Why would anyone tunnel?

As a survivor main I keep asking myself why would anyone ever hard tunnel. I can understand face camping, but I really can't comprehend tunneling. If I'm really angry from a SWF match I just play Spirit or Hag sweating a bit and I chill, so I don't really think anger causes tunneling. Why do you guys think certain killers tunnel?
Because its effective.
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they brang keys last second, ended upset and flamming me
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I feel it's super unsporting and boring BUT tactically it's the best thing a killer can do for themselves.
One less survivor (especially if there are two or more gens left) is a hell of a hole for survivors to dig themselves out of. It's certainly not IMPOSSIBLE to win down a survivor but it's incredibly difficult.
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You're totally correct. So many ways to fairly get wins as killer yet some of them tunnel for some yet unknown reason. Also, Hag is like really braindead (she has a skill ceiling but easy to pick up) so anyone can do well as her.
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Its literally just the best strategy. A 1v3 is so much easier than a 1v4. For example if you get a hook in a 1v3 it guarantees more or less 0 gen progress. You chase 1 person, have one guy on the hook and the last guy has to go unhook. With a 4th survivor there is almost always a survivor if not multiple sitting on a gen no matter what
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Thats actually a super valid point, I'll take it
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But really, don't they EVER think like you and try to do different things? Tunneling is very unethical at least from my pov.
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A survivor on death hook does generators just as fast as an unhooked survivor.
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Generally one would tunnel when there is no feasible above-ground route to their destination.
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Why wouldn’t I?
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Because its effectively impossible to win with one or two gen(s) left unless you tunnel someone out of the game out of the game or pull of a 4 man slug.
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Some times it is out of anger i had a match a while back with a really good Steve, he was running me really good and when the first gen popped i bailed on him. He then proceeded to sabo save on 3 of my first 4 downs, i was pissed so i threw the game, managed to catch him going for an unhook and then camped and tunnelled him dead i didnt care if i lost the game and got a 1k as long as it was steve.
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I think it should also be said that it's not all on the killer - the survivors need to make tunneling a difficult option. Like others have said, getting someone out of the game early is a big advantage. Most killers won't be like "oh I just hooked Meg, even though she's my only option to chase right now I'll look for someone else".
Now killers who completely ignore other survivors and just zero in on one person is a different story and, yeah, it sounds pretty frustrating. Tru3ta1ent put a video on YT of him being tunneled - that's what I would consider unfair tunneling (although it is still a valid tactic).
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I don't tunnel unless I feel like I am being disrespected. The most common time I find myself tunneling is when it's a 4-man SWF and they keep going for unhooks within like three seconds of the hook. Like, sure, I'll go somewhere else and let the unhook happen, but unhooking that fast says to me, "I think you're such a ######### killer that you can't even do anything about it when I unhook right next to you." So I'll turn around, down the recent unhook, pick them up, hit one of the bodyblockers, drop the survivor, hit the other two bodyblockers, pick the first one back up and hook, pretend to "chase" the team's bait away from the hook, then turn around three seconds later and down the just-unhooked survivor again.
Survivors seem to have all these rules on killer etiquette, but it appears that most people believe that if you're the survivor you can do whatever you want. That sequence of events described above is what happened in my last match. But added to that, obviously you had flashlight clicking, t-bagging behind dropped pallets, etc. So their strongest looper (who really went out of her way to prove it to me for the first two minutes) got tunneled and I got a 4k because I left the two weakest players for last, who naturally tried to imitate the stronger players but couldn't pull off the same tricks. No doubt their red-ranked friends were raging at them in comms for not saving them and outplaying the terrible killer, because in my experience people like that can't help but rage.
tldr; Don't start nuthin', won't be nuthin'. At least in my case.
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two reasons
- confirms a kill
- cute cosmetic I wanna see it longer
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As someone that relatively new to the game I find it quite bizarre that tunneling is so frowned upon as a tactic. You can generally tell within the first few minutes if you need to tunnel someone out the game to stand a chance at winning. Going into mid to late game versus a strong team when you still have 4 players is pretty much a lose.
Iike if I see 2 rapid gens pop and my totems destroyed in under a minute I'll try and take the weakest player out of the game ASAP and look at trying to secure 3-4 gens in close proximity. If I feel like the game is going okay at the start I'll usually chase the unhooker or just slug person who's been unhooked and leave them to be healed.
Sometimes I'll tunnel a player to keep them away from totems, because I know the first thing they're going to do when unhooked is head back to my totems and remove my perks, especially if they find my totems in the first few minutes.
Ideally you don't want to tunnel anyone out the game early because you will probably get less points and quite often other solo players will pretty much give up if someone goes down too fast, but sometimes it's a necessary tactic if you want to stand any chance of winning at the mid to late game.