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Make love, not war

Jaeger Member Posts: 12
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

(Caution, translation of the article from another language)

How often do you encounter toxicity in the game? This is a rhetorical question, for it is probably quite often. Be it a Surv, valiantly squatting at the gates(although the whole match himself was crawling in the corner of the map and did nothing), killer, beating you on the hook (while running after you with three generators), or any of them who wrote fat EZs in the post-match chat... If this does not bother you at all, I can only be glad for you. Personally, I, for example, for the above reasons do not play on killer side. I do not like when I can be condemned for some minor mistakes or generally for playing in a relaxed manner, and the sight of four survs T-beg at the gate still gives me Vietnamese flashbacks.

Well, what am I doing? I believe that we need to somehow deal with toxicity. No, I understand that a pig that spat on the feelings of others cannot be changed with any patches and functions, I'm talking about another aspect. I would suggest adding a couple of things to help kind players share their kindness. How? Let's take a couple of examples from other games.

Overwatch. Part of Blizzard's policy is to combat the toxicity of the players in the community. Sometimes this goes to extremes, but in this case we are interested in another point. Namely, the reputation system. At the end of the match, any player can send praise to any other player. This commendation is converted into reputation points, which increase your reputation level, where 1 is a toxic leaver and 4 is a diligent brother / sister in arms. What do reputation levels give? Firstly, players with a high reputation receive loot boxes (resources) from time to time, and secondly, matchmaking is selected in accordance with their reputation. That is, respectable players play with each other, and toxic scam sprinkle poison only among themselves. In DBD, you can already throw praise at the end of the match, so why not go further? Why not add something like this? Will matchmaking be delayed? Maybe. Then you can simply leave additional reputation rewards. The developers themselves planned to reduce the amount of grind, and here two birds with one stone are straightforward. Still not like it? Okay, let's try another option.

Gwent. Everything is much simpler here. At the end of the match, the player has a huge GG button right in the middle of the final screen. If you press it, the enemy will receive a notification that you liked the match, and with it a symbolic resource reward. From my own experience, I will say that it is really nice to receive such notifications, just like sending them. This once again shows that despite the scary genre and the brutal in-game events, ordinary people are sitting behind the monitors who just came in to play. Again, there is a praise system in DBD. If you attach such messages with rewards to it, I am sure that this will save more than one player from a nervous breakdown at the end of the match. I believe that this will be a great innovation that will improve the gaming experience for absolutely everyone, without taking a lot of resources from the developers.

Now, heavy artillery.

Mortal Kombat 11. Let the author of this article dream a little. So, what does MK11 have to do with it? It has such a thing as Fatality. This is a kind of memento mori that the player activates over a defeated opponent in order to turn him into minced meat especially colorfully. However, with a special combination of buttons, the player can turn Fatality into FRIENDSHIPS. That is, instead of bloody finishing off, the character will do some cute nonsense, as if showing that the fighting are just friends and there is no hatred between them. Just imagine what would happen if such an alternative function existed in memento mori? The ghost gives the survivor to knock on his bell, the Nurse examines and asks if he was hurt when he fell, and Demogorgon gently rubs his hands. If one of the most brutal ultimatum cruel fight games could afford such cute nonsense, why can't BHVR? Eh, dreams, dreams ...

In any case, in order for this to be introduced, publicity is needed. If you liked any of the ideas - spread it, inform the developers, tell it on social networks. Leave comments here and suggest fixes or your ideas, because all of this will help make the game better. Make love, not war!

Post edited by Jaeger on


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    "Make love, not war."

    Aight, Clown better bring that thicc belly over here.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    We already do both, sorry to say. Sometimes one right after the other. It's one reason why boomers are even a thing actually.