Changes to getting new perks and such

I saw a post from another user (@wisdomwielder ) talking about how this game is becoming increasingly pay to win. I do agree to an extent as more and more killers and perks are being locked behind paywalls it's harder to both play or even try out killers you want and get perks on both surv and killer side.
First off I think getting shards should be easier, maybe more per rank up or like in the post I saw have them be on the free part of the rift. I personally think the free part of the rift is wayy too empty and needs more things other than one thing per like ten levels.
The other change I think needs to happen is have perks in the shrine cost less shards. Getting shards is a large time commitment and if you want a certain perk in the shrine but you can't buy it in time by next week then you are pretty much screwed, it's gone for wayy too long.
One big change I think that would be really nice is making it so more perks pop up in the shrine. 4 perks in this point of dbd is useless. There are currently 170 perks in dead by daylight and that number will only ever increase. That means currently if you want a certain perk and can't or won't spend money you have a pretty much 2% chance of getting it in any given week. Adding more perks to the shrine per week would greatly alleviate this issue and if the devs wanna not change shard prices I think this would only make people want to spend more shards.
One idea that I had that I thought would be interesting is having the chance to unlock any perk in the game once per month or week or whatever. Whether that's through shards or free idk what would be better. This however, could be locked behind a challenge, perhaps play 20 games in a month or week and have this opportunity to unlock a perk. This could even scale so playing 50 games including the past 20 you get to unlock another perk. I think this would be a good change to incentivize both old and new players. New players kinda get doubly screwed on the perk front as most veteran players will have a few shrine perks of they haven't bought any dlc. Veteran players would also be incentivized as well as getting new perks is fun, and most would probably try new perks and new combos they wouldn't try before.
All in all I think these changes would help to alleviate the pay to win issues and the ever growing perk gap between old and new survivors.