Why is there so many entitled moaning survivours

Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

It does not matter if you win or you lose but Iv been finding alot of bitchy survivours recently complaining at every perk or add on I run even when the so called perks are weak.

Just get a grip of life say gg and move on no need for all the bullshit bitching get a grip of life its a game.

Also have they done summit to to make killer harder as I'm running same build as I always do but struggling to win with it or am I just getting really good survuvours.

Iv litrally stopped playing the game as much as its just a joke now that if you don't run meta perks and top tier killers and play like an absalute dingis dickhead you don't win.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    I mean, even if there is no excuse, people will just invent one.

    You'll be called a no skill camper/tunneller sometimes when you literally went out of your way handicapping yourself to not do that.

    You'll be called a toxic survivor for doing nothing besides being untouchable in a chase.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    It really does not matter if I play survivour or killer I just get the same ######### every game.

    Iv constantly ran the same build on my huntress for ages and usually 4k with it but recently been struggling to 1k because of all the second chance perks survivours have at there disposal and abuse the fact they have them and then rub it in your face.

    When I play survivour I don't run all the meta perks as it's ain't fun I like to experiment but the games Iv been getting recently on both sides have been sweater than usual.

    people just need to take a chill pill and pay less attention to rank and more to skill and relize its a ######### game

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 440

    You can either take your own advice, say gg and move on, or you can turn the post game chat off. This behavior isn't going to change.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Unfortunately, it's in our brain to enjoy winning. Even if there is no reward to it like in this game, most people love the feeling of it.

    Before the Trickster patch I wouldve agreed with you that not everyone had to run meta perks, however since the DS nerf a lot of survivors have reason to now as tunneling is a lot more common. Not every killer does, but when most do survivors aren't going to take the chance of playing casually in case it is, which is unfortunate because they don't change that attitude when they realise you're fine or you end up having to tunnel due to such.

    Hopefully they realise it's just a game soon, although I don't see it happening unfortunately.