Dead Hard = Hacking

As a killer this perk causes my game to freeze every single time its used. It's the most frustrating perk to go against in the game, because even if you plan for it, your game freezes and the survivor is completely gone. Does anyone else have this problem?
I have my own gripes with Dead Hard, but you can hardly call people using it hackers.
Sounds like there's an issue with your game. I've never had freezing issues like you are describing.
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Think it's your game/computer/console that's the issue, not the perk.
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yeah... never had this happen, sorry buddy.
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This problem is not uncommon on console. For people with frame-drop issues, Dead Hard is not the only thing that causes it, but it's one of the major ones. For some of us, every little thing causes frame drops, including the killer getting a hit, someone opening a chest, status effects, 360ing, and just basically anything that's not simply standing still.
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That is an issue with your system, bruv.
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Back when I started playing this game in 2018, I always thought Dead Hard was survivor lag that caused me to lose chases. Took me a while to learn the existence of the perk, lol.
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To be fair, Dead Hard didn't actually have an animation indicating its use until June 2018.
Prior to that, the Survivor kind of just ran really quickly for a couple of meters. I imagine that could look similar to someone rubber banding due to lag, so perhaps that is what you're referring to?
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Nah it was actual Dead Hard, the animation was there and everything I believe, it was back in December 2018 when I started playing. It could have been rubber banding too maybe, who knows.
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Dead hard sucks but people using it aren't cheating lol. If that's what you're trying to imply.
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So, I am on console, and we do experience frame rate drops on every action that any survivor takes, so there's that. Dead Hard seems to be the most disruptive frame rate dropping action in the game. I'll revise this from hacking to "an unfair exploit" because it's a perk that will cause the killers frame rate to drop. It's like getting hit with Smash Hit in the open field. I also suspect that players know this and run it for that reason. Im obviously annoyed my game freezes when someone vaults a window or drops a pallet, but that's whatever, it seems more fair than someone equipping a perk that gives them a speed burst and nukes my frame rate.
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Also, it reminds me of the exploit in Resident Evil Resistance when the Mastermind could switch frame camera to camera really fast to make the survivors lag out. They're not actually doing anything wrong, but it's really lame, and an unfair exploit.
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As much as I hate this perk, using it isn't hacking.
And I'm saying this as a fellow console player.
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No I dont because I'm the survivor 🤭
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If the game wasn't in crossplay i would maybe say you're right, but now it's, so the player that will use it, are probably pc player, that want simply use dead hard, so it's not an unfair exploit, it's just bad optimization, even tho i play in ps4 and i never saw something like this, but i take your words for true.
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Sorry bud just got to get used to it. Yes this happens to me as well every single time someone dead hards I actually just swing now so I don't get spun by it anymore (seems to help) which means I can't just bait dead hards. However that being said I still win and maintain rank 1 so theres that. Also sloppy butcher on survivor side does this, and other status effects so it's not just you as killer getting effected so "hacking" bad word for it "Exploit" not any better. People playing this game can use anything they want and people need to suck that fact up like for real. Blame the devs for ######### console optimization not players using a perk.
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Blame the devs for [BAD WORD] console optimization not players using a perk. You're right about that.
As a console player, I know the frame rate drops are just part of the game, so I do play to them, and still maintain red ranks. Its just annoying that theres this obvious and consistent problem that I know will not get fixed, and I have chase after chase get ruined by it. Obviously people can use any perk that they want, but if there was a problem with Head On, for example, that allowed a survivor to stun a killer 3X the distance away, the devs would fix it. Or any other example where a perk was doing things outside their intended usage, it would probably get fixed. I guess optimizing console would be the way to fix it, and that's prob not an easy task for devs, so Dead Hard/frame rate dropping on console is just a baked in nuisance that you have to play with and plan for.
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Yes to all your points. Don't get me wrong it sucks that we have to adapt to that kind of playstyle while others don't but it can be done. If you love the game you can adjust to anything and hell maybe one day they will fix it.🙄
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FPS drops as a result of perks is a problem on your end. If you're playing on console it doesn't help.
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I have this problem with Huntress hatchets. The game spotloads, freezes for a second, and then it is -always- a hit, in disregard of my position and the hatchet's trajectory.
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That's not the fault of the player, that's the fault of the dev's who refuse to optimize console framerates and frame drops.
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I know, but Ive thought of running it every game as survivor because I know it will screw over a killer on console, and that's just not a great situation to put console players in.