All my suggestions for the Dead by Daylight.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my suggestions for our favorite game Dead by Daylight. I have a lot of ideas to every single spot of this game and today i'll share them with you!
Warning: you'll have to read a lot.
So, let's start. The first thing I would like to talk about - is the key. I think, that todays key is nothing, but a toxic item. With the key, survivors are not afraid to lose, because they know, that they will win in all ways. I think its not okay. Survivors in this game is forgot, how to survive. And this changes will remind them about it:
1. -Broken key: Now, if survivor uses the Broken key, it will be displayed on his neck, not in his hand like usual. (This I propose to do specifically, so that the killer understands, that the survivor uses the key not as to open the hatch, but as to read the aura. Otherwise, if we leave this key in survivor hand, the killer, instead of hanging all the survivors, will try to slug all the survivors to the last, so as not to let any of them escape through the hatch.)
2. -Dull key and Skeleton key: Removed the possibility of opening the hatch.
-Dull key: Duration of use is increased from 5 to 20 seconds. Now has a passive aura that reveals the auras of survivors at a distance of 5 meters.
-Skeleton key: Duration of use is increased from 20 to 30 seconds. Now has a passive aura that reveals the auras of survivors at a distance of 10 meters.
-New add-on for the keys: "Code from the lock". Rarity: Ultra Rare. (I think that all, what survivors use, need ultra rare add-on.)
Opens the possibility to see the timer of key use and opens the possibility of opening the hatch under the following conditions:
(1) The key must have at least 5 seconds of use left.
(2) The usual opening of the hatch is replaced by a 5-second process, during which the survivors must pass 3 difficult skill-checks. If the survivor fails the skill-check or stops action of opening the hatch, all progress of opening drops to zero and the key is instantly deactivated. The survivors can try to open the door two times. If the second survivor, who had a key with this addon, as well as the first, failed the skill-check or stopped the action of opening the hatch, the hatch will be blocked by the entity until it opens itself in the usual way. (1 survivor left in the map.)
This add-on will not work with "the Broken key". (I think it makes sense.)
Lore of this add-on: "Numbers are written on a blood-soaked piece of paper. I noticed a very interesting detail: in different dimensions - different numbers." - Benedict Baker's Journal.
Prayer Rope: Additional key usage time is reduced from 10 to 5.
-Milky Glass: Rarity is changed from "Very Rare" to "Uncommon". No longer protect the key from loss, when you opened the hatch. Now this add-on is allows you to use the key without delay. (Todays key is have a delay in 2 seconds. This add-on is now remove this delay.)
-Prayer Beads: Rarity is changed from "Uncommon" to "Very rare". No longer adds 15 seconds of use to the Key. Now this add-on will not allow you to lose the key in any way. (Ex: Franklin's Demise hit and all add-ons on killer's powers, which cause survivors to drop items from their hands will not work with this add-on.)
-Gold Token: Reveals Survivors' Auras when within a range of 48 metres, and your aura to other survivors within a range of 24 meters.
You're still here? Good! I really appreciate it! Now let's talk about the Legion.
Today's Legion, according to a lot of players, is weak killer. But ask yourself: Why?
You know why? Because he have useless add-ons on his power. I think that he is have most useless "Ultra", and "Very rare" add-ons in the game. And to do better Legion, everything we need, is to change his Add-ons. That's my suggestions to make the Legion better:
-Nasty Blade: Mending time when affected by the Deep Wound Status Effect is increase from "Slightly" to "Moderately".
-Julie's Mix Tape: Decreasing cooldown of Feral Frenzy has been increase from 0.2 secs to 0.4 secs.
-Joey's Mix Tape: Decreasing cooldown of Feral Frenzy has been increase from 0.4 secs to 0.6 secs.
-Frank's Mix Tape: Now this add-on decrease the cooldown of Feral Frenzy. Timer - 1 second. (I think: if 2 tapes is decrease the cooldown, why Frank's mix tape not? Tapes (with the exception of Susie's mix tape) need to decrease the cooldown!)
