I'm gonna start lobby dodging keys

Only in DBD do you lose strictly because you played well. "Oops. I killed a survivor. Now the rest get hatch." Hatch in itself is the biggest crutch that ever was, but keys are on another level of crutch. Why am I even gonna play a killer match if survivors have an item that guarantees an escape? Even when they don't have a key they can DC 'tech' aka exploit so their teammate can have the hatch. "But if they had to DC, that means you're good and you should be happy!" Small comfort to me considering I got a black pip because I was robbed of 2 sacrifices, and after all that hard work as well. Key using SWFs get ready for your very long match queue times to be extended by lobby dodgers like myself, which is a problem that you yourself have created.
Just be careful not to put keys at the last second or appear in a chest.
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I do feel keys are too overpowered for sure. They need some form of nerf, especially the fact that if someone has one, and they’re the last one alive, basically means a free escape for them, since even if the killer closes it, they can’t do anything against it, which is stupid.
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Enjoy? Also you care way too much
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I care about fairness, which most people must not because they think hatch is the flawless gem of this game.
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just use franklins to counter it it always works for me
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To be fair this is the only game where the killer can play very well and "mostly win" but the games forced into a draw because 2 survivors escape through hatch. Even in normal circumstances if i want the 4k this is the first game i know that just straight up gives the other team still a chance to win unless ya slug for the 4th. The hatch seems like a weird mechanic for a multiplayer game.
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You haven't been dodging keys?
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completely depends on your personal definition of "winning" and "losing"
its just as fair as anything else in the game, how fair is it that someone plays on a laptop barely able to run the game against someone who runs it on a super high end 120 fps pc?
how fair is it that someone who is deaf goes against someone completely able bodied?
how fair is it that someone runs the full meta and the other is just having fun with some quircky perks or maybe no perks at all?
a key is just an item, you know what it does, you care too much about the outcome if it truely bothers you so much that some people will escape with it, do you really have to kill everyone? does that somehow help you in your daily life? and if so....is that not in of itself an indication that something is wrong?
Ill say it again, you care too much: the match starts? oh someone is at the door, ill go get that, "some time later", alright im back, hey 1 gen remaining, well lets see if I can farm up some points still, last gen pops, all escape. Lets see...nope I did not lose any bloodpoints, infact I GAINED bloodpoints, oh I lost some rank? well... i mean im purple rank and got matched up with 3 red ranks and 1 purple so besides it not affecting literally anything at all, it does not even really affect matchmaking, moving on to the next game.
^that should be your attitude man, it does not matter, non of it does, its just a game, move on to the next match.
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Its funny when people care about fairness but only adress the one point thats unfair and ignore the rest that might be working for them.
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Maybe flawless but it's causing alot of problems both sides.
Killer side :
Too many keys
EG open but still get that one toolbag standing over the hatch go make a point he's losing.
Losing out sacrifices .
2 survivors left in the game 2 gens left, 1 of those survivors camping the hatch and not doing a gen to get out together.
2 survivors left in the game, 1 survivor is hooked the first time and refuses to help you off because they've found the hatch they've been camping for 10 minutes.
So the hatch really should only be allowed to use if you have FOUND a key once it spawns.
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This game wasn’t meant to be taken this seriously. Just accept it and go on to the next match
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They'll just get one from a chest anyways, lol.
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There's still a chest bug lol
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Well you are probably going to dodge 1 lobby from 100 so who cares lol.
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Just bring franklins...
Don't listen to any of these dumbass survivor mains that say its useless it won't do anything....Trust me
They wouldn't be complaining if it didn't sting to lose a key.
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Devs have talked also agreed keys have issues. Unfortunately keys have been about the same for forever.
You can bring Franklin's as an option (a bad option but an option nonetheless).
It is lame there isn't any counterplay to keys besides one specific perk that has a good chance of not working anyways
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I don't mind that at all, can't even remember the last time I actually brought a key personally.
Doubt it'll cause any serious additional queue times though. Once a lobby is formed, in my experience any survivor(s) or killers that leave the already formed lobby are very quickly replaced, I'd imagine already formed lobbies missing players are prioritized to be "filled up" as soon as possible.
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Good luck man... Im a killer main and i know how stressful are the keys. God bless im a bubba main, and you know what i can do when im angry.
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Just hide the key somewhere and now you've wasted a perk slot.
Franklins isn't really good against keys
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Yep it should have the old effect plus the new one.
