If characters had a 4th teachable perk? What would they be?

My personal ideas:
The Grieving Few
In the brink of death, you are there; to sooth those who are left behind. Something that was never done for you.
When a survivor is put into the dying health state, all healthy survivors outside your terror radius are revealed to you.
”She actually believes that this is helping us. Do not pity her! In the end, she will just turn our struggle into utter agony.” -Unknown
Silenced Martyr
You feed off the fury of others. Their frustration and humiliation surge each time they sacrifice themselves.
When a survivor is put into the dying health state while taking a protection hit, Silenced Martyr activates. The dying survivor becomes the obsession and the killer gains a 15% haste effect until the obsession is hooked or healed to the injured health state.
Silenced Martyr can only affect one survivor. Any new survivor put into the dying health state while taking a protection hit becomes the target for Silenced Martyr.
Hex: Terror and Pain
This hex roots its power in fear, granting increasing strength for the more fear and chaos that is created.
Two hex totems are created and both must be cleansed to remove Hex: Terror and Pain.
Each time a survivor screams, gain a stackable 10% haste effect for 20 seconds.
Each time a survivor is injured by the killer’s basic attack, become undetectable for 30 seconds.
Off the Grid
You did it once, you can do it again. Removing all trace is trivial compared to the work of maintaining it.
When a survivor is hooked, your aura is suppressed for 5 seconds and Off the Grid gains a token, up to 5/7/10 tokens. For each token, the sound of your footsteps and breathing are decreased by 10%.
”When times get stressful, I hide away. Even as the world falls around me.” -Jake Park
It isn’t hard to remember the times when you watched from the side lines. If only, you had the courage then that you have now.
When another survivor is in chase within 16 meters of your location, the chased survivor gains a 5/7/8% haste effect that lingers for 20 seconds after leaving Outcast’s range.
-“I may not be able to support them right now, but I am watching to help when it comes to it.” -Dwight Fairfield
Team Player
It may not seem it but, when comes to teamwork you excel, if only your retain exceed your anger.
When within 8 meters of a carried survivor, gain the endurance status effect. Once put into deep wounds, Team player enters a 120/100/80 second cool down.
-“Taking one for y’a now, but you’ll get me later right.” -David King
i do like that Jake perk
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Camouflage = You know how to hide yourself. Go to corner and crouch in any grass. That will make you %50,75,100 invisible.
Locker = Eternity heard your pains. You will start with +5 lockers in trial.
Eternity = Killers will see your real aura. And that will scare them. You will survive all trials when you use this perk. Only works for Nea.
Okey i think i used all memes. So i am done.
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