All you need to do to buff solo Q.
Same result, so, go for it.
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I think many killers just react emotionally to the "buff solo" part and ignore that fact that killers should be buffed after that too or maybe they don't believe that DEVs will buff killers too. Whatever the reason is, something must be done about solo, it's horrible, while SWF is too strong. Anyone who denies that is just a hypocrite.
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I meant the superbuff killers part.
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So, I just wonder, as a killer main, what do you think about nerfing survivors and then buffing solo? Don't we all win from it? Solo and killers. Even many SWF players agree that SWF is too strong. Everyone wins.
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Swf is broken and solo doesnt need to be buffed to that lvl. Swf needs to be brought down.
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Kill rates and experience of many solo players state otherwise. Solo does need a buff.
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But not to be on par with swf.
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yeah, still would be possible and could be done in a mostly fun, interactive, god-please-dont-make-me-hold-m1-on-a-gen-for-longer way.
- Totems are now significantly better hidden and a darker colour.
- There are now 7 totems on any map.
- Totems now take 16 seconds to cleanse.
- Generators must be connected to an Exit Switch before being able to be powered on. This can be done through tapping the Repair button to grab a wire, before going to a gate and pressing the same button. Performing any actions other than slowly vaulting a window will cause the wire to drop to the ground and begin to retract to the generator at a speed of 0.25m/s.
- Generator regression has been buffed to 0.5c/s.
- Damaging a generator automatically removes 5% of it's progress. Pop Goes The Weasel's effect has been changed to add an extra 20% to this for the first generator damaged within 35/40/45 seconds of a hook.
- A hex totem is not revealed to be a dull totem until at least two survivors are afflicted with the Cursed status effect. Cleansing the relevant totem before it's revealed to be a hex totem will still cause the hex perk to be destroyed.
- Hex perks now have passive effects, active whenever the hex totem has been destroyed. These are weaker than the usual effects of the perk (ie. Hex: Ruin regresses gens at 50/75/100% regression). This passive effect is removed whenever 5 or more totems have been cleansed.
- Killers who have poorer movement capabilities (Trapper, Twins, Trickster, Slinger, Pyramid Head, Clown) now have an ability to increase their movement capabilities slightly.
- Killers who have a poorer capability in a chase (Trapper, Myers, Pig, Legion) are buffed to be better in a chase.
These are the ones that spring to mind within, like, a minute of thinking. Obviously they'd need more thinking through, and not all of them would make it into the game.
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I don't find face camping in need of fixes from a game balance perspective but yeah, it's incredibly boring and should receive changes based on that alone.
Tunneling really isn't necessary against most solo queue players and this is coming from somebody who plays probably 70%/30% killer/survivor. My argument for tunnel protection isn't actually because I get tunneled, as I would consider myself okay at looping and most killers (I think) realize how much of their time I would waste if they're not immediately able to smack me off hook without BT.
My problem is I unhook Meg at least 40+ meters from the killer, who immediately drops what they're doing to return to hook. I show myself to them and try to body block if they can't one hit down but they'll obviously do their best to ignore me and go for Meg if she's not great at looping. You could argue she's not good and now just gets removed from the game as a result but I really don't feel like it's fair or fun to her or anyone else. Imo, solo queue would be much healthier if this just wasn't a viable way to play the game at all.
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That's the basis of balancing a game. Without that the game can't be balanced. As a killer I either destroy solo survivors or get destroyed by SWF. It can't work this way. Solo and SWF should be if not identical in regards to kill rates, then very close.
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SWF is here to stay. The devs won´t tun it off, because a huge amount of players enjoys playing with their friend and they also won´t give killers a visual indicator that they are playing against SWF, because they would just dodge. With that being said.
What survivors really need:
- Ingame voice chat. It´s the only way to make sure, that SWF doesn´t have an unfair advantage.
- More obligatory objectives. Like gas cans or fixing cables.
What killers need:
- More ways to slowdown gens. Additional objectives could do the trick. Other than that, a kick to a gen should be more meaningful. Something like instant 5% regression. Which would also prevent survivors from gen tapping mid chase.
- More addons that allow for different playstyles. Just look at Myers and Hag. Their addons can completely change how the killers play.
- A way to open the gates before all gens are completed. Killers should have the option to surrender without losing all their points.
- QoL changes for every killer. Those have been already proposed by their respective mains. But the devs seem to ignore those proposals. Just look at Freddy: they made a complete overhaul, no one asked for. Old Freddy mains stopped playing him, because he´s a different killer.
- Balancing: the devs need to take a hard look on how balanced it is, when survivors can complete 60% of their objective, while the killer completed 8% of his.
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Funny how we have similar approaches. I like it.
