Perk buff/rework ideas >:) (killer edition)

I like coming up with these concepts so imma pitch buff/rework ideas for underused perks killer.

  1. Unnerving Presence - Your presence alone instills fear. Survivors within your terror radius have a 10%/12%/15% greater chance of triggering Skill Checks while repairing or healing. Triggered Skill check success zones are reduced by 40%/45%/50%. Triggered Skill Checks will not have a great success zone.
  2. Predator - Your acute tracking ability allows you to hone in on disturbances left by survivors. Scratch Marks left by survivors will spawn Slightly closer together. Scratch marks left will last 1/2/3 seconds longer. (Yes I know this is basically old predator but it comes with the slightly closer scratch marks)
  3. Hex: The Third Seal - A Hex that hinders ones aura reading ability. Hitting a survivor with a basic attack while this hex totem is active applied the Blindness status effect. Survivors suffering from The Third Seal will be unable to see Notifications or Blindness resistant auras from 16/24/36 meters away.
  4. Overwhelming Presence - Your presence instills great fear. Survivors within your terror radius begin too scared of the noises they may make. Survivors in your terror radius cannot use Medkits or Toolboxes. All items will suffer from a 2.5%/5%/7.5% inefficiency bonus.
  5. Overcharge - You are fueled by your hate for progress. Anytime you kick a generator it will instantly regress 1%/1.5%/2%. Overcharge a generator by performing the damage generator action. The next survivor interacting with that generator is faced with a tremendously difficult skill check. Failing the skill check results in a 5% instant regression.
  6. Beast Of Prey - Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with The Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. After gaining Bloodlust I Beast Of Prey becomes active. Press the activate ability button to become undetectable for 6/8/10 seconds.
  7. Territorial Imperative - Unlocks potential in ones aura reading ability. Survivors auras are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds when they enter the basement and you are more than 32/28/24 meters away. The basement will not spawn with a chest.
  8. Coulrophobia - Your presence alone instills great fear. Survivors within your terror radius have a 8%/9%/10% penalty to healing, sabotaging, cleansing, unlocking, and repairing actions.
  9. Rancor - You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time a generator is completed all survivors who aren’t the obsessions’ locations are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. The obsession sees your aura for 5/4/3 seconds. If the obsession has died, once all generators are complete all survivors will suffer a 5% movement speed reduction.
  10. Iron Maiden - You open lockers 30%/45%/50% faster. Survivors who stay in a locker for 25/20/15 seconds will be put in the injured state. Survivors who exit lockers will scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds.
  11. Furtive Chase - You become obsessed with one survivor. You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one. When your Obsession is hooked Furtive Chase gains a token up to a maximum of 2/4/6 tokens. Each Token will grant you the undetectable status effect for 7.5 seconds after hooking a survivor who isn’t the obsession. When a survivor rescues the obsession from the hook they become the obsession. Lose all tokens if the obsession is sacrificed or killed.
  12. Mind Breaker - Your distressing presence drains and weakens your prey. While repairing generators, survivors are afflicted by the exhausted status effect. Any Existing Exhausted status effect timers are paused while a survivor is repairing a generator. After ending the repair action, the survivor is afflicted by the Exhausted status effect for 5/10/15 seconds and will suffer a 3%/4%/5% movement speed reduction.
  13. Cruel Limits Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away. Everytime a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations within 26 meters of all survivors will be blocked for the next 20/25/30 seconds.
  14. Gearhead - You’ve got an ear for well-oiled gears. After hitting a survivor 4/3/2 times with your basic attack, gear head activates. When Gearhead activates, survivors will instantly be faced with two cursed skill checks. Hitting these skill checks will regress the generator by 5% for each skill check. If they leave the generator they will scream revealing their location and aura to you for 3 seconds.
  15. Hoarder - You protect what little you have and are attentive to any disturbances of your stockpiles. Survivors reveal their location when they interact with a chest or when they pick up an item within 32/36/40 meters of your location. Chest unlocking speeds are reduced by 25%/35%/45%.
  16. Coup De Grâce - As the end nears, you go in for the kill. Each time a generator is completed gain a token. Press the activate power button while lunging to consume a token. Consuming a token extends the distance of your current lunge by 30%/40%/50%.

okay those are my ideas lol sorry for the wall of text but yeah😅


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I love the idea you have for Gearhead.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    I like them and just by reading them none seem op. Gearhead force survivor to actually fail their skill check <3

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    That Iron Maiden idea is interesting. But it should only damage you from the healthy state. Not from the injured state.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Oh yeah dw i thought that too it’s why it only puts you in the injured state not dying ❤️

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    A. It’s not really terrible it just takes away the extreme annoyance of playing the obsession with rancor end game while also having an actual damaging effect on survivors who aren’t the obsession. 5% is a lot esp if you run NOED.

  • HuskyTwitter
    HuskyTwitter Member Posts: 71

    Really like your Gearhead idea, better than whatever the heck it does now.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I'm a big fan of the overcharge changes you came up with, it would actually make the perk pretty solid.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    yeah wanted to make it actually feel lethal and add a bit of Gen regression to it!

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    yeah I always thought by default killers should apply a small amount of regression on kicks but might as well add it to overcharge since it fits the theme!

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Is there a survivor version?

    (Love the changes to the perks btw)

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Also yes, Kate is best girl (and I'll cut anyone who says otherwise!!!)

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Hex: Monstrous Shrine

    A Hex rooting its power on the act of sacrifice. Your fervent care of hooks has aroused the Entity's interest.

