Keys really need to be fixed

I don't understand how it's fair with this chest bug going on survivors being able to key out when they 3 gen themselves. I still don't know why keys haven't been nerfed yet even though ebony's got absolutely destroyed months back. Yet keys are prevalent in every single game, and teams that 3 gen themselves get a free get out of jail card, because they messed up. I don't normally complain about either side things, but this is kind of getting a bit dumb. Franklins doesn't do anything, because survivors literally hide the keys most of the time.
Keys did not nerfed yet. Wait for update dude. And they are still working on new hatch. So we will just wait.
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I know they aren't nerfed yet, but I'm still saying with the chest bug going on where a key pops up pretty much every single round 95% of the time, and there being a little counter play, because survivors hide the keys. Most of the time it feels like you don't have very many options, but to slug before it gets down to 2 gens if you want to at least 3-4k.
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I really hate keys.
I see them in the majority of my matches now.Either they bring them themself or get one easily out of a chest,which is also why you see more people using hatch offerings.
I'm kinda getting tired of panicking when i suddenly see a key and more or less being forced to tunnel those survivors with a key.
I just want to play normal games,that's all.
Don't get why they can't just change hatch spawn conditions to either the last survivor remaining in the trial or all gens getting done.
But then again,BHVR is always really slow with super easy changes🤷♂️
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Sometimes i have same issue. And i can feel, it is so annoying. But most of my matches keys are not problem. I still have 4K. And we cant do anything except waiting. We knows devs working on keys and hatch. So we just can hope they will fix soon.
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Honestly I don't think it would be that bad if they just fixed the chest bug, because I still saw them frequently, but now there being a key virtually every game, because it's so easy to pull one out of a chest along with other purple items which honestly is ridiculous. Whenever I do play survivor I pretty much get something purple every game, because of the bug. People literally can burn a hatch offering and a coin every game and guarantee a key if they mess up with gens, which that's their own fault, and should be punished for it. Not some outdated mechanic that shouldn't be in the current state it is in right now.
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I didn't pay attention to this until I started opening chests for a challenge that I hadn't done yet. Everyone's right, 50 percent of the time I open a chest it's likely to have a key inside. I'm currently running down all of my character's items so that they can be used up rather than just deleted when I prestige, and it's gotten to the point that I'm literally just walking up to other survivors and leaving keys or flashlights on the ground for them. I figure someone might as well use them.
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Keys do need to be fixed, I hate it when I find broken ones.
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Yes, and that's a serious problem. Keys are pretty much free candy right now which is just a little too much.
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Even as a survivor main I have to agree.
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I had some survivor argue with me earlier about how the chest bug was fair, and that I deserved for them to key out, because I 3 gen'd them. Even though I do get 2 people keying out frequently I normally don't complain about it, but I just finally cracked after earlier, because it happens way too often. I don't even count them as losses, because it's just not fair.
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Yeah they're really annoying. We've been waiting months for this change and I'm willing to bet they'll still be strong and useful after their nerf unlike mori's.
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I only bring mori's to style on people, because they are useless otherwise lol.
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Keys and hatch is the only thing keeping killrates what they are. Freddy would have a 95% killrate. Everyone knows you can't open the gates against a Ruin+Tinkerer Freddy. It's the only bit of hope there is most matches.
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Freddy isn't even that good though. Sluzzy we need to have a conversation on how to counter freddy. Just press W and pre drop pallets. I'm pretty sure freddy's high kill rate is more than likely people opt'ing out on first hook against him like they usually do.
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Nah. There's nothing fair about survivors getting game-changing items virtually every time they find a chest. Any survivor main who makes that argument just wants to have an easy advantage.
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Yea even after 200+ hours on Trickster Mother's dwelling is his worst map literally almost every loop counters his power with not much you can do, but play off of position survivors like I usually do, but it still isn't fun. It just depends though like keys are still a problem no matter how you cut it in my opinion.
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all they're doing to hatch is making so it shuts after 10 seconds when a key is used.
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I'm pretty sure the reason it's taking this long for keys to get reworked is because I guess they're "harder" to rework than moris. I've heard that the key escape stats are low but I don't think I'd wanna go by stats because they happen way more often than that lol.
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Now they are happening like at an alarming rate since a key pretty much gets pulled every single match lol.