Quitting dbd until MMR comes out.

gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

Honestly I never thought I would be making one of these posts but after 1,200 hours of gameplay I just can't take being constantly matched with purple ranks against camping and tunneling Blights and Pyramid Heads. I have nothing against killers who feel like they have to do that to win but the average game is just always so one-sided in the killer's favor and that's evident by every single killer in red ranks having well over a 50% win rate. I had so much fun with MMR because I actually got teammates of my skill level, it's just not fun anymore when I only have around a 25% chance of actually escaping my games. Again, this isn't me criticizing the gameplay balance of the game because it's fine, i'm just sick and tired of this terrible matchmaking

I also don't enjoy killer gameplay much because it's honestly just so easy half the time demolishing random solo Q rank 5s and 6s when you have tactics designed for very high level survivors on your side like camping, tunneling, ruin + undying, NOED, etc.


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    What do you mean they aren't accurate? The stats are different from what the devs show?

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    That doesn't change my point. I only play solo Q and red rank so i'm in the average red rank game. The stats are for the average red rank killer games and that's like 95% of my games.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I'm using BHVR's stats... The point of this post isn't to say that things need balancing or changing except for the matchmaking system which literally everybody agrees with. The stats BHVR have provided are for the average game where the killer is of red rank. I fall into that category because I only play solo Q which the majority of survivors also play and 95% of the killers I get are in the red ranks. The stats are so high in the killer's favor because the survivors they got matched up with are always really bad because it's so easy to rank up as a survivor. Me who has been playing the game for 2 years and have 1,200 hours can get matched up with survivors who have less than 100 hours and that isn't fair when we're going against killers who have been playing for a long time. MMR is changing this though because in my experience it was really good.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    I am honestly struggling to play solo survivor myself because every single match I get console survivors who are crouching/walking around, waiting to insta-save their team for easy points, wasting every single pallet on the map, or simply not saving their team mates at all. I can't tell you how many times I have died on first hook because they're too scared to even walk. It is absolutely infuriating to deal with when you just want normal matches. I don't even care about winning/losing. I'm just tired of seeing my team mates literally doing nothing all game.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    You hit the nail on the head with that. That is exactly my point. I'm always getting matched with survivors who are not red rank when the killer is red rank. Like i've been saying, this is my problem and the stats are flawed because of this bad matchmaking which is why I don't want to play anymore. If there was actual good matchmaking, the stats wouldn't be so inflated for killers.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    MMR isn't going to solve that problem.

    You'll play against Killers who will know how to stomp you and the games will get very tedious.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I mean not in my experience. The games were extremely enjoyable because everybody was of relatively equal skill. Most games nowadays either end up with the survivors being stomped or the killer being stomped, not much in between. MMR was mostly perfect for me and ran that fine line of being balanced.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Isn't that the point of MMR? You get matched wrongly for a couple of games because of the inaccurate value, that adjusts and you then get matched against survivors around your own skill level.

    Then again, you're the one saying that BHVr's statistics are deeply flawed when the only ones you've seen are those summarizing charts they shared and have no idea what actual data they're collecting and elaborating, so is there even a point to argue with you?

    OP's point is right, the game in general is extremely killer sided for solo queue, and not that much of a fun experience. Maybe MMR will fix this from the soloq point of view

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Just SWF with some of your buddies. You will realize then how easy it is for survivors to stomp killers. Just Having a 2 man SWF greatly increases the chances of success.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm not gonna turn this into a "what side is easier" thing because those are always a mess, but if you're having too easy a time of killer with "camping, tunneling, ruin + undying, NOED, etc", you know you don't have to do/run that stuff, right? Most killers even have a brown addon that mangles their power, some of them are more fun than people give them credit for (i.e. wraith's one)

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Well idk what to say. I usually play killer at purple-red ranks and I feel the same way as you. Most of my matches I faced againts instant gen pops, SWF that uses OOO(Thank you BHVR for changing that by the way) to tell my every movement to one ot each other and so forth. Most of the matches did not last long than 4-5 mins and for slowing the game down with certain killers I have to use perks like Corrupt,Pop and etc... which does not let me different perks and etc...

    I play survivor side to and I know solo surv is pain and what I do is team up with people that I met during matches. We team up together with no comms so we dont know each other's perks and etc.. but still manage really good results. The real problem of the game is I think is that ranking is really easy at some points and after some decent rank it turned into nightmare. As both survivor and killer you can rank up easily with some lucky matches and even you can rise to rank 1 at both if you faced againts groups that is not as good as you and that happens quite a lot ( Rank unbalance issues at nights) . I dont think this problem will be solved directly with new system but my only hope is that they will manage some changes and improvement with it.

    Rank 1 killer with 10k hours and same rank with 400 hours should be divided in different category. Same applies for survivor side as well.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    It’s funny how you state that BHVR’s stats are incorrect but then say you have know idea what variables were used to make the stats. Meaning you are guessing they are wrong. With thousands of data points to use it is improbable that the stats only reflect matches of red rank killers vs green rank survivors.

