2 Killer Perk Suggestions

Vesper Member Posts: 2


Two perk ideas came to my mind, wanted to share. Hope you like em. :)

1-Hex: Venom: Trial starts with +1 dull totem, with a total 6 totems and all totems look like a hex but with a green (venom) fire burning inside. So survivors cant understand which. When a survivor breaks this totem, it inflicts dying and killer sees his aura for 3/4/5 secs.

Also when it breaks, totems keep burning green so other survivors still dont understand if it cleansed or not ( but killer can understand, perk goes passive) (Swhs also can understand)

2- Hex: Dilemma: when a survivor begins to cleanse one of your hex totems, the entity communicates with killer and grants him aid. While survivor cleansing hex, killer faces a very hard skillcheck (like DS), if he succeeds entity takes hex to furthest dull totem available from cleansing area.

But if killer prefers to respond skiil check (save the totem), he is briefly stunned for 5/4/3 seconds. It doesnt matter if he succeed or missed skill check.

The dilemma is here if he choose to save totem, he loses chase. So he has to make a decision.

Also perk shows how many dull totems (chances) available (like trill of hunt)
