even SWF beats otz

Bruh this is why people want solo queue changes and killers to be buffed to make SWF just as balanced as solo.
Also everyone can get destroyed by SWF, or even solo queue as a matter of fact.
Do you watch Tru3Ta1ent by any chance?
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Implying Otz is a God and can't be beat.
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Is that to imply that Otz is one of the best around?
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I have also beaten Otz while playing Solo or in a 2 man SWF.
Am I a god now? Otz is also just a player - a really experienced one, but he can lose games as well.
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Oh no how ever will he recover?!
Dude plays against swfs more often than not, really not that big of a deal.
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Your point? I've seen Otz destroy good SWF's, especially in his "50 wins as x Killer". And he does those without add-ons.
But, I guess those don't matter since they don't fit your agenda, right? Jesus dude, your hate boner for people playing with friends is just ridiculous at this point.
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It was the worst map in the game as Myers and he killed half of them.
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Imagine basing your entire argument around what happened to a twitch streamer you follow. 😆
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So they were a good team? You killers are so entitled to win every game that it’s not even funny anymore.
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Otz isn't unbeatable.
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No Killer or Survivor should win 100% of their matches. That wouldn't make a game 'balanced'. I imagine it wouldn't be very fun for a multiplayer game either.
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I would have lost that match 3 times, and that's not even possible!
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He just hates every survivor in existence. All of us are toxic jerks to him.
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Oh no, let's not group killers with this killer/person. Different breed
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2k is a loss, clearly
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Skip to 18:35. Just a reminder this is who we are talking to
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Is it really that big of a deal
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had to also resort to camping
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I agree, the game is bullshit, myers needs a buff and SWF is OP
he almost died of a bleed out yet got carried by his SWF and dead hard
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He got Cowshed, one of the most notoriously survivor sided maps currently in the game. He's playing Myers into 3 OoOs so it's much harder for him to build up stalk once out of T2 and even when he hits T3 survivors have a huge warning when he's coming towards them ontop of the safe tiles Cowshed offers.
And at the end, he still managed a 2K which is a tied game.
Even the best players are going to have bad games.
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Why do you assume everything is SWF?
Like, you have to realise at some point this isn't true, I've had solos throw their matches away to save me from a camping killer at end game.
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You tried to mindgame a low wall loop as Myers on the game and used you tier 3 inefficiently twice. That tells me enough
Anyway no reason to rage that hard after you got beaten
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No one player is unbeatable. Otz is fantastic at the game, and very knowledgeable, with some great ideas. But he’s not unbeatable. No one DBD player can reach a point where they will never lose. That’s just ludicrous.
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that low wall mindgame worked.
he did in fact vault over the pallet right towards me and which would have resulted in his death
but because he had dead hard he got away. Which is a crutch meta perk by the way
Then his SWF friends body blocked preventing me from getting him
also the game is a survivor sided map with 20 god pallets
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Oh no, it's as though Otz is a human and therefore fallible.
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maybe put an SWF counter in the lobby then so I know for sure
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Bro he's used a lot by survivors in end game chat telling us killers to get good and don't face camp
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Did you use T3 effectivly once?
Did you spend way to much time trying to mindgame pallets that you should have kicked?
Did you miss some lunges?
All of these mistakes lead to your loss.
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He ran niche perks in a rank where People are efficient meta players. This would have been winnable with the right loadout. One of the games current issues is how meta perk reliant low-mid tier killers are if they even wanna compete against decent teams.
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literally every ######### pallet in the game is a safe pallet.
You can't mind game in that map AT ALL
And I effectively did mindgame but the little ######### used dead hard at the last second and escaped.
Man do I love that crutch ass meta perk known as dead hard
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I love you.
All his "content" is that.
Blames swf
Blames dh
Blames pallets
Blames separating on generators
Blames ds
Blames head on
Blame balanced landing
Blames lockers
Blames loops
Blames tl walls
Blame survivors with the same top for looking to similar which means swf
And that's just from 2 matches.... Even though his gameplay is A LOT of mistakes on his end.
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You guy are doing some kind of crusade against SWF's ? Its like the sixth post about SWF where you complain how op they are .
If you have something like eyes you can definitely tell he is using not meta perk build
.And if you want to ask no a aint a survivor main i actually main deathslinger and i can handle SWF without addons, so get good bro
And Otzdarva isnt that good at this game as i may seem.
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but I did ######### mindgame that safe pallet it worked and he vaulted towards me and was in knife distance.
he got away because of his crutch perk dead hard otherwise he would have died
So yes dead hard is a problem, it even ######### up my aim assist and bumped me into a wall
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Dead Hard can be annoying when survivors use it well, but honestly if you lost a kill over a single dead hard you made a lot of mistakes up to that point. Dead Hard is not some instant win thing as many survivors fail to use dead hard well.
Like in the Otz video you shared when he was playing Plague on Rotten Fields and the survivor near the beginning of the match dead hards towards shack out in the middle of the corn field and goes down because they weren't close to anything.
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Dead hard is an instant win during EGC
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That's the last 2-4 minutes of the game. You had 0 kills up to that point. You were not in a winning position and that single dead hard isn't changing that.
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You got carried by the slug and it failed. You had 4 minutes to pick him up and EASILY put him on a hook. You messed up, and you paid the price.
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If the map can’t be mindgamed why try? Just kick it and don’t waste time.
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Lol no.
because his SWF buddies would have just hook juggle with BT and DS with the exit gates open. There was no winning other than just letting him die by bleedout which he was 1 sliver away from death
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but he was literally 1 second away from death by bleed out
if he got downed again he would be instantly dead
but because even though I successfully mind gamed that safe pallet he got away with dead hard and then his SWF buddies body blocked
the dude was DEAD but dead hard and SWF saved him
Doesn't matter if I won or not I wanted the kill and his SWF bullshit with meta perks denied it.
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So does you getting this 1 kill somehow magically turn the fact you lost hard against this team up to that point?
Whether or not you got that 1 kill, you still lost the game and you still would be bitching about them being a SWF.
You are just trying to find things to blame besides your own failures.
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I beat swf consistently with Trickster, and yes I have gone against swf's with 2-4 objects on him, and still beat them even with haddonfield offerings. I have 2.1k hours in the game though, so I am more than likely better than them. Swf usually isn't that hard to beat unless it's a deathsquad, and I have gone against quite a few in my time. Mainly when MMR was on and my MMR was so high with Clown mostly all I got were deathsquads, and my que times took quite a long time. Otz is good, but he still doesn't know some mindgames that work consistently, and I think if he were to mindgame the shack better he could've won that fractured game, but he doesn't know about it. Swf's are generally pretty easy to beat though. They end up usually making a lot of mistakes that cost them the game, by being too altruistic.
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Literally are you ignoring what I am saying?
he only got away because of dead hard
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And why is it so bad to miss out on 50 Points due to one person not bleeding out?