    When BHVR says they feel balance is 2 escapes 2 kills they are talking as a whole of the player base, not each individual player needs to average out at 50% escapes or 50% skills. The stats they calculated are accurate to the state of public matches at the time they pulled the numbers.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Your skill level wont matter because you will get to the well oiled nurse and spirits who will make you wish you were stuck in the old system. If you continue to play well then you will face a much smaller pool of killers that at the highest level will leave you no oppurtunity to express you survivor skill level.

    Mmr is a terrible idea for dbd. If they did more patches and actually had an idea how to balance the game then yes but they dont have a clue.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    I'm a purple rank and most the time I get stuck with red rank killers and I have no problem surviving against them. It doesn't matter what rank they are or you are you just have to think like the killer. It's all about reading what they well do next.if you made a mistake just learn from it and think what else you could of done to prevent it. That's how I got up the ranks. But if you're in a good chase with the killer and now one's doing genes you're best bet is to do it yourself because this happened to me so many times because people are to cocky. If this happens just do totem and genes for points try to survive as long as possible. And killers saying Gene's go to fast I agree as a survivor main it also ruins the game because not only you get gene rush survivors start getting cocky hating to get chase by the killer and no won on genes and here I am with perks to help me distract the killer with mettle of man to take a hit for people getting tunnel. But we just die at the end because no won does gens. Each time I jeck there perk build there made to gen rush or hide. ######### wrong with people so stupid.just do your job all do mine it's not that hard. Hope they slow done the genes so people well stop being so cocky.😑

  • NoObzBoiYT
    NoObzBoiYT Member Posts: 198

    Welp I can already tell that your bad at the game. Get better and stop complaining

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752


    You have to realize you are on a forum that is extremely Killer-biased. You are right, MMR will make survivor much more fun to play because your matches will be much more balanced. I've collected my own stats over the last 3 patches, and my teammates survive rates have been 4.5.1 = 19.23% and 4.5.2 = 22.86% (Far-far below the 50% escape rate that survivors should have), the 4ks for killers have been 4.5.1 = 69.23% and 4.5.2 = 62.86% which is ridiculous.

    The killer players don't want MMR because it forces killers to actually have to work for kills, instead of just being given kills. And killers love to use the argument that Dev stats don't matter because of some "magic reason". So basically if you don't use stats, then killers will say you don't have stats. If you have stats, killers will give some type of excuse why those stats don't matter.

    Even Scott Jund, one of the more famous DBD streamers, has said the DBD official forums are ridiculously killer sided, to the point that it's almost comical. (Not his words but basically what he meant). I think his exact words were "Reddit Killers", basically meaning that it was a killer circle-j**k

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    He also said that those types of players aren't as common as people make it seem.

    MMR will be awful for the game, imo, but at least we'll see most of the Killer cast buffed after the Devs see that they can't get past a certain MMR.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Again, I used an example to illustrate my point. Of course, Red Rank Killers are going to obliterate low ranked Survivors and then those stats are presentated at "Red Rank Kill Rate of 68%."

    If you only took Red RNk Survivors and Red Rank Killers, I'm fairly positive it would be under 60%, which is a 2K 2E game.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I would suggest not even stating the kill rate stats aren't accurate then. If you want to say the kill rate stats might be different if every match was a killer vs an equally skilled set of survivors, ok. But the stats are accurate to the state of public matches at the time they pulled them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Great MMR now are you ready for 150 spirit games in a row :)

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Why? If they were pulling only matches from red rank killers, that is what on average it is like for red rank killers. Just because the stats do not show what you want them to show doesn't mean they aren't accurate and don't show what BHVR was intending to show.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The stats are supposed to be for Red Ranks only.

    If they aren't, there is no reason to differentiate between them, they are supposed to be the stats at the highest level of play. But they don't actually use the highest Ranked Survivors.

    Basically, if you are going to say, Red Rank stats, please, actually use Red Rank Survivors as well.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    solo queue is such a nightmare I am forced to play in SWF because when I play solo a lot of the time my teammates just let me die on my first hook and no one is even in a gen.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,801
    edited April 2021

    The kill rates reflect exactly what happens in public matches. I think it is very hard to deny that red rank killers perform extremely well with rank-based matchmaking. Whether top skill killers would perform anywhere near that well with skill-based matchmaking is still an open question, though.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,801
    edited April 2021

    As far as I know BHVR has never clarified how they're defining "red rank" for the purpose of those stats, so I'm not sure what your basis is for claiming that. It makes absolutely no sense for it these stats to show red rank killer performance against whoever they happen to be matched with, though. The most likely ways they got those stats are 1) matches with all red rank players, or 2) matches with red rank killers and survivors with an average rank of 1-4.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I don't see where they state the stats are supposed to be for red rank ONLY, unless there is a set of stats I am missing. It states Kill Rate VS. Pick Rate (Red Ranks). I would make the reasonable assumption they would be talking about red rank killers because it is specific to killer picks, but that is just an ASSUMPTION unless they said somewhere that it wasn't also full red rank survivors. I also don't see anywhere on this page where they stated this was supposed to be stats for the "highest level of play".

