Tunneling and camping

I hope youre aware that DS does nothing to prevent tunneling. Many killers just power through them. And when they tunnel and camp i dont notice that they actually lose anything. Why are your loading bars so bad? i go for an unhook my bar is full the person is literally unhooked theyre being taken down and i still get grabbed and the person stays on hook. Can you not do somehing about tunnelers? Accelerate the gens make something need them to move and hook more than one survivor to function? I barely got 4 pips next to your gamne and i lost two in a row to camping and tunneling and i cant do nothing because its not "holding the game hostage". No its not holding the game hostage its holding the player but that doesnt matter does it? "oh just do generators while the killer is camping" is just a stupid excuse. the person that is getting camped and tunneled just has to say goodbye to theyre nerves and pips? Good job BHVR youve ruined the game for the third time for me.
Camping & Tunnelling part of games. They will always be here. Devs will not do anything about this because those tactics legal. You need to play better. If you loop killer longer, killers will leave you for other targets. They will not want to waste time with you.
Most of maps survivor side. Use them and get advantage. And ofcourse with good perks.
That is my loop build:
Iron Will + Dead Hard + Spine Chill + Resilience (That build really good against so many killers)
That is my hiding build:
Iron Will + Spirint Burst + Quick & Quiet + Diversion
And there is so many good builds. Use them and make pratice. You will get better. Good luck for your next games.