How I add stakes to the game

DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,247

So this game, on a lore standing, has very low stakes, if the survivor dies, they come back and do it again and again and again.

I add stakes to the game so I actually care about the character I'm playing as

It's my own personal head-canon that this is the Survivor's final trial before they escape back to the real world, and if they fail they're sent back to the loop.

It fits in with something the Observer says and it helps me care about the events of the match other than just "oh i lost"

I know it may not make the most sense but it really helps me immerse myself and I think it's a pretty neat idea.



  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I personally have a fog machine in my room that triggers whenever I lose.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    You can headcanon ######### you want but the survivors can't escape the realm they're just going to repeat the cycle over and over til they lost their hope and be thrown into the void OR become a killer

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,820

    There are tidbits of information available that suggest the Entity isn't all-powerful and has weakness. For example: documents refering to the serum as a way to defeat it; the unknown whereabouts of Vigo; the fate of Benedict Baker; Pyramid Head and some infection by the Sun Goddess; Cheryl Mason's ability to manipulate the Entity; the Hallowed Blight event; the Entity having trouble with some of the killers.

    There are hints that some weakness is there and with weakness comes the chance of escape, so lore-wise we only know it's near-impossible and death is not an escape. However, the phrase itself: "Death is not an escape" implies there must be one. It's gonna be a long time though, and many more will sucumb than see their world again.

    All we know is that if they stop trying then it's over.