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Im tired of red ranks killer



  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Just for the record though, Insidious is actually a fun and decent perk on Wraith simply because survivors will never expect it.

    Kick a gen, wait hidden with Insidious, listen for them to return to the gen (don’t look in the direction in case of Spine Chill). Because survivors will be expecting to hear the wailing bell before you’d normally get a hit in, they’ll never see you coming.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    At Rank 15 (I think that's what you said you were) you absolutely should not be paired with a red rank Killer. That's just ridiculous.

    You will always hear people on forums saying "Camping? Just do gennzzzzzz" as the ultimate answer for this chronic problem, but anyone who plays Solo survivor knows it's a bunch of BS. For one thing, in solo queue, you literally cannot communicate or coordinate to the other 3 players to abandon the hooked one being camped. You can't control what they do.

    Also, I think most solo survivors have empathy for the person being face-camped. We all know how miserable it is to work all day, come home to play a game for fun, only to spend it with a Wraith, most likely played by a spoiled, basement dwelling teenager, sitting in your face, beating you on the hook for 2 minutes. According to DBD devs/mods/forumers, abandoning all humanity, shrugging off the suffering of the survivor stuck on the hook makes you a great person and a highly skilled gamer. Alas, some of us just get pissed off at these small-d energy scumbags and try to save the person anyways. Even just so they know we get how much it sucks.

    If it only happened once in a blue moon, that would be one thing. The fact that it's constant? It starts to get on one's nerves.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I will ask you as a great defender of the practice, the same thing I ask ALL defenders of face-camping; in SOLO survivor queue, how do you control or coordinate with 3 strangers to "juzt do genzzz"?

    Carrier pigeon? Do I hire a psychic to channel me? How does that work? Cuz if you tell me the secret, I'll do it tonight!

  • VanitasRyuzaki
    VanitasRyuzaki Member Posts: 110

    I understand you completely. I've had a rough time on this game also and miss the good times when I played with others who weren't toxic and Team killing. All of nerfs have happened for both, but I think some survivor perks have gotten to worse nerfs.

    Red rank killers can be both toxic and not. I've had killers at red ranks mop the floor with survivors and still run no-ed, which I think is odd because why would you need that perk if you're good with the killer.

    As for nerfs, I think borrowed time and d strike have gotten very bad nerfs. Borrowed time used to be a good perk that let survivors work together to keep each other going, activity when within rang of the killers terror radius: I think it activated only on injured survivors. Now it only works when u hooking a survivor while in the terror radius.

    D strike, remained active even while healing or fixing a gen. Now deactivates when you self heal or do a gen which I think is ridiculous. The nerf also on empathy was unnecessary in my opinion.

    I don't usually play killer because I'm adapted as a survivor, but I can agree that the level of toxicity has reached great peaks.

    I had a match against the Doctor and had an Ash troll everyone in the trial. After it was a bullied and attempted force farming. I don't usually DC from trials, but I had enough of the bullying especially when he tunneled the other survivors when the closest person was the Ash survivor.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,126

    You use common sense.

    If the Killer is nowhere to be seen, and the hooked Survivor hasn't been rescued, it isn't super hard to piece together, especially not if it happens as commonly as I am led to believe.

    I haven't defended facecamping, tunneling yes, facecamping no. I merely remarked that if Survivors actually did gens and punished the Killer for facecamping, they'd never make it out of Yellow Ranks. But they don't, and that's on the Survivors.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Well, because I'm new I don't know exactly when red rank begins but yeah, given the hours that I play I'm usually between rank 14-20 (my average seems to be about 16). When I first started playing, which was about four weeks ago (almost the exact same day as the All Kill release, whenever that specifically was), I seemed to be consistently matched up against others of roughly equivalent experience. Since then - I honestly don't know what happened, this is before the patch from the other day - I began noticing that no matter my rank, I'm now seeing people as low as 4 on a consistent basis and I THINK I've also encountered a couple of reds. On the 13th I was happy to see that "oh good, I'm with all 20s again". That lasted a couple of hours before it was back to me at 15 or 16 and killers at 10 or less. I read that the matchmaking is based on hours played? That's absurd. If it's true I wonder if it even takes hours PLAYED as opposed to hours queued, hours in the menu, etc., into consideration. I also wonder if it calculates hours played as one side versus the other. Shouldn't the matchmaking of a competitive online game be based on your win/loss record? Maybe total bloodpoints earned? Something other than "this guy got a phone call and left his game running for two hours, he's ready for stronger competition now".

