Got tunneled for 5 gens

Ok so I was playing p2 adam on game. So this trickster starrs chasing me, iloop him for 5 gens. (Fr to when gates where powered he finally downed me and I got face camper. Funny thing is that in ps chat he messaged me ggez when he camped and tunneled. And before you say ds nit veverybody has 6 spare dollars and time laying around to get ds as a teacabke.
Also sorry for bad grammerim on mobile
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Sounds like you embarrassed him and he facecamped to salvage one kill. He then laughably says ggez to further irritate you and it sounds like it worked!
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No one cares. Trickster is a laughably weak killer and you shouldn't be impressed with yourself for looping him for any decent amount of time.
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After a certain point it's not about killing everyone just the one person you've invested the time in. Can't speak for that killer but if I'm going to throw a match for a single person it's usually an object of obsession user.
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Killer main alert
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He didnt evenirritate me lol im jus saying bhvr shoukd fix tunneling. Idrc abt the facecamping cos my team made it out
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Literally l i had was deliv spinechill and orem.
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You should be proud and happy with the outcome. If you did what you describe, you won the game for your team. I'd be pleased as punch if I wasted a Killer's time for 5 Generators.
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What is there to fix? The killer got 1 kill and depipped. The other 3 survivors got to escape.
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I mean true lol. I am happy, i just dont like having to constantky hold down l1 cos im always getting chased. Like gimme a break.
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I mean i double piiped bht j just wanted a break. Keep in mjnd jm injured all game.
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Exactly. If a killer is willing to fruitlessly chase you for an enitre 5 gens as the OP is saying, then what game mechanism could possibly prevent that? None.
I have a ton of escapes as survivor, but I'm admittedly not very good in a chase. If I can pull 2 or 3 gens out of a chase, those are the moments I savor more than any others. I had a game where I got tunnelled for the whole match after being the 1st hooked (killer ate a DS, I was hooked a 2nd time, was saved by a teammate with a flashlight from death hook, then finally sacrificed). I depipped, but everyone else on my team got out, and I honestly didn't care that I died -- it was worth it.
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Games like that are what high level survivors live for. People measure the success of their chases by how many gens got done. A 5 gen chase is the dream.
Pat yourself on the back. You won the game for your team. Also the killer threw the match by only targeting you in a 4v1, but that's his problem, not yours.
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You were chased for 5 gens not tunneled :)
From what you were saying- if you got hooked before the end then yea I'd say tunneled as well
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He's a weak killer yes, but thats on the player for not being able to down a single survivor
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dang you got tunneled for 5 gens??? Honestly you should still feel like you won the game anyway but I'm sorry that happened.
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You're complaining that you were so much better then the killer that the killer lost EVERY SINGLE GENERATOR before they downed you?
What is a good survivor game to you if that's not it?
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Doesn't have 6 spare dollars? How did you even afford the game lmao
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Those killers who write ggez or yawn LOL want a response just dont give it to them. I usually say GG at the end of almost every game and do not wait for a response. Some toxic players will draw you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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that's still tunneling, if the killer threw the game chasing one person that's a tunnel lol
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Lost legendary usrrname on the planet
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I got hooked at two gens but i got saved.
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Ok thanks for saying it
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You can't fix tunneling considering you got perks and teammates to prevent or delay this .
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Ds is locked behind a paywall.if bhvr can take forever to fix bugs then im no giving them my 🤑
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Hate to break it to you, but DS was in the Shrine on February 17, barely two months ago.
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Its still not free forever whenever.
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Other than the very basic characters, what is? (Considering that a number of meta perks -- Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Iron Will, PT, and other useful perks like Self-Care, Bond, and Quick & Quiet are all free with the basic game, playing survivor has a high number of solid perks free right out the gate). A perk in the Shrine is 2000 shards (2700 if it's in for the first time), which is literally nothing if you've been playing the game for any time whatsoever. If you're ar risk of being tunnelled, saving 2000 shards for a perk as potentially game-changing as DS is an easy, no-brainer investment.
When I first started a year ago, before I invested a ton of playing time into the game, I still was adding up shards quickly and made sure I always had at least 2000 on hand for a crucial perk that might fall into the shrine. I'll assume you were playing 2 months ago -- if you didn't have the shards available when DS showed up in the Shrine, that's ... unlucky, I guess?
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Well, first of, if you were able to loop him for 5 gens, then i would argue that you and your team were carried by bad matchmaking, because obviously there was a high skill difference.
Then, if all gens are done, there is nothing left he can do, so of course he camps. And, since you spent most of the game together, you can stay together in the end.
You won easy, and he managed to secure his one kill. Move on.
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I wasn't talking about Ds. You can use other perks considering I don't use it and have been tunnel.
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Damn I wish I could loop someone for 5gens and still complain lol
Seriously tho, solo survivors should earn more BP than they are now.
And the survivor who loops killer for a long time like you did, should be rewarded from the BP their teammates earned by doing gens and stuff while you were in chase.
Cause looping someone for too long and die on first hook, and maybe even depip is dumb. Those survivors who arent chased whole game should share their BP from gens with you imo
That way people wont get pissed after not gaining anything and also it would promote healthier gameplay to make survivors want to get chased too and not just stealthy gen M1 holding experience
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What were your perks?
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I had delivernce hope were gOnna live forever and spinechill
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Facts kplol in the entire match i inly gota 12k bp
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I was rank 15 he was rnk 9.
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While i dont believe the "rank means nothing" attitude, rank is no measurement for skill in this game. A lot of players have no skill or game sense at all, and still are in red ranks, because the embleme system works it out in the long run. On the other side, through deranking every month, even highly skilled players can have a low rank, depending on how often they play. So it means nothing.
But sitll, being able to loop a killer for 5 gens shows the skill difference, because the killer wasn´t able to get you, even through bloodlust, and wasn´t experienced enough to just drop the chase.