After a lengthy break.....

I got straight back into the swing of dead by daylight. Loving how everything looks so much better than it did last time I played. I see matchmaking is still terrible, pallets are still broken and hit boxes change with each second. None of this is why I am posting.

I play both sides of the game, I lean more towards killer, as solo survivor is distressing and SWF makes the killer look really bad.

What have the devs done to decisive strike? As in, the why? I wasn't a user of DS before my break, but I am now. I played from rank 20 to rank 4 and in all those games, 3 of them I wasn't immediately tunneled off hook or before I got a chance to be healed. Then I see it, the devs completely gutted DS to the point where survivors don't use it, so killers have got no deterrent from tunneling anymore. Why would the devs do that? Just to mitigate an extremely unlikely scenario where a killer can chase and hit survivors at least 3 times only to be hit with DS? Despite the obvious skill a killer needs to display to be able to do all that in under 60 seconds, you still went ahead and nurfed it anyway.

OK, sure 2nd chance perks are real touchy subject for killers, the old "we are being punished for being efficient" or "we are being punished for completing our objectives" but, when there's plenty of exposure perks, make your choice, starstruck, haunted grounds, NOED, devour hope, dragons grip, rancor not sure of there's more with other killers I haven't got yet. Not to mention there's 4 killers that have an instadown attack and one that can instantly kill survivors the first time they see him.

You devs really need to think more about your decisions and what the actual affects of your changes will do to the game. I am not telling anyone to change DS, I am loving being what seems like the extreme minority of survivors that use it. (I have noticed in killer games that I don't see it often at the match summary screen)


  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Interesting response. The fact that I now run DS when before I didn't, definitely leans more towards the sudden need for it.

    I never ran it before, because being tunneled was around a 2in10 chance for me, now it's an 9in10 chance and I won't rely on random having BT to help.

    So yeah, definitely getting to use it, just pointing out that it was a bad move by the devs to gut it how they did.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    Don't worry about tunneling. Salty player's are gonna salt. The trick to winning is to have fun, and let the sweaty folks cry themselves to sleep after their temper tantrums are done. If you aren't having fun or can't have fun while playing, then that's a good time to find a whole new recreational activity that yields higher utility.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    DS wasn't gutted. It was made to do it's job and nothing else.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Not necessarily, just because you're doing another action, you're still being deliberately targeted because you're closer to being sacrificed. Besides, If less players are using it because of its nurf, then there is more tunneling as a result, which is the point of the thread. I just don't under stand the reasoning for it.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    if you have time to get healed you don't have time to get tunneled boy :)

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Maybe so, but if less players are using it, because it of some loose interpretation of tunnelling (tunneling can be deliberately targeting a weakened player as well as deliberately targeting the player that closest to sacrifice) has caused an over nurf, then its not doing its job

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    I will certainly agree that content creators do tend to attract the sheeple. I am not sure it's one of the best perks, DS before at least offered tactical options, now it's just anti tunnel only.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    For sure, I have loads of fun. As killer, I kind of miss the anxiety I felt picking up a player that might have it, as survivor it's a little saddening that killers are now free to tunnel, but nothing is more satisfying than being that survivor who smashes a DS on a killer

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    Takes less than 30 seconds to get healed, bad point. Try again. Nurf didn't change that.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Extremely unlinkely? I used to get hit by old ds like 3 times a match, nowdays I didn't get hit once, and people still had ds in their matches. Sorry, but 60 seconds of immunity was too much. It was supposed to be an anti-tunneling perk, but you could get punished for it after the "tunneled" survivor finished doing a gen, healed someone and meanwhile I also hooked someone else.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I have 3.500 hours as survs. And yes, DS is trash now

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited April 2021

    OK fine, old DS let survivors do whatever the ######### they wanted for almost a whole solid minute. It promoted cocky behaviour and trashy playstyles, it was a low-risk high reward perk similar to NOED (which is also in need of a desperate change) Let's also talk about teams who stacked DS and unbreakable + maybe BT, dead hard, you name it. Turning the whole match into a second chance fiesta.

    New DS at least forces survivor to use their brain cells and think carefully about what their next action should be. And helps you deal with tunneling and I mean real tunnel.

    Conclusion: Old DS granted a god mode to survivors for 60 seconds. New DS helps to deal with tunneling and you can't abuse it as much as you could before.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    There were posts about tunneling every single day before the DS change. I honestly don't think there's any significant spikes in tunneling after the DS nerf. I don't think people realize this enough.

