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SWF search time

Why does SWF take so much more time to find a game than alone

and please don't anwser "the lobby fits only 1 more" because many times alone you find a lobby with plenty of room almost instantly and after that match your friend comes online and you go to SWF and wait 5mins to get into a lobby with 300ping


  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    @kandalph said:
    Why does SWF take so much more time to find a game than alone

    I could see two reasons:

    1/ simple maths. Solo players fits in any lobby, even when there are 1, 2, 3 or 4 room left. Of course they'll wait less, because there have a larger number of lobbies to choose from.

    2/ because playing killer is actually much more painfull than having a survivor's game. As a result, there are less people willing to play killer. And ultimately, less killers means less lobbies. Add to this some lobby dodging and you'll now why you're waiting more than the average solo player.

    My guess is you should try to play solo more often, because it is more challenging for the survivor (and thus more balanced for the killers), and closer to the original design of the game. But if you really want to play with your friends AND still having a short waiting queue, I'd suggest the game mode Kill Your Friends.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @kandalph said:
    Why does SWF take so much more time to find a game than alone

    and please don't anwser "the lobby fits only 1 more" because many times alone you find a lobby with plenty of room almost instantly and after that match your friend comes online and you go to SWF and wait 5mins to get into a lobby with 300ping

    Rank difference makes finding a "balanced" (I use the term lightly) match difficult/time consuming and the fact that it needs to load all of you into a match rather than just 1 person.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Most of the people play swf on consoles, so my guess it's due to the fact that lobby already has 2-3 people in it

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @kandalph said:
    Why does SWF take so much more time to find a game than alone

    and please don't anwser "the lobby fits only 1 more" because many times alone you find a lobby with plenty of room almost instantly and after that match your friend comes online and you go to SWF and wait 5mins to get into a lobby with 300ping

    If you have a disparity in rank it makes it harder.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Never suffered from this. SWF queues have always taken like 10 seconds for me. Never played on console though, so maybe that's part of the reasoning.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I think the dev should have a Call To Arms(Like Dungeons/Raids on World of Warcraft) buff for killers and SOLO survivors(sorry but SWF is cancer for killers and most of the time, solo players). If the games que detects more killers, have a CTA for survivors and vice versa. Join during the CTA and you get a blood point buff/post game reward.

    only 300 ping? Surely you jest. That's playable. Try being on the dallas server with people from china, japan, Russia and Australia hoesting and you have a jump from 90ms to 1300ms ping LOL

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited October 2018
    Because killers guess that an SWF is breaking the game by using outside chats, and do not want to vs people who have the advantage of several free perks, and coordination. 

    If you're larger than 2, I will probably dodge you. If you are 2, i might think about it.
    If my solo self ends up in a lobby with an swf, and the killer bails, I won't be mad.
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2018

    Because we (Killers) aren't a dancing monkey for SWF scum.

    Also because as soon as you hit Green Ranks (Rank 10 n lower) as killer all you get are SWF groups. Usually with a Rank 1 or 2 for shits and gigs.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    kandalph said:

    Why does SWF take so much more time to find a game than alone

    and please don't anwser "the lobby fits only 1 more" because many times alone you find a lobby with plenty of room almost instantly and after that match your friend comes online and you go to SWF and wait 5mins to get into a lobby with 300ping

    No one wants to play killer because they are treated like trash. This problem wouldn’t exist if people just remembered their manners. 
  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    I play around 80% or more survivor these days , mostly because I get tired of the 3 and 4 man tryhards . now I have a friend who recently joined this past week and I have been helping him out and playing a 2 man swf . we don't have much of a wait time and we do get lobby dodged quite a lot and I wont complain about it . I understand why they are doing it and have even explained it to my friend so he understands now too . We don't play toxic like what a lot of killers have to experience from the majority of swf groups . All I can say is try playing solo or reduce the size of the swf group to two , but try to see the killers side in it as well and understand why rather then whine .