progress till revert to normal. would have to work past this only once on each generator

    brown 10, yellow 20, green 30, purple 40, iri 50(iri would only show up every 10 bloodwebs after 20)

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    honestly none till they clear up all the garbage in bloodwebs i'd say over 50% of the offerings on both side never see any use and many of the BP offerings barely even pay for themselves so until they clean it up a bit then i'd be open to adding more fluff to it

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,951

    My idea was a gun addon it would be

    Ultra rare item


    when you have it equipped hold M2 to aim and shoot if you shoot the killer there stunned for 5 seconds after that the item loses all charges

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,333
    edited April 2021

    I want more chest in game with varying tiers of loot and varying ways to open them. I also want items you can only find while in the trial that do not appear in the bloodweb. For example give keys another use while in the trial to open special chest and make the hatch to require multiple keys in order to open and make them more common.

    Firecrackers should always appear in chest and imo there should be more single use items only found in the trial.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    A gun

    But not for the Survivors

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,780

    Heres my addition

    Magic markers, a mix between aura reading and teamplay that give boons while holding the item, btw highlighted, marked, and aura revealed to all teammates are used interchangeably but they all mean the same thing where all survivors can see the object in questions aura

    Brown magic marker: 5 charges, If you start cleansing a totem reveal its aura to all teammates, if you finish cleansing a totem reveal the aura of a random totem on the map to all teammates (every aura reveal consumes a charge)

    Yellow magic marker: 4 charges, If you vault a window highlight its aura to all teammates and consume a charge if another survivor vaults this window they gain a 150% speed boost for 0.5 seconds at the end of their vault and it stops being highlighted.

    Green magic marker, 3 charges, running through pallets marks them after 5 seconds and consumes a charge, stunning the killer with those pallets stuns the killer for 20% longer,

    Purple magic marker, 1 charge, if you open a chest reveal the aura of all other chests on the map, slightly increases the rarity of the items inside the chests, if you pick up an item in a chest while this is out of charges it returns to your inventory at the camp fire.

    Red magic marker, 3 charges, Stunning the killer reveals their aura to all survivors for 3 seconds


    Brown (rainbow ink) : Can consume 5 charges to mark a gen for the rest of the game, as well as for the next 40 seconds Repair Progression of the Generator can be determined by the intensity of its aura

    Yellow (high quality ink) : adds 1 more charge to your magic marker

    Green (green marker cap) same as green magic marker but only 10% longer stacks with green magic marker and doesn't consume an extra charge on green magic marker

    Purple (extra ink tubes) : adds 2 more charges to your magic marker

    Red (red marker cap) : Stunning the killer reveals their aura to all survivors for 1.5 seconds and consumes a charge (stacks with red magic marker and doesn't take an extra charge)

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I like the idea of traps - or like an oil slick or something - has already been mentioned, to avoid it being OP for the survivors you could make it apply to either killer or survivor (so you could trigger a trap that one of your teammates intended for the killer)

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    maybe make it so it only has 1-2 uses? also make it an ultra rare item.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    One use is enough to make it strong enough on the dead dawg saloon. Making it an ultra rare would not really solve anything, ultra rare items and perks are still pretty common.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    If I could add a new survivor item?

    Jack in the Box.

    • JinB can only be found in a chest
    • JinB has a 50% chance of injuring/downing OR giving a key (the key strength varies)
    • You have to wind up the JinB by standing still and holding the action button
    • You can stop at any point and you do not have to start over
    • You could say, choose to wind the box all the way to near completion and then drop the box to have someone else find and use. (Fun trolling)
    • The JinB can play a traditional tune or a unique one
    • The JinB could have one design or several (Like one representing each killer)
    • The opening of the JinB could have a sound que to represent a good or bad reveal
    • Killer can obviously hear the tune also
    • The JinB could be considered rare.
    • If they had different colors or designs to represent each Killer, it could be fun trying to collect them all and when a new killer drops, maybe people could run chest related perks trying to hunt them down.
    • Survivors who want to give one to a friend would have to carry it in game, drop it for friend and then both (or everyone) has to try and keep that survivor alive or at least try and save the item if they can’t.

    I dunno, just a random thought that I thought had potential and could be fun.