    You're correct about the communication issue. I appreciate that my teammates almost always start edging towards trying to unhook me whenever it happens, but there are times when I prefer that they just concentrate on that last genny or two and let me hang for a bit. None of us are mind readers of course, they can't know that I'm willing to "take one for the team", or at least wait a little for them to find a safer moment, but yeah - face tunneling sucks because when you're there, you're usually there for the long haul. Either the killer will NOT go away so the teammates either ignore me completely or waste all their time roaming about trying to wait for him to leave, or they DO distract him and get themselves slugged as I sit and watch us all lose the match even harder. I personally do feel that camping is a valid strategy in that it CAN be countered, but that doesn't mean that the game is any fun for the person being camped. That's like saying that survivors should have endless flashlights who can just stand there and blind the killer the whole game.

    Funny that you mentioned The Wraith, the worst face-camping I ever experienced was when I was the last survivor and he found and hooked me. I was at full health so I had nothing to do but just sit there. Apparently the other player had nothing better to do either so instead of running around the map or whatever he just started running circles around me alternating between bashing me with his cudgel and going crazy with his bell. Just a good solid minute of sitting there staring at my television, controller at my side, as some spastic ######### literally ran circles around my helpless ass just beating me and going "GONG! GONG! GONG GONG! GONG"! Same with the entire death animation (which of course I didn't struggle against). "GONG! GONG! GONG! GONG! GONG!"

    I get it. You won. Now go graduate high school.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    The point is, camping is BALLZ for solo survivors. You can be completely aware to do gens if you observe the Killer is camping. In fact, it's become so common, I just assume they camp on default.

    The problem is, as a SOLO, i can't control what other people do. Even if it's 4 survivors vs Killer, that does not nearly make the survivors a team. At best, it's usually every man for himself.

    So your saying that face-camping is MY fault because I can't control the actions of the strangers I'm matched with? Can you tell me how I do that?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah that's exactly what I do with dragon's grip and bone clapper to boot 😄 not always successful but pretty fun, the survivors usually comment on it in postgame

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    To be fair, back then 3 minute gens weren't the norm. You actually could play DbD in a relatively normal way.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Yep! LOL

    Idk what it is with some people who play Wraiths. That's happened to me too, even in red ranks ( Red rank is 1-4 btw). I had a Wraith in a match who just slugged a survivor, and stood over top of them clanging his stupid bell over and over and over. No one could get near that poor survivor, and so of course, they ended up disconnecting. I don't blame them.

    We got all the gens done, but this jerk had NOED, so he one-shotted another poor survivor, and proceeded to clang his bell as they were slugged, long after the other survivors had escaped, until that poor person bled out. He wouldn't even hook them. In that way, he was doing it to goad people to disconnect, as I'm sure he enjoyed the idea they would be the ones punished (the d/c penalty and all that).

    trust, there are some very juvenile sociopaths in this game.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    And I cede that point willingly, that is wasn't the norm. But it was a problem that wasn't going to go away, and in my view would get to exactly where we are now, and sadly... we ain't seen nothing yet! The longer a SWF plays together, the better they get. The longer Solo strangles, the more SWF we get. It is a feedback loop and until it is addressed... well... we both know the score.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    So killer sided that in tournament if someone didn't use spirit or nurse they just loose

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939


    Solo survivor has been so bad lately, that I'm either considering giving up entirely (because it's too frustrating) or simply putting together a SWF. It just seems like it's becoming necessary to play SWF to counter the endless camping/######### tactics.