    And I really do not understand why all red rank members matter because as a player who was been a red rank killer since March of 2018, three months after I purchased the game, my public match games are not usually all red ranks.

    Again, the stats are not inaccurate just because they didn't use only the variables you feel they should have used.


  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,801
    edited April 2021

    I don't think there's any solid evidence that the stats are inflated, but they're showing something a bit different than people tend to assume. The stats are show how players of a certain rank fare in DBD's rank-based matchmaking system. Rank probably only loosely correlates with skill, though, meaning that these stats do not say a lot about how game balance would be in a skill-based matchmaking system. In other words, if you're a red rank killer and matchmaking is rank based, you should expect to perform very well. If you don't, it most likely means you're worse than the average killer of your rank. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that killers would be expected to perform that well in a match between, say, top 1% skill killers and top 1% skill survivors.

    I don't think there is a conclusive answer on how balance actually is in high skill matches based on the available data, and this is complicated further by the lack of a defined win condition in the game. @Munqaxus and @Red_Beard are both right that the forum is very killer sided and that people are too quick to throw out the available stats that show killers are over-performing at red rank. I see no reason to throw them out, but we should just be clear on what they're actually showing. It's entirely possible for the game to be killer-sided at red rank with rank-based matchmaking and also survivor-sided for the highest-skill players out there in a skill-based matchmaking system. However, at this point, we only have data showing the former.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    No, red rank kill rate actually only took into account survivor rank, but if a survivor depipped out of red rank, they were disregarded and if one pipped into red rank they counted.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Just wanted to make clear I definitely didn't state in this thread and don't believe I have stated in any other thread that I feel the forum is killer sided. I do think that but I have not really done any research or seen a post from anyone else that has actually done any research to be able to state that as fact.

    I do feel with the matchmaking we have, playing killer in red ranks is pretty easy and as proven in a little experiment I did, I have a high kill rate with a killer I am competent in playing. And as I only have around 900 hours as a killer, I would assume anyone who has put in more time than me as killer or is just a natural, probably has a similar or even better kill rate with their competent killers. And those that don't have a similar kill rate, they probably need to work on their chosen killer a little more.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,801
    edited April 2021

    Yep, that was Munqaxus who said that - I should have made it clearer which of you said what! I wholeheartedly agree with that perspective, though. I enjoy both sides and consider myself pretty moderate in my opinions on the game, but I find myself constantly arguing the "survivor" perspective on the forum due to the sheer volume of extreme and killer sided posts that are made here. Like, people on the forum won't even accept that the devs don't hate killers and don't systematically ignore their complaints, despite the preponderance of evidence to the contrary, and despite the fact that it makes no sense for the devs to strive for anything other than a fun and balanced game [link]. We'll have patches like 4.7.0 that address a handful of items people have been complaining about for years, like OoO and Iri Heads, and instead of excitement there are suddenly dozens of posts ignoring those changes to complain about how the devs are out of touch, hate killers, and ruined Demo because his Rat Liver add-on now gives you 1% less speed while holding shred. It's absurd.

    There are lots of people with fairly moderate opinions here too, as well as people who have just as extreme perspectives on the other side. There are disproportionately few of them, though.

    I completely agree with you about playing killer at red rank. I perform much better as a killer at red rank than I do as a survivor despite typically playing in a SWF and probably 70% of my game hours being on the survivor side.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    This is me too. I play both sides but do tend to play survivor more recently. Killer can get sweaty because you are juggling so much sometimes, but that makes it fun. However, I've honestly stopped playing killer much, because I end up just letting the survivors go, because it's so easy to kill them that I feel bad for them. I know they are people just trying to take a break from life and enjoy a bit of disengagement from all the crap we deal with day to day. Being able to slaughter them without them not being able to have a chance, doesn't make me enjoy the game. If it's hard killing them, then I know that both me and the survivors have entered this state of "Flow" that everyone talks about. That state of "Flow" is what I'm striving for when I play, and it doesn't come form easy opponents.


    For you that don't know, here is excerpt from the wikipedia

    In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

  • zelda
    zelda Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2021

    MMR cannot save this unbalance game, number of killer : survivor= 1:40, survivr are still need to wait 5 minutes more to play one round.

    avg killer MMR=500, avg survivor MMR=2000, that is why survivor always say EZ, because offical help them cheating.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I would rather go against 100 spirits of equal skill level to me in a row than keep being matched with survivors who can't run a legion for literally more than 10 seconds.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    in before it doesnt matter and teammates IQ is still lower than my self esteem

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,228

    It has nothing to do with console players, that's just confirmation bias. Some players are just like that.

  • yikesama
    yikesama Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2021

    For me its the other way.. i only get BOT Teammates when i Play solo, like how can i only get urban evading team mates that dont look behind in chases on Red Rank?? its just so unfun to lose so many rounds because nobody is doing the objective when im getting chased..

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Bye then.