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With way BHVR guts killers, the chances of a killer being nerfed are a criteria of choosing main



  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited April 2021

    By me was it just exactly what I wanted and it had maybe also help that I could personally relate to my main.

    I know, that is not much explaination, but I don't know what to say more. If you really like something, you stick to it and if it goes away, for whatever reason, nothing else can compare for you to that.

    So that you have a bit about of data from me: I have play to my high times around 4-10 matches each day, depending on the time I had, or also my mood, until the killer got reworked and beginning with shortly after release of this killer chapter.

    90% or more of that time was with this one killer. The rest was with mostly Meyers, Clown, or Trapper and in rar cases Survivor. I have for sure sometimes also play other killers, but that is not comparable to my main, or the other killers I mentioned.

    You see... If you have found what you like, you have no problem to waste with this character your time, imo :)

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    nah, people already complain how annoying his power is.

    I'm pretty sure devs will gut him sooner or later.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited April 2021

    I think the same. To read the forums tells me everything I need to know.

    Imo, the reasons that something is "unfun", or "boring", or "annoying" etc. are the most stupid ones, to nerf something.

    I mean, it is a multiplayer game, with a ton of content. It would be naive to think that everything, that one enjoys would also everyone else enjoy and vice versa.

    There is always someone who dislikes something and always someone who likes something and that is the reason why I have the opinion, that every nerf, based on this is unhealthy for the game, since it robs part of the playerbase their fun and the game attracts less people, because the game can't offer future "X" anymore, to a potential customer.

    On this think the crybabys of course never and that is to be expected, but that bhvr also sometimes takes that as a reason to nerf something is totally incomprehensible for me.

    Imo, things should only be changed for a real reason and then not on a way that the feeling for this specific thing gets lost (and with that I mean everything, not just killers).

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    I know ._. There are so many Killers i want to try but well, if i play them the first few times and without meta perks, while getting matched with bullies, its very frustrating so i always have to stick with Nurse if i want to get some BP and tbh Nurse is way too sweaty to play her like 1 hour straight or 2 hours.

    So in order to farm Bloodpoints to get other Killers' teachable Perks, i have to hard spam Nurse and that ruins the whole point of having fun for me as i dont want to be matches with red ranks and sweat like them.

    Seems like i havent found my true main Killer Character yet but i also dont want to grind out the whole stuff against bullies.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited April 2021

    Well, you can watch on YouTube tutorial videos to many builds and killers, or ask here in the forums for help.

    I am there not a big help, since I have never really watch on my bps (I have more see them as things that "automatically come in - sooner or later" and play most of the time just to have fun and chill.

    The only thing I have ever done in dbd on purpose (what winning and ranks and so on matters) was to de-rank on purpose, because staying 1-2 weeks in the red ranks was just too sweatie for me :).

    Better going down a bit into green, yellow and purple and messing around with the survivors was my slogan :D

    Just pick your killers, you like to try and ask here in the forums for advice, or watch some videos on YouTube, hm? Maybe it works out at the end, nobody can't know it now...

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree, I am still very upset of the Legion nerf. It is so unfun and atrocious to play the current Legion if you played or mained the old Legion like I have. It does suck of the devs do that, I can Imagine how the old Nurse or Billy mains feel now, and it hurts to see that.