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  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I'm fine with skilled Killers. I'm down to lose to them too. I'm talking almost exclusively about camping/tunneling. I've lost a full rank today because match after match, Killers hard-camped the first hook, and instead of doing gens, survivors I was matched with (Solo queue) kept trying to rescue and got obliterated. Only in SWF can you instruct people to do generators and GTFO.

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  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Dude, do you play solo survivor? It's almost impossible to "double pip" if you get nothing in the altruism category. I had a textbook face-camping Bubba today in a match. He hooks the first survivor he encounters, stands in front of them nodding his head. That survivor disconnects.

    The NEXt survivor he catches, gets hooked, kills themself on the hook. Same with the third survivor- hook suicide, because I guess no one wants to deal with some BM jerk.

    I finished maybe a generator and a half in this- cleansed a totem ( I have Inner Strength), ran from him LOTS and escaped through the hatch.

    I safety pipped. That's it. Why? can't rescue people from hooks and get Altruism when they kill themselves.

    Sorry, how do I be so amazing a player that I double pip with that? lol seriously, bro.

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  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,126

    It is in fact, not your fault. Just like how, if you play a sport, the loss is not individually on you, but you do have to pay for it.

    It's a team game, whether you like it or not. You are going to pay for your teammate's mistakes.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    That's actually why I never do much online gaming, period. Anyone who runs across me and the comments I make about being new to the game are probably like "idiot deserves to lose, he's half a decade late". No, it's just that I have an anxiety disorder, have always been a relative loner who's enjoyed single-player games for decades, and didn't start computer gaming until about 10 or 15 years ago. My first online experiences (CoD, GTA V) were toxic as hell, just a bunch of children. It astounded me. I was in my 30s back then, I didn't understand the "WIN AT ALL COSTS, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY CHEESING AND CHEATING!!!" mentality. It convinced me that I wasn't missing anything. But I DESPERATELY wanted to play this game. I went to buy it as soon as I heard about it, years ago, but when I saw that it was online only with no bots (understandable) my heart sank. None of my friends care much for online gaming, are interested in this game specifically, or claim to have computers good enough to run it well. That left me with the only option of playing 100 percent of the time with strangers, and my experience and instinct (not to mention everything I started hearing about this game's community, no personal offense to anyone in it) taught me that this would be a miserable experience.

    Nonetheless a friend bought it for me and DID play with me for a week and I had a great time. Not because we only looked out for ourselves or anything, but because there was familiarity and trust (and plenty of online gaming experience on his side). Then he had to commit to his college work. Since then it's been as solo as it gets. While I do love the game, and have no inherent hatred for either side, I've noticed that yes, I get as many games against or even WITH jerkoffs who seem more interested in dicking around than actually playing the game as it was designed to be played. Haha, look at the survivors swirling and teabagging at the exit. How fun it is to go against people who have spent hours mastering the art of running in circles just to waste my time. Oh look, here's a killer who's working with a survivor to screw everyone else so they can run around them on the hook and send them misspelled taunts in chat after the match. Yay.

    I disconnected once, and had to learn the hard way. I'd had a rash of bad games - like ten really great killers in a row (I prefer survivor because, quite simply, I enjoy the cat and mouse hide and sneak gameplay more than I like the hunting and killing gameplay). I was pretty much brand new, we're talking like day 6 or 7. I have my second match in the hospital, a map I loved and really wanted to get to know. I never got the chance because I get Coldwind all the time instead. So anyway I'm slowly sneaking around trying to get some bearings of what the map is like and boom, within 30 seconds The Plague (of all characters. I've seen her like four times since then) comes out of nowhere and smacks me down. She leaves to let me bleed out but someone heals me. Cool, time to get away. I guess this was an early experience of being tunneled because sure enough, I gingerly crawl to a locker but within 15 more seconds she shows right back up, ignores the other person, and knows right which locker to grab me out of. Hooked, sacrifice sequence begins. ######### this, I'm gonna just disconnect. I wasn't even intentionally rage-quitting, I was trying to save time. It had taken me a good five or six minutes to even get the queue for the match, another minute of waiting for people to not click "ready", another half a minute of loading, and then my actual "match" is two minutes long. I figured screw it, I don't need to sit through a half-minute death sequence, just jump me to the next match already. Boom, not allowed to play with any of my friends for 48 hours. Because I'M the bad guy.