    • Hook Progression is accelerated by 3/6/9%

    • Self-Unhook difficulty is increased by 5/10/15%

    • Self-Unhook penalty is increased by 3/6/9%

    • Survivors suffer from a 5/10/15% Action speed penalty when Unhooking other Survivors (New)

    • Hex: Monstrous Shrine grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for actions in the Sacrifice Category (New)

    The bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded during the Trial.

    I wanted to rework Monstrous Shrine to be a Hex perk that would affect ALL hooking not just basement as that is a bit too niche. Additionally, Survivors won't know they are cursed via Monstrous Shrine until one of them is hooked to give it a bit of surprise factor. My only concern with this is it might promote camping. A clause could be added where its effects only work when you are a certain amount of meters away from the hooked survivor similar to Devour Hope (24 meters) as I feel killers should be incentivized to go elsewhere after hooking instead of camping.

    I feel like Monstrous would be really cool like this as a Hex with immediate value on hooking. Usually Survivors keep working on gens and think they'll have time to go for a save once they're finished with said gen but Monstrous would put pressure on them. If left alone, Monstrous would make end game scenarios where everyone has been hooked once much more harrowing as well and I think they'd really go out of their way to cleanse it to alleviate that pressure. A Hex that survivors actively seek out to cleanse is great imo as it encourages side objectives. Lmk what you think! I hate Monstrous in its current state lol

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Omg I forgot monstrous shrine even existed! I like your idea btw!

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    makin one atm! I was gonna have them be same post but I figured too much text.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    If you need help I thought about a calm spirit & breakdown change :D

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Well idk gearhead change doesn’t seem weak to me I mean everytime you down someone you either get every Gen -10% or you get everyone’s locations.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587
    edited April 2021

    No one escape death

    You are determined to please your master.

    For every hook gain a token up to the maximum of 12 token

    For every 3 token gain a affect:

    • 3 token gain 100% more bloodpoint in the sacrifices category
    • 6 token gain a 7% haste for 60 seconds after hooking a survivor
    • 9 token survivors suffer from the exposed status affect for 30 second after hooking a survivor
    • 12 token gain 100% bonus bloodpoints in all catagories

    Here mine change on NOED.

    I would also like to share my change on predator

    Perk: Predator

    Your ability and knowledge to track your prey make you dangerous to go against.

    • Scratch marks last 2/3/4 seconds longer.
    • Scratch marks show the direction the survivor was going.
    • Walking now give smaller and spaced out scratch marks for 2/3/4 seconds.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Really nice ideas! I'll go through them to add my 2c:

    1.) Unnerving: No great skil checks is a really nice idea!

    2.) Predator: I guess this one should really be reworked from scratch (pun intended). With the rise of new lucky break, how about that it shows you scratch marks which otherwise would be hidden from you? That would make it a direct counter to LB and other perks which can hide scratch marks.

    3.) Third Seal: Honestly I do not think the perk needs a buff in it's effect. If it works out, it can be really devastating, esp in soloQ, when all survs got hit and the killer is slugging or no one finds the one being hooked somewhere. The issue is getting the effect applied to all survs before the totem is destroyed. So that should be made easier: Apply the blindness as soon as a surv enters the TR of the killer, and has a timer of 30s outside of TR. This would make it way more easier to get all affected, and also gives counterplay to the survs (staying out of TR to get auras back to see the aura of a slugged or hooked survivor).

    4.) Overwhelming: Great idea that survs cannot use toolboxes / medkits! I would even extend that to ALL items (maybe even opening hatch with a key). Decreased efficiency could be deleted then. Survs could still use their items outside TR, so they are not totally wasted (except flashes).

    5.) Overcharge: Small instant regression on kick sound fair to me :).

    6.) Beast of Prey: Triggerable Undetectable would make this perk so much better!

    7.) Territorial: Removing the chest would be counter-productive. The survs won't spend as much time AND they would know you have the perk equipped. The issue with this perk is that it's too weak, and you often overhear / oversee the activation. I would say, change it from aura to killer instinct, as long as a survivor is in the basement. This way, they could not even hide in a locker, KI would trigger continiously. Would also help greatly with survs hiding in the basment to spite the killer.

    8.) Coulrophobia: Adding penalties to actions is not the right way, imo. Better make healing more difficult: While in the killers TR, you cannot heal on your own (self care, medkit - Innerstrength and second wind will work, though) but need another one to heal you. Heal speed inc. are ignored in TR (we'll make it, botany etc. do not have an effect).

    9.) Rancor: Would give you an effect if the obsession dies early, but maybe a bit to powerful (5% is MUCH).

    10.) Iron Maiden: I really like the idea of lockers hurting you! I would even say it will down you if you go into one injured (or stay in the locker after being injured once). Exposed not even necessary then. Counter to Head on, DS and Inner strength.

    11.) Furtive: Interesting effect, and much more useful than the current one! Maybe a bit to strong, having 45s undetectable ...

    12.) MInd Breaker: If feel Mind Breaker is fine after it's last buff (which removed the 50% gen requirement), adding additonal movement speed penalty sound to much for me. The Exhaustion might be a bit longer, though, thats right.

    13.) Cruel Limits: Blocking all vaults around ALL survivors is not necessary, imo, since you cannot make use of the effect for survivors you do not chase. I would say, block all vaults AND pallets (we know that's possible with blights perk!) around the killer if they are in a chase, or the instant the killer starts a chase, so it's not wasted when a gen is finished without the killer chasing anyone.

    14.) Gearhead: Nice change :D

    15.) Hoarder: Slower chest opening won't improve the perk so much, imo. How about, survs get oblivious when opening a chest and like 15s after opening / cancelling it?

    16.) Coup: Should have been triggerable from the start!

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352