Some Tweaks for Twins

These aren't exactly buffs, but changes that makes using the twins a bit more consistent in terms of expectation of controls.
1) Whenever you change from victor to charlotte, it can be a bit disorienting. I suggest that there should be an option where when you switch from victor to charlotte, Charlotte would wake up facing the direction of victor. This would simply make those moments of reorienting yourself between charlotte and victor a bit more consistent.
a) a side idea to number 1 is maybe while victor is active charlotte will always rotate in place to always face victor's location, that way if a survivor happens on her, they would have a directional understanding of victor's current whereabouts. This would also result in number 1's scenerio as well.
2) Instead of Victor's sentry form revealing survivors always. It would be better if he only revealed survivors who were moving (survivors would still avoid aura by crouch walking).
I noticed this awkward scenario of survivors jumping into lockers where if you are victor, survivors will just jump into lockers to bait victor into holding them there by opening the locker. However, if you just switch to charlotte and start making your way over to the survivor, the survivor could simply use the slow animation to get out of the locker and kick victor, but if you switch back to victor in anticipation of this, they could just hop back in the locker and this slow crawl repeats. In order to help charlotte make a better decision, the above change would make it so that the survivor would have to crawl up to victor to smack him if they want to do everything undetected, as they would not be revealed in a locker. Alternatively one could say the twins should just run Iron maiden to fix this situation, which is true, but cmon. I don't want to run a bad perk because of this highly exploitable situation. Survivors don't have to run a perk to get charlotte into this situation, why should she have to run one to get her out? Or maybe it could go away after a second of the survivor standing still. Idk, the point is this situation if super stupid and charlotte shouldn't have to get a teachable from a different killer to get out of that situation.
That's it