    But I get it now. I shouldn't have done it and haven't since. I don't like people disconnecting in my games either. But I mean, I was dead. My match was over. I was just trying to get on with the next five-minute queue. Again, lesson learned.

    I don't really know what my point is here. I don't like bitching about either survivors OR killers (not that I'm accusing you or anyone else of this, I'm just speaking for myself) because I see both sides, I've had fun with both sides, and I've noticed that, perhaps because of the poor matchmaking, a new player like myself faces a pretty high (to frustratingly insurmountable) challenge regardless of which side I'm on. Play as a survivor, most or all of us die. Play as a killer, most or everybody escapes. Yes, I know that I need to get better. I accept that. I don't care if I win or lose as long as I have a fair game with fair players, balanced skill, and can play for more than five (or two) minutes. I'd also prefer not to have the Wraith making me mute my TV because a win means that much to the person playing him. But, just speaking in general, I've found that the game really IS honestly more difficult than it seems like it should be as a solo player who's just trying to learn, improve, and meet other good sports. The game DOES seem a bit more balanced in favor of the killers to me, which I won't complain about, it's just made "getting gud" sort of difficult. Which, again, wouldn't be so bad if I were matched against other people who were trying to git gud, and not people who already spent 2000 hours doing so.

    ...I type way too damn much.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    No, not all the killer are comp viable, if they don't have chase potential, they're not comp viable, nurse and spirit are the only one that can beat really good tournament player, and that's a fact that almost all the community agree with, try to beat a good tournament team with pig, clown, legion or trickster, than tell me that every killer is comp viable.

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  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    No? Clown have no map pressure and only a mediocre, at best, chase, he can't beat a really good SWF simply because, you can drop the pallet, and boom, you countered clown congratulations, even with his yellow bottle in conjunction with purple bottle, when he try to set it up, just leave the tile, a good survivor completely demolish a good clown, and for the the legion it's the same things, for legion to win the survivor have to consistently make mistake, or going into a map with 7 pallet *COUGH* suffocation pit *COUGH* trickster it's juts, a budget huntress as much as i like him, you just think "okay how i counter huntress" and your fine, don't go in short loops, but only in loops with big ass wall, and don't leave him line of sight, he will not down you in a reasonable amount of time, and all of the survivor are pressing M1 on gen.

    And since your talking about tournament, at the last round of a tournament some mad lad decide to use pyramid head, he was incredible good, and yet, he just lost, pyramid head have the chase, but not the mobility to pressure gens. And i can go on with every weak killer, they can't win against coordinated team that use meta perk, that will never happen

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    I'm tired of playing against swf red rank survivors. I'm not even a red rank killer and I get slotted with them all the time. 9 times out of 10 this happens.

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  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 502

    Best killer in this game? Come on man. You are a rank 15 player who just slugs and bleeds out green ranks match after match. For the sake of your mental health, you should take a break from DbD for awhile.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Is not selfish, is just the way that we have to take if we want to do something against premades.

    Tunneling gens is the same, you want to end game as soon as possible and escape faster, so Killers must tunnel survivors to guarantee some points and at least save pip and have a minimal fun.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Dude smurfs, moris, and slugs noobs and then has the nerve to call him the best killer lol

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  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 502

    It was 2 days of nonstop nonsense posts from that guy, I had to see what the real story was.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    me too, brother, me too

  • Riif0
    Riif0 Member Posts: 57

    Oh and you forgot "one shoot addons + face camping with an axe above huntress head ready to throw"