Every items that is drop on the floor will be taken away by the entity after 90s
Every time the killer hit a survivor with an item, the item lose 20% of it's charges & drop on the ground.
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No point, chests drop them like crazy now so you can avoid a lobby with keys but have multiple people carry them later in the trial... totally not a bug being ignored
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Yeah, each time I find a random key I know I have to hide it or I'll get tunnelled (and it's fair, I hate brought key too). You have a key, you hide it, and the killer won't be able to do anything (unless he literally stomps on your team, you're bad and he's very efficient).
Brought keys have to lose their power to save everyone, and just be a player's aura reading.
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The devs just need to change the hatch spawn conditions to either last survivor remaining in the trial OR all gens done,make the broken key somehow usefull and tweak some addons.
That's it.
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Keys have been ridiculously common lately. I used to not care, but now I indeed avoid any lobby with a key. Just not worth the effort. I'll stop avoiding them when they rework keys XD
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Id do
1. Hatch only spawn for last survivor if 3 gens are completed. If not, survivor gets 2 minutes before EGC starts.
2. keys given 10 seconds to open hatch
3. Keys only open for that single survivor
4. Reduce spawn rate of keys in chests
5. Give broken key more use
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I have never seen anyone saying the hatch is a flawless mechanic? And pretty much everyone agrees that changes to key/hatch (which have been confirmed) is something good...
but.. how do you even define fairness in this game? That’s a very subjective topic. You may say that the hatch is unfair but I bet there are many survivors that played against you that accused you of being unfair? Do you care about their take on fairness or just your own?
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Good ol Face camping bubba 🤣
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it's a waste of a perk slot, I'll probably use it if I see something like 2 toolboxes and 2 medkits.
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But how do you make broken keys more useful??
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Add-ons for keys and increase energy for broken key
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I was maybe gonna suggest a basekit add on for broken keys.
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I tend to see a keyholder as a prime target. I don't tunnel because I prefer the challenge, but if a keyholder is amongst others doing a gen, then they'll be the one I'll take out first.
One round I ended one survivor then remembered a Jane had a key, so rather than search for gens I roamed around and saw them all together. Split them up; Jane got the hatch as I pressured her and the rest was easy pickings.
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Okay, everyone just stop saying "Just bring Franklin's."
Franklin's doesn't just delete every item and every chest in the game, and it doesn't "functionally" do that either.
It has counters. It takes up a perk slot. It takes a huge load of BP to get, and even more to bring up to a useful level.
Not everyone has Franklin's unlocked, and even if they do, they might not get it in their Bloodweb, or maybe they're already running it, but they realized that the problem that keys reward failure and putting in literally no effort to help your team with a free escape isn't exactly negated by spending a perk slot for a perk that rewards getting hits and can easily be countered by dropping the item before you get hit or just picking the item back up.
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I like that your post starts with, "I kill someone" and that's apparently a loss
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I do the same thing. But I've also found more survivors FINDING keys in chests lately too! So franklin's and tunneling are having to be more of thing now!
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It's every other lobby.
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They won't. The devs love to tease the players, especially the killers, that good changes are coming. And then they don't come, or they're handled horribly.
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Everybody and their mother says "hatch is fine", but it contributes to half the game's problems: mass slugging, slugging the last 2 survivors, keys, hatch camping, activating Adrenaline even though the gens weren't done, etc. Survivors usually don't have a right to complain about what's fair because they're the power role clearly and have tons of counters to pretty much anything the killer can do. Slugging: Unbreakable, tunneling: DS, camping: Kindred, chasing: exhaustion perks, gen defence: SWF.
So this game is pretty fair. For one side.
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I kill 1 person, the other 3 escape because of it, even though they didn't finish their objective. Fair and balanced, right?
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everybody says that hatch is needed, to avoid endless on going stealth games etc. Almost no one says it’s fine or flawless. EGC also already made it a slightly killer sided mechanic if keys aren’t involved and key rework has been confirmed to come.
Listing perks to counter these things is ridiculous. Killer can slug and camp and tunnel without any perk, just base mechanics. Also killers have addons and perks against many things that gets complained about. That doesn’t make the valid complains any less valid.
SWF is too strong, everybody agrees on that as well, but it’s also only the super coordinated sweat squad SWFs. People forget about casual SWFs.
this game is pretty damn unfair for solo/casual survivors.