Make it so we can pick the type of daily ritual we want

Make it so we can pick between survivor and killer for a daily ritual so we won’t have to rely solely on RNG. The random challenge is still fine the way it is, but I don’t like getting killer challenges 29 days in a row and not get a single survivor challenge even WITH recycling a challenge everyday.


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Even better, I get challenges for characters I don't play or have them on level 1 way more often than I get for the ones I like to play

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2021

    Agreed, there are some people that only play one role in this game so you should be able to choose a preference in the menu.

    Either only killer, only survivor or 50/50 for people that play both.

    Right now the majority that I get are for killer and very few survivor ones.