Are y’all having the same issues?


These wait times are getting stupid long playing survivor. I never have to wait more than a minute for killer. How am I supposed to play this game if you don’t let me??


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,646

    The new Killer was kind of a let-down and considering Killer isn't the most enjoyable experience in the world, people are playing Survivor.

    Can't really blame them, but yeah, queue times are kinda bad right now.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    That's because there are not enough killers for the amount of survivors.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,225

    Not enough killers, my friend.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Killer rate showing us killers have much kills but still there is not so much killer. Idk why

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    This is just the normal queue times once the new chapter hype has died down.

    People just don't want to play killer for various reasons making survivor queue's much slower.

    Its probably why the developers made DS into a proper anti tunnel tool instead of it being blatantly overpowered was as an attempt to get more people to pick up killer again.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    This afternoon i was playing with 2 friends. We had a 3, a 6 and a 10. We found games in like 2 mins at most. Normally it takes longer than that. Maybe it was a good time to play?

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    One big reason for a lack of killers is the bully squads and ultra coordinated SWFs that the matchmaking is putting up against lower ranked killers. I'm mid teens and keep seeing red ranks in my lobbies in post game screen. So in short, there are 6 ways to get better survivor queue times:

    1) Don't bully killers. This doesn't mean don't play to win, but it does mean that if you notice that a killer's skill is WAY lower than yours, maybe stop the Teabagging and flashlight clacking. You can still loop them for days and such, but try not to do the rude stuff.

    2) Maybe don't do the 4 man flashlight squad thing. Not saying not to bring flashlights, but when 4 survivors take turns chain-stunning a low skilled killer it tends to make them not want to play killer again. Hence long queue times.

    3) Please don't last second switch your item (especially if it's to a key). This looks like trickery and shenanigans to the killer. If you are afraid that killers will dodge the lobby if you bring the item you want, please think about why that is. I'm less likely to dodge a lobby with a key if it isn't a last second switch (It's called a "Bait and Switch" for a reason)

    4) This advice goes for both killers and survivors - Please don't be toxic in post chat. rude is one thing, like telling someone that they played like their controller/mouse was a block of moldy cheese. That's just normal trash talk. Toxic chat includes things like telling them to uninstall the game, or telling them to "Minecraft" themselves. Insulting their skill at the game is one thing, but resorting to attacking the person is going too far.

    5) This isn't on the players - Devs, please get MMR working. This borked system we have now is killing the playability of this multiplayer game.

    6) This one is on everyone's shoulders - if you know someone who doesn't play, and you think they'd enjoy the game, tell them about it. More players gives more killers (by probability) and will also give the dev team more data to go off of to make the game more fun for all of us.

    Remember, if we work together, we can make the Fog a better place:

    . . . Until Nea/The Entity decides to kill us all and start over . . . lol

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Are you playing at red ranks in the evening? The current matchmaking system mixed with the general... Unpleasantness of Killer in the evenings to create a very noticeable lack of killers.