Do you get scared, uneasy, or anxious while playing survivor in Dead by Daylight?
Refer to the title.
I sometimes get scared while playing survivor, it doesn't matter which killer, I just do.
Also, I meant to type (post in comments) for Depends.
Do you get scared, uneasy, or anxious while playing survivor in Dead by Daylight? 68 votes
I voted no, because I have a lot of fun, especially with friends, and we just start laughing when things fall apart.
Working on a generator, and panning the camera around to see The Shape in the distance stalking me through a vault or something jump scares me pretty good. And that's also lots of fun.
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I get more scared as a Killer than a Survivor, surprise stuns are the scariest thing in this game.
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Do I get anxious while playing the game itself? No. However, I do get anxious, worried etc about post game and the reactions to others.
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I can relate tbh
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The fear impact is the fun part!
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The stun sounds are a bit loud and are scary when you least expect it.
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Depends (post in description)
Anxious no, i already have anxiety i don't wish for that to become a thing playing a game lol, scared well no but still after playing this game a long time, i do get jump scares if ghost face, myers, pig just suddenly is there and i am like Oh "bad word" son! hauling bottom lol
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Sorry to hear bout your anxiety, I have it as well. But yeah I can relate, Ghostface is actually my favorite killer to go against because of that!
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I get this weird rush when I load into a match because I am nervous to begin working on gens or totems. If someone gets downed and I run over, I find myself freaking out over who the killer might be and where they are, but the scariest is when I do something and Ghostface's red circle shows up on my name and I don't know where to run!!!
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Depends (post in description)
Yeah even now can be like holy balls! lol i am on meds for anxiety so its all good, gaming helps me though i wouldn't be on any games that caused me such lol, i was thinking about becoming a streamer but not sure if anyone would watch me and getting mighty peeved at the game lol
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Yeah, I'm on meds atm as well. You'd probably be a fun streamer to watch!
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Yeah, even gens are a bit scary to work on because of the thought of a Wraith uncloaking out of nowhere in an indoor map like Midwich. And boy it's even worse when I run into the direction of a Ghostface after getting marked.
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Depends (post in description)
aww shucks why thank you i am an honest person, so okay a little salty i admit it and times i wish to throw a shoe lol but i was thinking of it but then i would need to know how to play on the comp and never have lol
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Depends (post in description)
The only killers that 'scare' me are: Ghostface, Pig sometimes, and Trapper.
Trapper gave me map PTSD, I always feel like I'm somehow going to step into a trap when the trial hasn't even started. When I DO step into a trap, my heart sinks. He himself doesn't scare me though.
Ghostface if they really try to grab you off generators with undetectable. It can catch me off guard. Pig for the same reason.
Myers has the potential to be freaky sometimes, but I find him way too funny to take seriously. His movements are weirdly stiff and his stun sound is amazing. Plus his power is literally looking at you, and when you combine all of that it's sort of hard to take seriously. It's extremely funny to me when it turns out a Myers has been stalking you from like 3 feet away.
Most other killers either aren't scary enough, or are just plain funny to me.
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Don't worry I get angry while playing the game a lot lol (tho I still try to be a good sport)
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Depends (post in description)
If i am honest i am not always a good sport and i will try to use other words cos i got kids, but i can practically throw a cushion at Mr Mushwin and call him a killer main in things lol and he tries bless him to point out the good things and i am looking at him like an evil racoon lol i can be like that but i then take a breath and move on and its not just killer because recently my team mates suck balls lol
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Depends (post in description)
It depends, on what is happening in the match
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Depends (post in description)
I've definitely screamed when I turn a corner into a Mikey not expecting it. Doesn't happen often but has happened handful of times. Scream followed by laughing that gets me killed. 😂
Trapper on certain older maps that have ground covering I get anxious walking around worried I'll step in a trap. Reworked and indoor maps not so much, those I can usually see traps from mile away - if I step in a trap on those maps it's from not paying attention in a chase.
That's about it for scared/anxious.
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Depends (post in description)
When I first got the game, I could only play killer because survivor gave me so much anxiety. After about a year, I decided to give it another try and I discovered that knowing how the game works, and how the maps are laid out, etc, takes a lot of the fear away.
I don't really get scared anymore, but I feel uneasy around stealth killers -- especially early in a match, when I have no idea where they are, or who they are, and they just pop out of nowhere.
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Depends (post in description)
Every once in a while games can be rather intense such as when you are injured in the middle of a dead zone on a generator against a stealth killer.
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I will very rarely get scared by a Pig or Ghostface sneaking up on me, But other than that no.
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Depends (post in description)
Well It's kind of scary to see one of the survivors who looks like me get hooked (Im not going to specify who it is tho)
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Depends (post in description)
Haha Spirit turns my generalized anxiety disorder up to 11 it hurts call the ambulance
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Depends (post in description)
if it’s a Leatherface then yes. I never can seem to be able to juke him or anything. I die almost everytime
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Stealth killers in this game are so busted when you don't bring spine chill. So tired of jumpscare myers and scratched mirror, silent bell wraith, and mega lunge spirit. Some gens like the bathroom gen on the Game map are so unbalanced because it will guarantee a free hit for competent killers. Perks like tinkerer should be reworked to only give a loud noise notification instead of giving undetectable status. And hitting those toolbox skillies are so stressful when you can hear the heartbeat but don't see the killer anywhere. I'm 100% going to abandon my teammates if I see another hag running rusty shackles and monitor and abuse. I don't care if my mic is unmuted I will still scream on Swf very loud if the spirit stands still for a few seconds at a loop and then reappears 3 inches away from me. My permanent survivor build is distortion, iron will, urban evasion, and spine chill. I will never run meta perks again or wear bright clothing.
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Only thing I feel when I play this game is disappointment in my teammates
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Depends (post in description)
There's a few things that inspire dread and anxiety in me when I'm playing survivor:
- Being the obsession and seeing the killer's aura when gens are completed. Dread it, run from it - Rancor arrives all the same.
- Knowing that I'm up against a mirror myers on an indoor map
- When I know the killer has undying but no ruin.
- Hearing the Plague's corrupt purge sound que when everyone's fully infected
That's about it
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the thing that i worry about is being matched with potatoes or facecamping bubbas. the game itself doesnt intimate or scare me (unless the killer is ghostface or jumpscare myers). the chance that the game will ruin my day is what scares me
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Depends (post in description)
if it's against a stealth killer that's when I get scared. It's more scary when you're the last remaining survivor.
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Depends (post in description)
When facing a new killer there's always an exciting little bit of fear and anxiety. That wears off rather quickly though. Facing a stealth killer without spine chill can also be anxiety inducing though, especially if they're good.
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Depends (post in description)
Without spine chill it can a bit scary. Since the killer has the element of surprise.