So How Does Huntress Perform Now?

Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

Afternoon everyone, I'm a huntress main and decided to take a break for a while. The last time I played co tinulously was when bought was released. I took a break though because of real life abd just kind of monitored reddit to see new info. I was reviewing the patch notes and see her Iridescent head was nerfed (don't mind that), her hindered add-ons were removed (that one stung), she has a undetectable addon (this one makes me scratch my head since she still has her lullaby, but maybe it could be good for mind games??), her exhaustion was nerfed (im fine with this but typically if you hug a wall tight enough you can easily wait out 5 seconds in the time it takes for her to catch you or break a pallet), she has a speed increase addon (I think this one would have had a lot of potential with one of the hindered addons, but as is I can't see it being used effectively), and now she has increased hatchet projectile speed (this one im excited for).

Overall though I have not gotten to play her in sometime, but was curious if she is still strong, if there has been any other changes to her kit, and how she plays currently. I was around when they over nerfed wind up speed addons and it doesn't seem like they have ever done anything except apply nerfs to her since.
