Saw a huntress chuck an axe through a standing pallet
To hit the Yui behind it in full cover. And I'm not talking about her moving behind cover and getting lag-registered, she was standing there for about three seconds, carefully inching around to keep the pallet between her and the huntress.
The huntress, after the match, made no qualms about it. "I can hit people through objects".
I can excuse a couple of lag-regs she got on me, including one where she chucked an axe through the corner of a wall. That's the game messing up.
But does it not qualify as an exploit if a Huntress tosses an axe at a solid object, banking on wonky hitboxes allowing her to get a hit on a survivor in full cover?
The Huntress' hatches have always been wonky.
Not much we can do about it.
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That's one thing, but if you toss a hatchet at a solid object expecting to hit the person behind it, does it count as an exploit?
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I would have to see the actual situation, but hitboxes are rather large. You can effectively hit players whose model is entirely hidden. I've done it many times.
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Yes, it can happen. But isn't it an exploit to toss a hatchet at a solid object in order to hit a target behind it due to wonky hitboxes? I'm not talking about anything accidental, like hitting a survivor who just rounded a corner or anything of the sort. I'm talking about seeing a survivor hide behind a wall, trying to get a better angle for three seconds without getting a clear shot, and then just hucking the axe banking on the hitboxes messing up so badly that you get a hit through solid cover.
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It's not an exploit because the hitboxes are working as intended aka extend beyond the player's (and even the hatchet's) model. It's been like that since the beginning. It's kinda silly but they are uncapable or unwilling to fix it.
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Sounds like typical huntress hatchet behavior. This is why people complain about her not taking very much skill
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If it makes you feel any better, I got hit by a hatchet when I was behind a wall today :)
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I'm pretty confident that pallets' hitboxes are okay and you can't hit hatchets through them.
Survivors' hitboxes are bit tricky being both taller and wider than their visual model, with some weurd adjustments during heal and repair actions; but I'm guessing you are aware of that. A clip is needed to understand what you're talking about.