Fps drop ps4

Playing as survivor, the first time a status occurs while using balanced landing (haste) and slopper butcher and franklins demise the fps drops so much. This is only visable on the survivor side, really an interference when trying to enjoy a match. I hope this gets looked at. When a killer uses sloppy butcher for the first time on a survivor and applies the statuses, the fps drops to like 7 (exaggeration). When franklins demise activates, it slows down and the sad part is the frames drop so low when the killer has sloppy butcher and franklins. 


  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    So to what framerate do you actually drop?

    DId you record it? I really see no reason why sloppy or franklins should affect the fps so much

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    So to what framerate do you actually drop?

    DId you record it? I really see no reason why sloppy or franklins should affect the fps so much

    Frames do drop, like the lag from bloodlust. Might be tied to the pop up icons for each event.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Yeah, when status icons pop up it drops
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Can we fix fps on console in general? I swear I've gotten hits that should have hit and hits that should NOT have hit. Dbd is the first game I've really had noticeably fps problems on. All my other games run perfectly fine, not as good as pc though

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Can we fix fps on console in general? I swear I've gotten hits that should have hit and hits that should NOT have hit. Dbd is the first game I've really had noticeably fps problems on. All my other games run perfectly fine, not as good as pc though

    Word, sometimes I would completely be behind the huntress or another killer and still get hit. Been a while but that was bad, I shouldve recorded it.