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we may have different opinions on many, many things but im not that stupid to realise that we both want the same thing- a fun, balanced game. im not gonna be a dick to everyone who disagrees with me on anything lol- as the common saying goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
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It’s a competition. It doesn’t matter if it’s fair or right. Killers need to get the weakest link out and fast cause then the stronger survivors suffer. It’s a valid strat. I don’t think it’s fair or right when I down someone in a SWF and immediately get hook swarmed by the rest, unhooking right in my face, with everyone having BT. But they do.
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Clearly it does since you refuse to play it and swf with people to avoid it.
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%70-80 of my matches I am solo. After some time I decided to team up with people. Most of my hourly gameplay I did solo. I played both side and I can tell that solo does not need buff but strong teamplay which is hard with other people that you barerly known but exist. I really dont understand why you guys not understand the fact that even solo buff wont fix your problems because your problems came from bad teammates or selfish teammates. None online game have granted their players because of they are solo. There is no history of online games where they buff their solo's. Even if they gave solo buffs it wont fix most of the problems because I did solo and I know the problems.
I play with my friends because I trust them to be good teammates not because of solo is weak. I met with this people during my solo gameplays where they did amazing jobs at solo. At solo it is random. You can come up with really good teammates or you can come up with potato or selfish gameplays but that does not mean solo is weak it means it is random and you people are not understanding this part. Any buff that is given me like base Kindred and etc... wont make my teammates better. If they are still selfish they will leave me on hook to die, if they are not doing gens they wont do gens, if they are bad at chases they will be still bad at chases. Problem is not the solo or swf, you can build your swf and you can still be team of potatos and lose most of your matches. The point you must understand is that when you play with random people they all have different skills and not all people play the game as you imagine, if that pisses you off than find some people that plays like you at solo games and ask them to team up. That will solve the real problem.
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Solo just needs teammates that are half way decent and competent.
IMO they should also allow us to see what perks others are bringing. Because of how Camping and Tunneling work currently, more killers camp when there is no obsession which should be a sign that there is something wrong with this particular action, but instead we get to toss a coin and see if the killer will/will not camp, since it’s available in every match.
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Lets just ignore suggestion from others. There will always be someone with a dumb idea. Lets only talk about solo buffs which give solos exactly the same infos as swf.
For example: Where is the problem if someone tells the location of the killer? Swf can do that. On the other hand a fifth perk slot for solos is a dumb idea.
And it doesnt matter if solo is strong enough already. The important thing is that the gap between solo and swf is as small as possible. When a killer needs a buff, nobody should say: "But solos are weaker then swf so you cant buff him."
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I also agree that idea. They can decrease the gap so that it can be more fair. But I am still not sure if the idea of voice comms can be good or bad inside the game for different reasons.
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so now SWF has basekit kindred.
buff killers then if solo wants buffs because every buff for solo also buffs SWF
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Voice chat will probably be toxic like you can see it in many games. I personally liked the introduction of a ping system with Apex legends. It made the communication with your team so much better in comparison to other shooter. The system in Home Sweet Home Survive looked good, too. But i only saw it in a stream and have no experience with it.
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Well we will see if they are gonna do something like that but I also see HSH system and it can be nice if it used properly. But I am not sure how they are gonna implement to DBD or if they really want to implement it.
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I don't know how experienced u are in the game but HELL NO,GOOD solo players DONT NEED SWF levels of info to make decisions and take actions accordingly.
GOOD players know exactly what to do at what moment.PERIOD.
GOOD players know how to run a killer around for a while and make him waste as much time as possible for others to do gens.PERIOD.
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that's just factually incorrect to an almost embarassing degree but let's pretend you're right.
put those "good" players into a swf, allow them to coordinate. they can do so, so much better it's not even fair. because that's the thing, it's not fair. it's not balanced. it's nowhere near balanced.
and that's what i want in this game, a balanced experience. having swf and solos be so far apart in power keeps it from being balanced.
so, solo buffs. that impact swf not at all. in the same patch, killer buffs. lots and lots of them. everyone is happy because the game is in a better, healthier state.
i've been informed not to lose my temper and get too aggressive again in this thread, so i'm trying my best here. you're not making it easy when you apply less logic than is possible to the plot of macbeth when you're actually reading hamlet in reverse.
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"put those "good" players into a swf, allow them to coordinate. they can do so, so much better it's not even fair. because that's the thing, it's not fair. it's not balanced. it's nowhere near balanced."
I apply less logic....Don't tell me in video games coordinated teams perform better??This can't be!
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Of course we want the same thing. Balance this game. Because its as unbalanced as it can get.
Whenever there is a tournament (i know, i know) killers struggle to get more than 2 kills. Most of the time, killers get 1 kill with 5 hooks during the whole match. That´s why i think ingame voice chat should be available for everyone and once thats intruduced, the devs need to balance around it.
After all, the 2 kills 2 escape balance the devs aim for, is far off. At least when people don´t throw the game on purpose.