devs, perks, logic

I cant hold it anymore, i want to ask.
Why was this useless perk nerfed at all? Was anything behind this decision except for hype?
1 increased lunge attack for 1 gen LOL . 5 increased lunge attacks in general.
and you cant even hold it as i understand? If you have token you cant perfom a normal lunge without spending token? Is it gone if you fail the attack?
Is it even useful in anything except meme builds?
I never liked it since i first saw it. never understood that artificial hype around this perk
people here have been complaing about for example NOED, but nerfed was this uselss perk?
im red rank killer, but i dont have twins, guess i dont understand something.
Thats probably the only reason
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i play myers those weeks, there are many useful perks you can take,
i just cant see this uselss perk instead of corrupt intervention/ hex ruin / monitor /pope/ Infectious Fright / tracking perks.