Leveling the playing field against SWF's

I think at this point everyone knows that SWF's give a massive and unfair advantage to survivors. They're essentially playing with 2+ additional perks in addition to the callouts of the killer's location and gen repair percentage, as well as who's going for the hook save. This makes them much more efficient than solo players, effectively forcing killers to play an uphill battle when playing with most killers.
With this in mind, let's give killers a fifth perk slot that only activates against certain SWF's. The ones that it would activate against would be...
- 3 man SWF's
- 4 man SWF's
- 2 duo SWF's
If the killer is to have the fifth perk active, there will be a visual/sound que notifying all survivors that the killer is running a fifth perk so that the solo survivor playing with the 3-man SWF can base their decisions off of that info accordingly.
Some common questions would be....
"If the killer knows they're playing against a SWF, wouldn't they camp/tunnel more?"
I believe playing in SWF gives you tools to counter these scenarios through coordinated plays.
"Isn't it unfair that the solo quer with a 3-man SWF is playing against a five perk killer?"
Not really, because having a 3-man on coms is already a huge advantage for the team.
"Why not give a fifth perk slot againt 1 duo SWF?"
Against 1 duo SWF, the killer will only play with 4 perks because even though it is advantage, it isn't as big of one to warrant a fifth perk for killer.
"Wouldn't killers just slot in NOED for their fifth perk slot?"
Detective's Hunch is a perk.
I feel like instead of nerfing swf, buffing solo queue and then buffing killers would be a more healthy way to go.
As the idea of a 3 man swf creating a fifth perk slot for the person who is solo is just unfair.
And solo queue really could use with some minor tweaks to make it more fun.
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So long as we buff solo and killer at the same time. A lot of people suggest buff solo and conveniently forget to buff killer. Or the devs buff one and the 3 months it takes for them to buff the other side, it's a bad time to play. Like when they reworked ruin and before they reworked tool boxes.
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That would be absolutely ridiculous and is way outside the realistic realm of a solution; nor does it even properly address the actual issues like many other solutions in the past have targeted.
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They will probably buff Solo but “oddly” won’t buff killer.
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Yeah they need to do it all at the same time or else one would destroy the other. Kindred right now basekit would be just a bit too much information.
And if killers suddenly had larger map presence with solo survivors having no information they’d be stomped.
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Is a fifth perk slot really enough? I dont think one perk more changes that much.
Buffing solo and then buffing killers is the far better solution.
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Would you like to elaborate? This is incredibly easy to implement and yes it's more of a bandage solution. However, it is an idea until they can implement until something better comes along which requires more time and resources.
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I think on the forum, most people who prefer buffing the solo queue player than the killer. I'd agree with them.
Killer already comes with perks that helps them play against all survivors, and even communication can't overcome killer skill. SWF comms offer SWF advantages, while solo queue has to go without em. I'd think solo queue could use more of a buff than anything, if a buff was needed.
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To be fair, after Hex: Ruin was reworked and the devs could get a better idea of gen times, Toolboxes were heavily nerfed.
That key rework is a long time coming, though... I really wish they had started on that earlier and released it with the mori change. Even just doing a small hatch change (only spawning when one survivor is left or all five gens are done) with the mori nerf and then releasing a more complex key change later would have been fine. Though, the hatch change alone might've been all that was really needed.
One of those communication wheels might be enough to make solo a bit better coordinated and thus not a bunch of potatoes head-butting all match.
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So basically punish people for playing with their friends and then punish the random for being queued with those people....
I cannot see any way in which this wont have an negative impact on the games health and/or longevity. /s
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do not buff the killer. That will hurt solos. Nerf swf member stats
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How are people being punished? They can still play the game normally and use all of their perks/cosmetics/advantage of coms. The killer only gets one extra perk, not something completely ridiculous.
The killer is only getting a slight buff against certain SWF's. Solo will be largely untouched.
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They are being punished by virtue of one extra perk being absolutely broken on certain killers. They are fundamentally balanced around 4 perks and giving killers like Freddy, Nurse, Spirit etc. access to another perk on top of their powers would be broken. Not to mention the random has no access to the same level of information or coordination that the SWF does. The fact this even needs explaining is embarrassing.
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you're playing solo, but there is 3stack playing with you and you have to play against a killer with 5 perks. As solo survivor. And 5th perk slot is not a slight buff
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Just because the rando doesn't have the same level of information, it doesn't mean that their team isn't at an advantage. The game is fundamentally balanced around no coms. The fact that you forgot to mention this is embarrassing.
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Please try to not be a complete moron. The reason I don't mention it is because the devs have 0 control over people's ability to use voice comm's. They do however have control over how many perks a killer is balanced around and adding a 5th perk which is situationally unlocked is A) impossible to balance properly for and B) Stupid.
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We can try to have a civil conversation without reverting to name calling. My suggestions stem from my experiences. Against nurses, spirits, and Freddy's, I've had zero issues 4-man escaping these killers, not to mention any other killer. I too enjoy playing with friends but 3-4 man stacking makes games incredibly easy when playing survivor.
An asymmetrical game with a ton of killers is already impossible to balance properly. Instead of calling someone a moron for their ideas, how about you contribute with your suggestions on how we should level the playing field for killers?
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Doing anything that changes the game when it's SWF vs solo is going to be seen as punishment. SWF aren't necessarily on comms, for one thing. I wasn't always on comms the few times I tried SWF. They could be a group of total potatoes just trying to figure out the game. Or it could be a group of three or four drunk friends trying to chat and play a game together after work. Treating all SWF like they're the same is punishing the ones who aren't actually any good at the game, it'll just make things even worse for them.
Similar things have been suggested in the past. A dev (Peanits is a mod and a dev) responded. The dev's response to removing a perk slot from SWF members:
Adding a sixth gen to slow the match down:
Introducing casual mode vs ranked mode:
In that last link he mentions making some subtle buffs to solo survivors by giving them more info and buffing killers to compensate. Unfortunately, that's from 2018 and here we are still talking about this stuff, so obviously if it's going to happen they're not being fast about it.
Now, to be fair, the devs have kept the rift between solo and SWF in mind and tried to lessen it (or at least not widen it). That's why, for instance, some of Demo's actions make map-wide sounds, to help out solo survivors. And that's why exit gate progress does not regress, because in testing it hurt solo survivors but had little to no effect on SWF.
Anyway, tldr, if anything's going to happen it's going to be giving solo survivors more info to help lessen the gap between solo and SWF, and then buffing killers to compensate.
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So another thread were people should get punished for playing with their friends. gottcha.