-Cold Dirt: No longer decrease the cooldown of Feral Frenzy. Now this add-on will allow you to miss once and not disable Feral Frenzy. If miss again - Feral Frenzy will deactivate. (This bad extension is one of many reasons, why people don't like to play the Legion. So this add-on allows to give the player the right to make a mistake.)
-Filthy Blade: Opens the ability to see the timer left by the survivors, during a Deep Wound. If you hit the survivor with the active Deep Wound, during the Feral Frenzy, the hit will make survivor instantly lose 25% of the Deep Wound timer. Survivor will fall after a 4 successful Feral Frenzy hits. (The returning of old Legion? Nah, old Legion can activate their power, when Power Scale filled in 25%. But today Legion can activate their power only in 100% scale. So, I don't think, that it will be OP add-on, but it will be better, than now.)
-Stab Wounds Study: During the Feral Frenzy, when you hit the survivor, and activate Deep Wound status effect on him, adds a bonus to the movement speed of Feral Frenzy speed. (0.2 m/s for each new survivor. 1 surv: 5.4 m/s; 2 survs: 5.6 m/s. 3 survs: 5.8 m/s. Max digit - 6 m/s.) (This add-on will gave the Legion more mobility and controlling the map.)
-Fuming Mix Tape: During the Feral Frenzy, when you hit three survivors for one use, a blow to the fourth will instantly put him in a dying state. "A fourth" is the survivor, which The Legion had not wounded in a single use of Feral Frenzy. Deactivate the power after a successful hit. If hit was successful: Considerably increase Feral Frenzy Recovery time. (I think that Legion is don't need to see the gen auras. He's not that killer, which need it. He is active killer and he need to catch the survivors, and thats why he need a good "Ultra Rare" add-on.)
Phew, i hope that you're not tired of reading! :D
Now, let's talk about new perks. Here's what I came up with:
First perk is called: "Boiling Blood".
The more you chase your prey, the more anger wakes up in you.
Each time a generator is completed, "Boiling Blood" gaines 1 token. In the next chase, when the “Bloodlust” status effect is activated on you, 1 token is consumed to increase your movement on 0,2/0,3/0,4 m/s on the first level of Bloodlust.
Second perk is called: "Suffer With Me".
If you are suffer, then will suffer everyone.
The next time you are stunned by a pallet, survivor, who stunned you, will suffer from the Exposed status effect on 10/12/14 seconds.
Suffer With Me has a cooldown in 80/70/60 seconds.
Third perk is called: "Absolute Control".
You are infuriated by the fact that with each step the survivors are getting closer to victory. The Entity stands in solidarity with your rage and shares its power with you. Each time a generator is completed, "Absolute Control" gaines 1 token. Next time you vault over the window, 1 token is consumed and The Entity will block the window until the end of the match. Maximum tokens: 2/3/4.
Fourth perk is called: Hex: Breath of Death
A Hex which will take away survivors hopes of salvation.
In the start of the Trial, 2/4/6 random windows, and 2/4/6 random pallets will block by The Entity. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
Fifth perk is called: "Neverending Hunt".
No one can hide from your love for a good, and most importantly, a successful hunt for survivors. The aura of a wounded survivor is revealed to you for 10/15/20 seconds if it is within the terror radius. The effect disappears as time passes, or when the survivor runs out of the terror radius. You can only unlock the aura of 1 survivor at a time. "Neverending Hunt" has a Cooldown in 80/70/60 seconds.
And my final perk is called: Gift of the Entity.
The Entity itself is ready to help you kill the survivors, but there's always a price to pay.
You become obsessed with one survivor. The Obsession is granted a 9% Action Speed bonus to Vaulting windows and pallets. When the Obsession is getting hooked, the hook progression is accelerated by 5/7,5/10%. This perk will not work with "Monstrous Shrine".
So...that's the first part of my suggestions. It will be nice to read your opinion about all this. Thank you for reading up to this point! See you in the fog!