Huge buff solo Q then buff killers.

Imo survivors should share aura reading perks, see eachothers perks and addons etc, have the glass bead basekit, have an in game voice/text chat and a map wide bond. Before you say its OP it is still less than what a SWF is capable of. After this just give survivors another gen or some ######### I havent figured out that part. You could just go killer by killer and buffing them all to blight level.
How to fix Solo Q without adding Voice Chat:
Ping system
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Blight can hold up against good SWFs very well
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Fair enough but J flick would put him on that level I would say
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J flicks gonna be dead.
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I mean J flicks arent exactly hacks lol and J flicks doesnt make blight uncounterable.
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J flicks aren't bannable and have counterplay.
Blight without 45 degree turns is absolute trash, blight with up to 90 degree turns is high mid tier, and J flick current blight is top 5 worthy.
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They seem to be very picky on what exploits are bannable tbh so it's easy to get mixed up.
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If you give an insane buff to one side the other side need to be buffed as well. Unless there Will be a big survivor meta that Will make a lot of killers quit the game till those killer buffs come.
You will be suprised how balanced this game actually is, so big changes has also a way too big of An impact.
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You dont have to win every game
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Maybe just get some friends
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damn I really attracted a dollar store Sluzzy
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######### does that even mean
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What buffs would killers get?
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She who must not be named must not be discussed.
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If you don't know, you don't know.
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He's definitely C tier on Console.
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Which is a issue.
Killers shouldn't be vastly different on Console vs PC.
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I don't understand how you can say people shouldn't have an equal experience.
That's like saying because you play CoD on Playstation, your guns do extra damage.
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Uncap Console sensitivity.
Fix Console frame drops.
Make good on the promise to bring Console (and lower end PC's) to 60 FPS.
Fix stuttering.
Fix the game freezing upon a new status effect appearing.
Fix the random freezing.
That's just things off the top of my head.
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The sensitivity is capped on Consoles for some reason, and it's FAR lower than any other game I play.
Black Ops Cold War, Battlefield V, Battlefront II, Overwatch and Siege all run MUCH better than DBD despite looking LIGHTYEARS better. There is NO reason that DBD can't run at a stable 30 FPS on Consoles.
I run DBD on my Xbox One X and it runs the exact same as it did on my 2013 Xbox One despite the One X being exponentially more powerful. That's not a hardware issue, that's an optimization issue.
The Devs promised in March of 2019 that they would get 60 FPS to PS4, Xbox One and low-end PC's. I am not going to let this go until they address this issue.
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I did not say I wanted it to run at 60 FPS. I said I wanted it to be a stable 30. The Devs said they wanted it to be 60 FPS.
"When we first released Dead by Daylight back in 2016, we targeted 30 FPS on our minimum spec. Up until recently, we optimized the game in bursts; for the console launch and before releasing a new Killer. We are now ready to set a new performance target: Dead by daylight will run at 60 FPS on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and minimum spec PCs."
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"You could just go killer by killer and buffing them all to blight level."
I just spit up and ruined on my shirt. :(
I'm barely playing the game as it is.
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They made a promise, and this was a HUGE deal at the time.
PS4 and Xbox One likely make up the majority of the playerbase.
Are you telling me that BHVR is going to tell people to buy a machine that costs at LEAST 500 USD (while we are living in a pandemic where people are struggling to pay rent, let alone buy a new Console) in order to have a half decent experience whilst playing a game that's 5 years old?
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I’m all for buffing solos to SWF level.
However, they need to buff all killers in the process, and you know how much work that needs, and you know how lazy these devs are..
So I wouldn’t put my hope in this. SWF will always dominate, and solos and killers will suffer. That’s why I don’t play anymore.
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Never change Sluzzy <3
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Ideally it would just be one mega patch but either way its super unrealistic its just the ideal situation imo.
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No buffs or nerfs are needed. How about the devs implementing a system that automatically matches 3-4 man groups with top tier killers only. I honestly don't think 2 man groups are a problem but, tbh, 3-4 man groups should never play against any killer lower than a rank 5. These swf groups only discourage people from playing which will kill the community of the game. Add in the fact that most of these swf (not all) are toxic players that troll and prey on newer and lower rank/casual killers...just my 2 cents
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great make queue times even worse on both sides
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Or waste low tier/casual killers time by being curb stomped by sweaty seal team six. Also, like I said and you have seemed to ignore, discouraging people from playing. Which, in turn, would make queue times extremely long...