    DS is not a deterrent when a killer has made the determination that tunneling was the appropriate choice.

    DS was, and still is, merely a factor that a killer would consider when making that determination. Most of the time, when I made that determination or when I just couldn't be bothered looking for another survivor instead of the unhooked one, I'd just eat it..

    The problem is that DS, before, used to be a guaranteed potential 60 seconds of invulnerability after an unhook. Allowed survivors to make ridiculously aggressive plays without it having any risk for them at all, and it allowed situations where a killer could not make any meaningful choice against certain survivors when combined with other perks or in an organized team.

    Now, DS is exclusively a safeguard perk. It protects you one time after you've been outplayed and hooked and a teammate unhooked you, and it does nothing more than that. It's still a useful perk to cause the killer trouble for tunneling you. But it's not the ridiculous safeguard it was before, so because it's not ridiculous survivors decided it's not worth their time anymore so they just don't run it. That is 100% their choice.

    Tunneling is a necessity in several matches, and you will see even good killers, or killers widely regarded as very good engaging in it when a match calls for it, because as much as people don't like to admit it, it's just a strategy. It can be a risk for the killer. You can leave ample time for survivors to do gens and you risk eating a DS and investing too much time in a survivor that can loop very well. This is okay. You're making a choice of what you want to do, weighing the benefits vs the risks and getting punished or rewarded based on your plays after that decision.

    Some survivors want to see tunneling as a spiteful, vindictive thing a killer does to ruin their time. I guess some killers do that. Most of the time it's just a strategy, sometimes to cement a victory early, other times as a desperate last ditch effort.

    Also some survivors have such broad definitions for what they consider tunneling that at this point you can't even be sure what exactly they mean. Like, I enjoy looking at the VODs of streamers I go against cuz I wanna see the game from their perspective. Sometimes I could literally let a person do an entire gen after they've been unhooked, and just because they didn't get the chance to heal when i end up chasing them again, they'll call me a tunneler. This term is inconsistently used at best, and dishonestly used at worst, and should not be the basis for any serious decision on balance unless clarified.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    the purpose of the DS change was to make it a true anti tunnel perk because it was heavily abused by SWF so now when you get unhooked you have to be careful on your decisions based off of what your next move will be. I still think DS is a great perk especially when you can save it for EGC unless the killer takes the stun earlier, that way you can use it at a very decisive moment and it can help you survive.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Can you explain why it then only works if you are tunneled once, but not if you are tunneled again? Why should an anti-tunnel-perk work only once? Killer perks dont work just once if they are narrow, do they?

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    "Extremely unlikely"!!!! are you kidding me dude, I am by no means the best killer in the world i'd say im marginally above average and i've been hit by 55 second DS's many times.

    It is not that hard to down multiple survivors in a short amount of time if a team is being dumb and grouping up especially against very snowball heavy killers like Oni, Bubba, huntress or any of the other top tier killers.

    Its not all that uncommon for you to have 2 people hooked somewhat close together then only to have go after a person you saw on BBQ and have the last guy unhook the other 2 and in that time you've downed and hooked your current chase the other 3 have all healed each other and now you have 2 out of 3 targets you can go for with DS up, smart people with old DS would have the last person go do a gen and the other 2 work on getting your attention so the other can go for a rescue. All this can happen in easily 30 seconds depending on the map, then downing a survivor in those remaining 30 seconds also can be cake walk if the survivor messes up or starts a chase in a dead zone so then you have the option to slug them and risk an unbreakable play or pickup and risk a DS stun either way you now have the risk of having to either wait out DS and let all 3 other survivors do gens uncontested or hope that the person you downed doesnt have a small pp build. This isnt even mentioning the various ways survivors could force a pickup

    Scenarios like that were all too common where a killer whose time is 4 times more valuable would be wasted no matter what they did because of DS. You have to remember DBD matches are a race to see who can complete their objective faster and 4 old DS is up to 240 seconds of a head start. Which you shouldn't need me to tell you that how much of a detriment that could be if used properly.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    If you can progress the game by healing, unhooking, doing gens, then you cant complain about the killer progressing the game too. Why is it ok for one side and not for the other? Survivors shouldn't be able to undo killers work just because they deem it "unfair".